
tech2024-02-22  83

GNU and Free Software Foundation founder Richard Stallman has some strong thoughts about the idea that some or all software should transition to the cloud, an idea that is backed by many of today’s software and computing giants including Google, Microsoft, Adobe, Amazon, and Apple. “It’s stupidity. It’s worse than stupidity: it’s a marketing hype campaign,” Stallman told the Guardian newspaper.

GNU和自由软件基金会的创始人Richard Stallman对某些或所有软件都应该过渡到云这一想法有很深的想法,这一想法得到了当今许多软件和计算巨头的支持,包括Google,Microsoft,Adobe,Amazon和Apple 。 “这是愚蠢的。 比愚蠢还糟:这是一场营销炒作,”斯托曼对《卫报》 说 。

Why does Stallman feel so strongly about cloud computing? It’s kind of hard to tell, but somewhere in his tirade is a cogent point out loss of consumer control when everything transitions to the cloud.

为什么Stallman对云计算如此强烈? 这很难说,但是在他的长篇大论中,有一个令人信服的观点指出,当一切都过渡到云时,消费者失去了控制。

One reason you should not use web applications to do your computing is that you lose control. It’s just as bad as using a proprietary program. Do your own computing on your own computer with your copy of a freedom-respecting program. If you use a proprietary program or somebody else’s web server, you’re defenseless. You’re putty in the hands of whoever developed that software. — Richard Stallman

您不应该使用Web应用程序进行计算的原因之一是您失去了控制。 就像使用专有程序一样糟糕。 使用尊重自由程序的副本在自己的计算机上进行自己的计算。 如果您使用专有程序或其他人的Web服务器,那么您将毫无防备。 无论开发该软件的人是谁,您都会腻子。 — 理查德·斯托曼

The reaction to Stallman’s rant on the blogosphere has been very mixed. More than one commenter on Hacker News has compared him to Don Quixote. But Stallman has something of a valid point, if expressed with perhaps more than a bit of hyperbole.

对Stallman的咆哮在博客界的React是非常复杂的 。 一位“黑客新闻”的评论家称他为唐吉x德 。 但是,如果斯托尔曼表达的也许有点夸张,那它还是有道理的。

Web applications do raise some inherent privacy concerns, as well as concerns about who actually owns the application you’re using and what happens to your data when you put it into the app. From the mainstream perspective, this has never been embodied for me better than in a conversation I had a few months ago with my girlfriend about Google Docs. At the time, I printed the conversation (paraphrased and heavily edited to remove the bits where I had to explain how various aspects of web applications work) in a post on ReadWriteWeb arguing the necessity for web apps on the desktop. That conversation is relevant here, too, though.

Web应用程序确实引起了一些固有的隐私问题,也涉及到谁真正拥有您正在使用的应用程序以及将数据放入应用程序后数据发生了什么变化。 从主流的角度来看,这对我而言,比我几个月前与女朋友就Google Docs进行的一次对话更好。 当时,我在ReadWriteWeb上的一篇文章中打印了该对话(对措辞进行了措辞和大量编辑,以删除我不得不解释Web应用程序各个方面的内容),并争论了台式机上Web应用程序的必要性 。 不过,该对话在这里也很重要。

Her: “So where are my documents stored?” Me: “On Google’s servers.” Her: “And I don’t actually own the software?” Me: “No, you just sort of rent it.” Her: “So if Google goes down, or decides to stop making Docs, they take my software and documents with it?” Me: “Theoretically that could happen, yeah.” Her: “And if there’s a security breach my documents are there for the taking?” Me: “Technically, yes.” Her: “That’s kinda creepy…. I don’t think I like that.”

:“那我的文件存放在哪里?” :“在Google的服务器上。” :“我实际上并不拥有该软件吗?” :“不,你只是租一下。” 她说 :“因此,如果Google破产或决定停止制作文档,他们会随身带上我的软件和文档吗?” :“理论上可能会发生,是的。” :“如果发生安全漏洞,我的文件可以拿走吗?” :“从技术上讲,是的。” :“真是令人毛骨悚然……。 我不喜欢我。”

I think her view is a fairly common one expressed by mainstream users. Rightly or wrongly, the idea that your documents (or photos, or videos, or whatever) and personal data are off somewhere on some server interacting with software that you have no control over, in an environment that you have no control over is a scary one. It will make cloud applications a tough sell for the mainstream.

我认为她的观点是主流用户表达的一种相当普遍的观点。 对或错,在您无法控制的环境中,您的文档(或照片,视频,或其他内容)和个人数据不在某个服务器上与您无法控制的软件进行交互的想法是对的之一。 它将使云应用程序成为主流的艰难卖点。

That’s why some companies are betting on the client plus the cloud as the future computing model. That might alleviate concerns users have about being locked into a single system, especially when combined with principles of data portability.

这就是为什么有些公司将客户端和云押注为未来的计算模型。 这可能会减轻用户对锁定在单个系统中的担忧,尤其是在与数据可移植性原理结合使用时。

Of course, Stallman’s rant went a bit over the top. Cloud computing is clearly not stupidity. The term may have been co-opted for marketing purposes and twisted over the past few years, but the general concept is sound and has promise.

当然,Stallman的咆哮声高居榜首。 云计算显然不是愚蠢的。 在过去的几年中,该术语可能已被选择用于营销目的,并且被扭曲,但是总体概念是合理的,并且很有希望。

