
tech2024-02-23  108


If the tumbling world economy has you worried, don’t despair: we’ve got your back. The Internet, as you may have heard, is a wonderful place, full of money making opportunities if you know where to look. Our list of 12 ways to make extra cash online will point you in the right direction. None of these ideas will likely net you a full time income on their own — though there are certainly people who have managed to do so with each — but a couple of them in tandem, or in addition to your usual freelance work or day job, can make you some much needed extra cash.

如果世界经济不景气让您担心,请不要绝望:我们得到了您的支持。 您可能已经听说过,互联网是一个很棒的地方,如果您知道在哪里看,它充满了赚钱的机会。 我们列出的12种在线赚取现金的方法将为您指明正确的方向。 这些想法都不会靠自己赚取全职收入-尽管肯定有人设法做到这一点-但其中有几个是串联的,或者除了您平时的兼职工作或日常工作外,可以为您带来一些急需的额外现金。

If you know of any others, we’d love to hear your money making tips. Please share them in the comments.

如果您认识其他任何人,我们很乐意听到您的赚钱技巧。 请在评论中分享。

自由项目 (Freelance Projects)

Even as companies are laying off workers left and right, that work still need to get done by someone. Often times, companies will turn to freelancers on a per project basis as a way to save money and get things done quickly. Further, for smaller, one-time projects, it doesn’t make sense for many companies to hire a full-time employee, so frequently they will turn to the freelancer marketplace. There are many places to look for freelance jobs, but the large bid-based job boards are a good place to start. eLance, Guru, ScriptLance, and sologig are some of the best known.

即使公司正在左右解雇工人,但这项工作仍需要由某人来完成。 通常,公司会在每个项目的基础上求助于自由职业者,以节省资金并快速完成工作。 此外,对于较小的一次性项目,许多公司雇用全职员工没有任何意义,因此他们经常转向自由职业者市场。 有很多地方可以找到自由职业,但是基于大型投标的工作委员会是一个不错的起点。 eLance , Guru , ScriptLance和sologig是一些最著名的。

成为话题专家 (Become a Topic Expert)

About.com provides users with a guided tour of the web’s best sites in a wide range of topical areas. Each area of the site is maintained by a paid guide who is an expert in that area. The job of a guide is one part blogger, one part directory curator, and one part columnist. There are always openings for new guides and compensation starts at $725 per month. Guides are paid based on the amount of traffic they bring in and some make in excess of $100,000 per year.

About.com为用户提供了广泛主题领域中的Web最佳站点的导览。 该站点的每个区域均由该领域的专家作为付费向导进行维护。 指南的工作是一个博客作者,一个目录策展人和一个专栏作家。 总是有新指南的空缺,每月起价为725美元。 导游是根据导游带来的流量支付的,有些导游每年的收入超过100,000美元。

作为设计师的月光 (Moonlight as a Designer)

More and more smart companies are turning toward design contests to crowdsource their design work and get professional-quality results more efficiently. For designers, contests offer a steady stream of potential clients and a way to build up their portfolios. The clear market leader in the space is SitePoint’s own sister site 99designs. With almost $3 million in prize money awarded, and hundreds of open projects at any one time, you’ll never lack for work. ReadWriteWeb has a good list of other contest sites for designers to find even more opportunities.

越来越多的聪明公司转向设计竞赛,以众包其设计工作并更有效地获得专业质量的结果。 对于设计师而言,竞赛为稳定的潜在客户群和建立投资组合提供了一种途径。 该领域明显的市场领导者是SitePoint自己的姊妹网站99designs 。 凭借将近300万美元的奖金和任何时候的数百个开放项目,您将永远不会缺少工作。 ReadWriteWeb提供了很多其他竞赛网站的列表 ,供设计师寻找更多机会。

卖东西 (Sell Your Stuff)

Becoming an eBay millionaire is far from a piece of cake, but making some extra money in tough economic times is definitely doable. We all have some stuff in the attic that we never use, have outgrown, or just no longer need. Put it up for sale on eBay or Craigslist and make some extra cash. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, after all.

成为eBay百万富翁并非易事,但在经济困难时期赚一些额外的钱绝对是可行的。 我们每个人在阁楼上都有一些东西,我们从不使用,不再使用或不再需要。 将其放在eBay或Craigslist上出售,并赚取一些额外的现金。 毕竟,一个人的垃圾是另一个人的财富。

兑现您的照片 (Cash in on Your Photos)

Amateur-produced stock photos are a huge business. Last year iStockPhoto paid out $20.9 million in royalties to contributors. So selling your photos is indeed a possible way to make some extra, passive income, and there are a number of places where you can try to sell your pictures. We recently published a list of 15 such stock photo web sites, many of which give bonuses for exclusivity.

业余制作的库存照片是一笔巨大的生意。 去年, iStockPhoto向贡献者支付了2090万美元的特许权使用费。 因此,出售照片确实是一种赚取额外的被动收入的可能方法,并且在很多地方都可以尝试出售照片。 我们最近发布了15个此类图片网站的列表,其中许多网站具有排他性的优势。

翻转网站 (Flip a Website)

Buying and selling web sites has also become big business, and unlike the house flipping market, the bottom hasn’t fallen out of the web site market. SitePoint’s Marketplace has grown into the web’s number one place to buy and sell web sites, and many people make a living doing just that.

购买和出售网站也已成为一项大生意,而且与房屋翻转市场不同,底部市场并未跌出谷底。 SitePoint的Marketplace已成长为网站买卖网站的第一名,许多人以此为生。

帮助人们搜索 (Help People Search)

If you’re good at finding things on the Internet, then you can make a few extra bucks helping people locate the information they need. Web search site ChaCha employs an army of search guides that help people do web searches. You won’t make big bucks doing it, but it’s not a bad way to make some spare change in your down time.

如果您擅长在Internet上查找事物,则可以多花一些钱来帮助人们找到所需的信息。 网络搜索网站ChaCha雇用了大量搜索指南 ,可以帮助人们进行网络搜索。 您不会为此付出大笔费用,但这并不是在停机时间进行一些零钱更改的好方法。

卖掉你的写作 (Sell Your Writing)

Finding a full-time job as a writer isn’t easy (trust me, I should know!), but selling your freelance writing (and audio, video, and images) has never been easier thanks to Associated Content. AC is a network of content producers that allows anyone to submit content and be paid for it when it is distributed to their partner sites. The site says it has paid out over $1 million to content producers.

找到全职作家不是一件容易的事(相信我,我应该知道!),但是借助Associated Content卖掉您的自由写作(以及音频,视频和图像)从未如此简单。 AC是一个内容生产者网络,它允许任何人提交内容并将其分发给合作伙伴网站时对其进行付款。 该网站说,它已经向内容制作者支付了超过100万美元。

命名产品 (Name a Product)

Even if you’re not a designer, you can still get in on the crowdsourcing action. NameThis is a contest site similar to 99designs, but rather than competing for design projects, users compete to come up with names for new products and services. If you fancy yourself a clever wordsmith, there is money to be earned at NameThis.

即使您不是设计师,也仍然可以参与众包行动。 NameThis是一个类似于99designs的竞赛网站,但用户竞争的不是为设计项目而竞争,而是为新产品和服务想出名字。 如果您喜欢一个聪明的词匠,可以在NameThis赚钱。

设计T恤 (Design a T-Shirt)

On the other hand, if you’re a design star, you may want to try your luck at t-shirt design for Threadless. Winning designs get $2,000 in cash, and $500 worth of free t-shirts, plus all the prestige that goes along with being a Threadless winner. Non-designers can submit slogans for a shot at a $500 cash prize.

另一方面,如果您是设计界的明星,那么您可能想尝试一下Threadless的 T恤设计。 获奖设计将获得2,000美元现金和价值500美元的免费T恤,外加成为无线程获胜者的所有声望。 非设计人员可以提交标语,以获得500美元的现金奖励。

做奇怪的工作 (Do Odd Jobs)

Amazon Mechanical Turk is a people-power API from Amazon that lets companies easily outsource tasks to humans. These tasks are often mundane, and don’t pay much on their own, but they can be a good way to make extra cash just by doing things like reviewing restaurants, evaluating search results, and rating videos.

Amazon Mechanical Turk是Amazon的人力API,可让公司轻松地将任务外包给人类。 这些任务通常很平凡,并且不需要自己付出太多,但是它们可以通过做诸如审查餐馆,评估搜索结果和对视频进行评级之类的活动来赚取额外现金,是一种不错的方式。

在您的博客上骗产品 (Shill Products on Your Blog)

Have a blog? If you want to make a little extra cash, PayPerPost offers a way to write sponsored blog posts about products and services for money. There are some ethical ramifications here, so we’d advise that you always clearly disclose when a post is paid and avoid jobs that require a positive review.

有博客吗? 如果您想赚点额外的现金, PayPerPost提供了一种撰写赞助商品或服务的博客文章的方法。 这里有一些道德方面的后果,因此我们建议您始终清楚地透露何时发薪,并避免需要正面评价的工作。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/12-killer-ways-to-make-extra-income-on-the-web/

