Microsoft Live Search开始Powerset集成

tech2024-02-22  95

Frederic Lardinois over at ReadWriteWeb noticed that Microsoft has already begun to integrate functionality from the Powerset search engine it acquired just over a month ago for a rumored price of $100 million. A post at the Powerset blog details which Powerset features have been added into Live.

ReadWriteWeb的 Frederic Lardinois 注意到 ,微软已经开始整合其一个月前以1亿美元的价格收购的Powerset搜索引擎的功能。 Powerset博客上的帖子详细介绍了Live中已添加的Powerset功能。

Powerset detailed three ways in which their technology has been integrated into Live search, each of which is consumer facing and can be viewed by all searchers. First, for many topics Live search will now return Answers or xRank biographies, which include topic summaries, related links, and data drawn from the Freebase database.

Powerset详细介绍了将其技术集成到实时搜索中的三种方式,每种方式都是面向消费者的,所有搜索者都可以查看。 首先,对于许多主题,实时搜索现在将返回Answers或xRank传记,其中包括主题摘要,相关链接以及从Freebase数据库中提取的数据。

The second integration is the addition of enhanced related search links on queries powered by Powerset’s Factz extraction technology. Finally, Powerset and Microsoft have turned on improved captions for results served from Wikipedia. Powerset says that they will be able to monitor the performance of Live Search’s summaries versus the ones generated by Powerset and figure out which are more accurate.

第二个集成是在Powerset的Factz提取技术支持的查询上添加了增强的相关搜索链接。 最后,Powerset和Microsoft为Wikipedia提供的结果打开了改进的标题。 Powerset表示,与Powerset生成的摘要相比,他们将能够监视Live Search的摘要的性能,并找出更准确的摘要。

It’s great to see Microsoft moving so fast to integrate some of Powerset’s technology, but this is likely not something that will help them gain market share from Google. We noted in July that in order to beat Google on technology you have to demonstrate vastly superior technology. And while better ranking of celebrity searches and key facts on queries about landmarks or cities is cool, it’s not going to get the masses to drop Google.

很高兴看到Microsoft如此Swift地整合Powerset的某些技术,但这可能不会帮助他们从Google获得市场份额。 我们在7月指出,要想在技术上击败Google,就必须展示出极为出色的技术。 虽然对名人搜索和对地标或城市的查询的关键事实进行更好的排名很酷,但这并不能使大众放弃Google。

