YouTube PPC广告是明智之举,绝非易事

tech2024-02-23  101

Yesterday, YouTube announced that it was adding pay per click ads to the site in the form of sponsored videos. Users and advertisers can now bid on targeted advertisements that run alongside search results on the site and push users toward specific clips. Erick Schonfeld over at TechCrunch thinks YouTube’s new ads are a sign of weakness. But we disagree.

昨天, YouTube宣布将以赞助视频的形式向网站添加每次点击付费广告。 用户和广告商现在可以对与网站搜索结果一起投放的目标广告出价,并将用户推向特定的剪辑。 TechCrunch的Erick Schonfeld认为YouTube的新广告是疲软的迹象。 但是我们不同意。

“Here is the stark reality of online video: nobody is making much money,” Schonfeld writes. “The writing is already on the wall. YouTube is resorting to selling off video search results to the sexiest bidder and just today announced that it is extending overlay ads in YouTube Partner videos to embedded videos on other sites (previously these would only show up on YouTube itself). It is pulling out all the stops to try to get those revenues flowing.”

Schonfeld写道 :“这是在线视频的鲜明现实:没有人赚很多钱。” “文字已经在墙上。 YouTube采取了将视频搜索结果出售给最性感的出价者的方式,并于今天宣布将YouTube合作伙伴视频中的重叠式广告扩展到其他网站上的嵌入式视频(以前这些视频只能在YouTube本身上展示)。 它正在竭尽全力试图使这些收入流动。”

Schonfeld notes that though YouTube streams the lion’s share of videos online, only about 3-4% have ads. That’s a huge number, but he argues that smaller competitors like Hulu who focus on professionally produced content, which is generally more appealing to advertisers, are actually better suited to generate revenue than Google.

肖恩菲尔德指出,尽管YouTube在网络上流媒体的视频份额最大 ,但只有约3-4%的广告。 这是一个庞大的数字,但他认为像Hulu这样规模较小的竞争对手专注于专业制作的内容(通常对广告客户更具吸引力),实际上比Google更适合于创收。

But if there is one thing Google knows how to do, it’s make money from search engines — and YouTube, just happens to be one of the largest. As Silicon Alley Insider points out, YouTube is actually the world’s second largest search property, generating twice as many searches as Microsoft, and more even than Yahoo!

但是,如果有一件事情,谷歌知道怎么做,那它就是从搜索引擎中赚钱的-而YouTube,恰好是最大的赚钱之一。 正如Silicon Alley Insider指出的那样 ,YouTube实际上是世界第二大搜索资源,其搜索量是Microsoft的两倍,甚至比Yahoo!还要多。

We’ve also seen how important YouTube videos can be at getting out an advertising message. There are two good recent examples. One is the US presidential election, in which Barack Obama and John McCain battled for free air time on YouTube — Obama’s channel surged in the final week, make of that what you will. The other example is Microsoft’s Seinfeld/Gates commercial advertising campaign, which flopped on TV, but got a ton of play via viral channels such as YouTube.

我们还了解了YouTube视频对于宣传广告的重要性。 最近有两个很好的例子。 其中之一是美国总统大选,其中巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)和约翰·麦凯恩(John McCain)在YouTube上争取免费播出时间-奥巴马的频道在最后一周激增 ,这就是你想做的。 另一个例子是微软的Seinfeld / Gates商业广告活动,该广告活动在电视上失败了,但通过诸如YouTube之类的病毒性渠道获得了很多发挥 。

YouTube opening up an advertising channel to push people toward advertising videos is a smart move, in our book. The site gives away free airtime for ads, but is allowing advertisers to pay to drive traffic toward that content — that’s the same model that has worked so well for their other search engine. Some of the ad targeting so far is very poor, but we expect that will change once more advertisers are active on the system.

在我们的书中,YouTube开设了一个广告渠道以促使人们制作广告视频,这是明智之举。 该网站免费提供广告播出时间,但允许广告商付费以吸引访问该内容的流量-这种模式对于其他搜索引擎而言效果很好。 到目前为止,某些广告定位很差,但我们希望一旦系统上有更多广告客户活跃,广告定位就会改变。

How many record companies will pay to push more users toward the music videos of their newest artists? How many film studios will pay to get more views of their latest film trailers. Companies could conceivably use ads to jump start viral video advertising campaigns by paying for that initial flow of traffic to videos. Once that happens, if the content is good, the viral dynamics of YouTube will take over. We also think that this will be a great channel for smaller, independent film and video producers to promote their projects.

多少唱片公司将支付以推动更多用户使用其最新歌手的音乐视频? 要获得更多有关最新电影预告片的观看次数,电影制片厂将支付多少费用。 可以想象,公司可以通过支付视频的初始流量来使用广告来启动病毒式视频广告活动。 一旦发生这种情况,如果内容很好,YouTube的病毒式传播将接管一切。 我们还认为,这将是较小的独立电影和视频制作人推广其项目的绝佳渠道。

Far from a desperate move, PPC ads on YouTube is a smart one. Google may have finally found a way to make money on the long tail of videos, in much the same way that they previously figured out how to make money on the long tail of web sites.

YouTube上的PPC广告绝非绝望之举,是明智之举。 Google可能终于找到了一种在视频的长尾上赚钱的方法,就像他们以前想出如何在网站的长尾上赚钱的方法一样。

