
tech2024-02-23  107

Inside Facebook is reporting that the MySpace Developer Platform, which was officially launched last March (at least, that’s when the app gallery opened to the public in beta), is growing at a healthy clip. Offerpal Media, a leading CPA advertising network for social web apps, such as those on the MySpace or Facebook platforms, tells Inside Facebook that MySpace now accounts for half of their business.

据Facebook内部报道 ,去年3月正式启动的MySpace开发者平台(至少是在应用程序库以Beta测试版向公众开放的时候)正在以健康的方式增长。 Offerpal Media是社交网络应用程序(例如MySpace或Facebook平台上的社交网络应用程序)的领先CPA广告网络,该公司告诉Inside Facebook,MySpace现在占其业务的一半。

“Roughly half of our overall business is now on MySpace,” Offerpal’s Director of Marketing Matt McAllister told Inside Facebook. “The real story here is how MySpace is beginning to rival Facebook in terms of developer activity.”

Offerpal的营销总监Matt McAllister对Facebook内部人士说:“目前我们整个业务的大约一半都在MySpace上。” “真正的故事是MySpace如何在开发人员活动方面开始与Facebook竞争。”

Indeed, I counted somewhere in the range of 95-120 new posts on Facebook’s developer forum over the past 24 hours (there was no easy way to do a precise count), and 154 new posts on MySpace’s over the same time period (their forum software gives an exact count). That’s not the greatest indicator of developer activity, but it is perhaps an indicator of developer enthusiasm, and it seems to be there on at least the same level at MySpace as at Facebook.

确实,过去24小时内,我在Facebook开发人员论坛上统计了95-120个新帖子(没有简单的方法来进行精确计数),而同期MySpace上则统计了154个新帖子(其论坛)软件会给出确切的计数)。 这并不是开发人员活动的最大指标,但可能是开发人员热情的指标,而且MySpace似乎至少与Facebook处于同一水平。

MySpace’s application directory still appears to list just 1,000 apps (have they stopped approving them or are they merely not doing a good job of reporting the total number in the app gallery?), while Facebook has almost 40,000 applications in its ecosystem. But MySpace’s top applications appear to rival Facebook in terms of actual use. The top few apps at MySpace are reported to have in the millions of active user (9.38 million for the top app, for example). It’s hard to compare to Facebook, since we don’t know how “active users” are measured at each site — the number of monthly active users at Facebook’s top app is around 22 million, but their old “daily active users” measure is more in line with MySpace app usage numbers for top applications. It’s easy to conclude that the top applications are very popular with users at both sites, however.

MySpace的应用程序目录似乎仍然只列出1,000个应用程序(它们是否已停止批准它们,或者它们只是没有很好地报告应用程序库中的总数?),而Facebook生态系统中却有近40,000个应用程序。 但就实际使用而言,MySpace的顶级应用程序似乎可以与Facebook竞争。 据报道,MySpace上排名前几的应用程序拥有数百万的活动用户(例如,顶级应用程序为938万)。 很难与Facebook进行比较,因为我们不知道每个站点的“活跃用户”是如何衡量的-Facebook顶级应用程序的每月活跃用户数量约为2200万,但他们过去的“每日活跃用户”数量更多与热门应用程序的MySpace应用程序使用次数一致。 很容易得出结论,顶级应用程序在两个站点的用户中都非常受欢迎。

More importantly, though, according to Offerpal, MySpace apps are converting. “We’re seeing most of our MySpace developer partners earning on average $75 per day for every 1,000 daily active users, with high-engagement apps raking in more than $200 per day per 1,000 DAUs. These numbers are pretty equivalent to what we’ve been paying out to Facebook developers,” said McAllister.

但是,更重要的是,据Offerpal称,MySpace应用程序正在转换。 “我们看到大多数MySpace开发人员合作伙伴每天每1000名活跃用户平均每天可赚取75美元,而高参与度的应用每1000个DAU每天可赚取200美元以上。 这些数字与我们已经付给Facebook开发人员的钱相当。” McAllister说。

For application developers, it clearly pays to be on every platform you can launch on.


