
tech2024-02-23  95

In advance of the IBC Conference starting later this week in Amsterdam, Microsoft today announced support for H.264 and AAC in its Silverlight API. Microsoft will be demonstrating a working tech demo of Silverlight with H.264 and AAC support, though I was told by Brian Goldfarb, Director of Developer Platform and Tools at Microsoft, that it won’t be available to the public until Silverlight 3. Silverlight 2 is expected to ship later this fall.

在本周晚些时候在阿姆斯特丹举行的IBC会议之前, 微软今天宣布在其Silverlight API中支持H.264和AAC。 Microsoft将演示具有H.264和AAC支持的Silverlight的有效技术演示,尽管Microsoft开发人员平台和工具总监Brian Goldfarb告诉我,直到Silverlight 3才向公众提供。预计将于今年秋天晚些时候发售2架。

Goldfarb told me that Microsoft isn’t abandoning VC-1 or Windows Media and still back it as their video codec of choice, but rather they recognize that there is a choice that consumers demand. Adobe began support H.264 video and AAC audio with Flash Player 9 and Apple has long relied on them as their standard video/audio codecs, which has made the pair popular industry-wide.

Goldfarb告诉我,微软并没有放弃VC-1或Windows Media,而是仍然将其作为他们选择的视频编解码器,而是让他们意识到消费者可以选择。 Adobe开始使用Flash Player 9支持H.264视频和AAC音频,而Apple长期以来一直将它们作为其标准视频/音频编解码器,这使得该对软件在整个行业范围内都很流行。

While I had Goldfarb on the phone, I asked him about NBC’s recent decision to opt for Flash for their NFL Monday Night Football web video streaming application rather than Silverlight, which powered their Olympics site. ReadWriteWeb suggested recently that NBC seemed “to be having a change of heart” and had run back to Adobe and Flash for their NFL application. That was a sentiment repeated on many sites around the web at the end of last week when the NBC site made its debut for the Giants vs. Redskins opener. The RWW post was actually based on one at Silicon Alley Insider that intimated something similar.

当我打电话给Goldfarb时,我向他询问了NBC最近决定为他们的NFL周一夜橄榄球网络视频流应用程序选择Flash,而不是为其奥运会站点提供动力的Silverlight。 ReadWriteWeb最近建议NBC似乎“ 正在改变主意 ”,并且已经将Adobe和Flash运用于他们的NFL应用程序。 上周末,当NBC网站首次在巨人队与Redskins揭幕战上首次亮相时,在网络上的许多网站上都反复出现了这种感觉。 RWW帖子实际上是基于Silicon Alley Insider的一篇帖子暗示的。

When I brought it up, Goldfarb got defensive and called it a “foolish and ignorant” view. I was told that the NFL was actually continuing an investment in Flash streaming technology made last season, and not making a new decision to go with Flash over Silverlight. I couldn’t get Goldfarb to say specifically if the decision was NBC’s or the NFL’s, but I suspect that the league had more say in the choice of technology. Last week, when I spoke to Adobe about the NFL site I asked them the same question and they would only answer by saying that Adobe has a good relationship with NBC.

当我提出该建议时,Goldfarb采取了防御措施,并将其称为“愚蠢和无知”的观点。 有人告诉我,NFL实际上正在继续投资上赛季进行的Flash流技术,而没有做出新的决定来使用Flash over Silverlight。 我无法让Goldfarb明确说出是NBC还是NFL的决定,但我怀疑联盟在技术选择方面还有更多发言权。 上周,当我与Adobe谈论NFL网站时,我问了他们同样的问题,他们只会回答说Adobe与NBC有良好的关系。

Microsoft tells me that NBC is working on other projects using Silverlight that it will announce in the coming months. Goldfarb also made it clear that he feels it is silly to think that either Silverlight or Flash will “take over the world.” There is space for both to exist and they can work together, he told me.

微软告诉我,NBC正在使用Silverlight进行其他项目,它将在未来几个月内宣布。 戈德法布还明确表示,他认为认为Silverlight或Flash将“占领世界”是愚蠢的。 他告诉我,两者都有生存空间,它们可以一起工作。

As far as the Olympics were concerned, Microsoft thinks that our awarding the gold medal to Adobe may have been premature. The Olympics were definitely a net positive for Microsoft. Of the 40 million visitors who landed on the page, Microsoft told me about 50% had Silverlight installed within a few days of first visiting the site, if they did not have it installed already. The company reports that they are seeing “up to 1.5 million downloads per day” of the plugin, and saw over 30% growth in the US market as result of the Olympics.

就奥运会而言,微软认为我们授予Adobe金牌可能为时过早。 奥运会绝对是微软的净赢家。 在NBCOlympics.com页面上登陆的4000万访问者中,微软告诉我,大约50%的人在首次访问该网站后的几天内安装了Silverlight(如果尚未安装的话)。 该公司报告说,他们每天看到的插件“多达150万次下载”,并且由于奥运会,美国市场的增长率超过了30%。

