java nbc 算法

tech2024-02-22  113

java nbc 算法

The initial numbers suggest that online viewing numbers for their Olympics coverage in the US have been pretty good, though not as big as the hype. Over the first three days an average of 4.7 million users watched and average of just 3.6 million video streams on NBC’s site, according to ZDNet. The good news for NBC is that the total number of online viewers went up slightly each day, even as the number of television views dropped. And that’s also 4-times more than watched the Italian Winter games online in 2006, and about on par with the 4.7 million unique viewers who watched NCAA basketball in the US last March online.

最初的数字表明,美国奥运报道的在线观看人数相当不错,尽管不像炒作那样大。 根据ZDNet的数据,在前三天中,NBC网站上平均观看了470万用户,平均只有360万视频流。 对于NBC来说,好消息是,即使电视收视率下降了,每天在线观众的总数也略有增加。 这也是2006年在线观看意大利冬季奥运会的4倍 ,与去年3月在美国在线观看NCAA篮球的470万独特观众的观看次数相当。

The bad news, though, as ZDNet’s Tom Steinert-Threlkeld points out, is that NBC is streaming only about 2% of the number of videos that Google’s YouTube streams each day (and remember that YouTube also has some Olympics coverage outside the US). So even though NBC’s numbers have been good, they haven’t been close to a perfect 10.

不过,正如ZDNet的汤姆·史坦纳特·特雷尔克德(Tom Steinert-Threlkeld)所指出的那样,坏消息是NBC每天仅流播Google YouTube流媒体播放的视频数量的2%(并且请记住,YouTube在美国以外的地区也有奥运会报道 )。 因此,尽管NBC的数字不错,但还没有接近完美的10。

The Olympic video is also not proving very sticky. Average time spent on the site is just 15 minutes (on the high end). That’s actually more than the 2.7 minute average for web video reported in July. But given that so many Olympic events — especially team sports like football (soccer), volleyball, basketball, and water polo — take place over much more than 15 minutes, that’s not a great sign for the success of NBC’s online coverage.

奥运会录像带也不是很粘。 在NBCOlympics.com网站上花费的平均时间仅为15分钟(高端)。 这实际上比7月份报告的网络视频平均要多出2.7分钟 。 但是,鉴于如此多的奥林匹克运动会,尤其是诸如足球(排球),排球,篮球和水球之类的团体运动发生在15分钟以上,这并不是NBC在线报道成功的好兆头。

So why were NBC’s numbers only good and not great? The short online attention span is almost definitely a contributing factor. In a world where online viewers are generally used to watching videos under 3 minutes, long-form sports coverage just may not be attractive to many people. (Then again, Hulu has done very well, and it houses a large library of full-length television shows and feature films.)

那么,为什么NBC的数字只是好而不是好? 较短的在线关注时间几乎绝对是一个促成因素。 在一个在线观看者通常习惯于观看3分钟以下视频的世界中,长时间的体育报道可能对许多人来说并不有吸引力。 (然后, Hulu再次表现出色,并拥有一个大型的完整的电视节目和故事片库。)

Another reason could be the way that NBC schedules its television coverage. By doing things like tape delaying events to keep them in prime time, and putting US-centric events — such as female gymnastics and Michael Phelps’ swimming — on its flagship television channel after 8PM, it is diminishing the attractiveness of their online coverage to casual American fans.

另一个原因可能是NBC安排电视报道的方式。 通过做一些诸如延迟录像带的活动以使他们保持黄金时段,并在晚上8点以后将以美国为中心的活动(例如女子体操和迈克尔·菲尔普斯的游泳)放到其旗舰电视频道上,这正在削弱其在线报道对休闲活动的吸引力。美国球迷。

And of course, it could just be that the online coverage is not very good, suffering from poor navigation, so-so quality, and a complete lack of commentary. (Others disagree with that assessment.)

当然,这可能只是在线报道不是很好 ,遭受了导航不佳,质量一般以及完全缺乏评论的困扰。 (其他人不同意该评估。)

The ZDNet article also mentions that most people watch online Olympics clips together, with an average of 1.5 people watching each clip — which would lower the number of total streams, but actually increase the number of total users. However, it’s unclear how they are able to measure that.

ZDNet文章还提到,大多数人会一起观看在线奥运短片,平均每个观看者有1.5个人在观看,这会减少总视频流数量,但实际上会增加总用户数量。 但是,目前尚不清楚他们如何衡量。

NBC could see a bump in its daytime usage as the work week starts as people try to sneak Olympic-sized breaks at the office.



java nbc 算法
