
tech2024-03-09  78


Eagle-eyed blogger Amit Agarwal dug up some screenshots of what is apparently an unreleased, upcoming feature for Google Analytics. The screenshots indicate that Google will be adding AdSense account tracking into Analytics.

眼神敏锐的博主Amit Agarwal 挖掘了一些屏幕快照 , 这些屏幕快照显然是Google Analytics(分析)即将发布的功能。 屏幕截图表明Google会将AdSense帐户跟踪添加到Google Analytics(分析)中。

The screenshots were inadvertently published on the blog, says Agarwal, and saved by a number of readers. They paint a fairly complete picture of the AdSense integration. Users will be able to get detailed reports about how their visitors interact with ads on their pages, including CTR, CPM, impressions, etc. broken down to the page-by-page level.

阿加瓦尔 (Agarwal)说,这些屏幕截图无意间发布在博客TheGoogleCache.com上 ,并被许多读者保存。 他们描绘了AdSense集成的相当完整的图景。 用户将能够获得有关访问者如何与页面上的广告进行交互的详细报告,包括按页面细分的点击率,每千次展示费用,展示次数等。

Much of that you could do already with clever use of AdSense channels, but these reports will make it much easier to sort. Plus they include some things that you previously couldn’t easily accomplish, such as trending, and — the coolest report, in opinion — revenue by referrer, which shows how much you make off visitors from different referral sources to your site.

您可以通过巧妙地使用AdSense渠道来完成很多工作,但是这些报告将使排序变得更加容易。 另外,它们还包括您以前无法轻易完成的某些事情,例如趋势分析,以及-最酷的报告-引荐来源的收入,它显示您从不同引荐来源访问网站的访客中获得了多少收益。

As Agarwal points out, the new reports will make divvying up AdSense revenue between multiple contributors on a site much easier and more exact. Agarwal has more full-size screenshots on his site.

正如Agarwal指出的那样,新报告将使网站上多个贡献者之间的AdSense收入分配更加容易和准确。 阿加瓦尔(Agarwal)在他的网站上有更多全尺寸的屏幕截图。


