
tech2024-02-23  94

According to GigaOm, P2P-based TV service Joost is planning to ditch its desktop client in favor of a completely web-based model. Om Malik reports that Joost will announce soon that it is dropping its downloadable client software in and instead will be launching a “small plugin that would embed itself in the browser and allow [users] to grab files using the P2P technologies.”

据GigaOm称 ,基于P2P的电视服务Joost计划放弃其桌面客户端,转而使用完全基于网络的模型。 Om Malik报道说,Joost将很快宣布将放下其可下载的客户端软件,而将启动“将嵌入到浏览器中并允许[用户]使用P2P技术抓取文件的小插件”。

The reason, says Malik, is the company’s client has lost traction as the online world has become less accepting of the need to download and install client software.


Developing a web-based version of Joost has long been on the wish lists of fans of the company. About a year ago, independent Flash developer Paul Yanez created Flash-based versions of a number of offline video players, as well as slick interfaces to online video sites. His Joost mockup could be a preview of what an online Joost player might look like.

长期以来,开发基于Web版本的Joost一直是该公司粉丝的心愿。 大约一年前,独立的Flash开发人员Paul Yanez 创建了许多离线视频播放器的基于Flash的版本 ,以及与在线视频站点的平滑接口。 他的Joost模型可能是在线Joost播放器外观的预览。

There have been hints that Joost has been planning this shift for awhile. In May, for example, Joost was advertising a job for a “Plug-in Developer” that required “Experience with scripting applications including FLASH.” And in June, Joost CEO Mike Volpi admitted that Joost had “a product that wasn’t quite right.”

有迹象表明Joost已经计划了这一转变一段时间。 例如,在5月,Joost为“插件开发人员” 招聘广告,该工作要求“具有脚本应用程序(包括FLASH)的经验”。 而在6月,Joost的首席执行官Mike Volpi承认 Joost的产品“不太合适”。

For Joost, the shift online might be too little, too late, though. Premium content is already available on an increasing number of heavy-weight sites — like Hulu for free, and Amazon’s new streaming service for a price — while free, user generated content is still dominated by YouTube.

对于Joost来说,在线上的转变可能太少,也太晚了。 优质内容已经在越来越多的重量级网站上提供,例如免费的Hulu和收费的亚马逊新流媒体服务,而免费的用户生成内容仍由YouTube主导。

We’re also not sure if ditching the desktop completely is the right way to go. Having a web-based component is probably a smart and necessary move for Joost (or nearly any application launch these days — especially those that so heavily rely on the web), but we’ve also talked about how important the desktop still is for rich Internet applications.

我们也不确定是否完全放弃桌面是正确的方法。 对于Joost(或当今几乎所有应用程序启动,尤其是那些非常依赖网络的应用程序)而言,拥有基于Web的组件可能是明智且必要的举动,但我们也谈到了桌面对于富人来说仍然多么重要 Internet应用程序。

“If RIAs are the future of the web — or even the future of computing — then offline/desktop access is supremely important. The browser is not a very good operating system, so being able to run applications on the desktop is an important transitional step toward [the] vision of Web 3.0 and the future of thin client computing,” we wrote in July. Of course, the release of Google’s Chrome browser this week, which is designed from the ground up to be an operating system for web applications, may have changed that a bit.

“如果RIA是网络的未来,甚至是计算的未来,那么脱机/桌面访问至关重要。 该浏览器不是一个很好的操作系统,因此能够在桌面上运行应用程序是向Web 3.0愿景和瘦客户机计算的未来迈出的重要过渡。” 当然,本周Google的Chrome浏览器的发布(从头开始设计为用于Web应用程序的操作系统)可能会有所改变。

