
tech2024-03-09  79


Once a community has reached a certain level of activity, your community staff — your moderators — play a vital role in the continued success of the operation.


As the administrator, you can manage a community with a one-person staff (you) for a period of time, but as your site grows, you must think about creating and leading a team of individuals who can help you to deal with the increased activity, and maintain the goals that you’ve set for your community by enforcing your user guidelines.


Generally, the best way to build your staff is to pull people from your active member base. You should seek out the members who set the best example for others to follow, in line with your guidelines — not the members who simply post a lot. You want your moderators to be visible within your forums, but you also want them to have the right attitude and the ability to work in a team environment. These people’s characters, their personalities, and their attitudes are the most important considerations, above all else.

通常,组建员工的最佳方法是从活跃的成员群中吸引人员。 您应该根据自己的准则寻找为他人树立最好榜样的成员,而不是简单地发表很多文章的成员。 您希望主持人在论坛中可见,但是您也希望他们具有正确的态度和在团队环境中工作的能力。 这些人的性格,个性和态度是最重要的考虑因素。

Once you find these individuals, you need to train them so that they can understand what their responsibilities are, and what they need to do to accomplish them. But training need not be intensive or time consuming. Using a few different methods, you can give your staff members a head start on their duties and help them to confidently and cogently contribute as soon as possible.

一旦找到这些人,就需要对其进行培训,以使他们能够了解自己的职责以及完成职责所需要做的事情。 但是培训不需要密集或费时。 您可以使用几种不同的方法使您的员工早日开始工作,并帮助他们尽快自信而有力地做出贡献。

创建员工准则 (Create Staff Guidelines)

It’s very important that you clearly communicate what’s expected of your staff members. This allows everyone to be clear (or, at least, clearer) about their responsibilities from the start, and it also gives you something to reference should any issues arise in the future. Without some sort of staff guidelines or a manual, it’s hard for your staff members to act in a particular way, because you haven’t clearly documented what you want.

明确传达对员工的期望非常重要。 这样一来,每个人都可以从一开始就清楚(或者至少更加清楚)自己的职责,并且还为将来出现任何问题提供了参考。 没有某种员工指南或手册,您的员工很难以特定的方式采取行动,因为您没有清楚地记录所需的内容。

Your staff guidelines can include any expectations that pertain to their being staff members in your community. Here are some questions that you can ask yourself as you create the guidelines:

您的员工准则可以包括与成​​为社区成员有关的任何期望。 在创建准则时,您可以问自己一些问题:

What are their specific duties?

他们的具体职责是什么? How should they act and conduct themselves?

他们应该如何行动和表现自己? How should they use their moderator "powers"?

他们应如何使用主持人的“权力”? How should they handle violations of your user guidelines?

他们应如何处理违反您的用户指南的行为? How should they interact in your staff forums and with other levels of staff?


These are just several examples, but they should allow you to grasp the concept of staff guidelines. Your guidelines should tell your moderators exactly what you expect of them. Don’t leave things to chance because you think they go without saying — include the most basic details, even specifying, for example, that moderators treat all members respectfully, and that what’s said in staff forums is to be discussed between current staff members only — no one else.

这些只是几个示例,但是它们应该使您能够掌握员工指南的概念。 您的指南应告诉主持人您对他们的确切期望。 不要让事情碰运气,因为您认为它们不言而喻-包括最基本的细节,甚至规定,例如,主持人应尊重所有成员,并且在工作人员论坛中所说的仅在当前工作人员之间进行讨论。 - 没有别人了。

Also detail what you want staff members to do beyond simple moderation responsibilities. Do you want them to welcome members? Do they need to contribute an article to your articles section once a year? Where can they find their moderator tools? Be very clear in your requirements, and provide links to the guidelines, forums, and other sections of the site that you reference.

还详细说明您希望工作人员在简单的审核职责之外要做的事情。 您要他们欢迎会员吗? 他们是否需要每年一次为您的文章栏目撰写一篇文章? 他们在哪里可以找到他们的主持人工具? 请明确您的要求,并提供指向您所引用的指南,论坛和网站其他部分的链接。

Don’t be afraid to change your guidelines if the need arises. This is a living document, so it’ll need adjustment over time. When you make a noteworthy change, be sure to announce it to your staff so that they can become familiar with it.

如果需要,不要害怕更改您的准则。 这是一份实时文档,因此需要随时进行调整。 当您进行值得注意的更改时,请务必将其宣布给您的员工,以便他们熟悉。

制定情况指南 (Develop a Situations Guide)

Wanting to keep the two separate, I created a supplement to my Staff Guidelines that I call our Situations Guide. This guide details specific situations that arise on the forums, and explains how they should be handled. Where the Staff Guidelines detail staff member responsibilities, and how they can be fulfilled, the Situations Guide deals almost exclusively with unique situations that staff members will encounter when dealing with members.

为了将两者分开,我创建了《员工指南》的补充,称为《情况指南》。 本指南详细介绍了论坛上出现的具体情况,并说明了应如何处理。 《工作人员指南》详细介绍了工作人员的责任及其履行方式,而《情况指南》几乎专门处理工作人员在与成员打交道时会遇到的独特情况。

Here are some examples of things that I cover in Situations Guide:


What’s the difference between an accident, and duplicate or cross posting?

事故与重复或交叉过帐有什么区别? What should staff members do if a banned member contacts them?

如果被禁人员与他们联系,该怎么办? What constitutes hotlinking?

什么是热链接? What’s an inflammatory comment?

什么是煽动性评论? What does it mean when a member references an administrative decision?

成员引用行政决定是什么意思? When are video and/or audio files appropriate, and when are they deemed to violate copyright or another standard?


This guide helps to familiarize staff members with what they will see "in the field" and how they should handle it. This is of great benefit as there are often subtle nuances in the ways you want certain situations to be managed, and without these additional guidelines, those nuances would not otherwise be clear.

本指南有助于使工作人员熟悉他们在“现场”看到的内容以及如何处理。 这是非常有用的,因为您希望在某些情况下要以微妙的细微差别来进行管理,如果没有这些额外的指导原则,这些细微差别就不会很清楚。

记录所有违规 (Document All Violations)

In another article I wrote for SitePoint, called Manage Guideline Violations on Your Community, I discussed the system I use in my community to document violations of our user guidelines and related activities. I like this system because it’s easy, most any forum software is capable of it right out of the box, it’s searchable, and it makes it easy for you to monitor activity.

在我为SitePoint写的另一篇文章《 管理社区中的违反准则》中 ,我讨论了在社区中用来记录违反用户准则和相关活动的系统。 我喜欢这个系统,因为它很容易,几乎所有论坛软件都可以立即使用它,它是可搜索的,并且使您可以轻松监视活动。

The system centers around the creation of two private, staff member-only forums. I call these Problem Users and Trash Bin (though you may use variations on these names).

该系统围绕创建两个仅供工作人员使用的私人论坛为中心。 我称这些问题用户和垃圾箱(尽管您可以在这些名称上使用变体)。

The Trash Bin stores every post that violates your guidelines. Every single one. In my communities, staff members don’t edit posts to remove violations, as that approach creates sloppy documentation, makes mistake correction harder, and is more likely to cause members to look at moderators as proofreaders — among other things. When someone violates our guidelines, no matter what has occurred, the post is removed from the thread and placed in the Trash Bin, untouched and unedited.

垃圾箱会存储所有违反您的准则的帖子。 每一个。 在我的社区中,工作人员不会编辑帖子以消除违规情况,因为这种方法会创建草率的文档,使错误纠正更加困难,并且更有可能导致成员将主持人视为校对者,等等。 当有人违反我们的准则时,无论发生什么情况,该帖子都会从该线程中删除,并被放置在垃圾箱中,并且未被修改。

This is where Problem Users comes in. In this forum, every member who has ever caused any sort of disturbance or noteworthy distraction is documented in a thread titled with the user’s precise username. In it, all of the user’s violations are documented. Typical documentation includes a link to the post or posts in question (now in the Trash Bin), what was wrong with each post, what action was taken ("PM sent" for private message sent, and "Banned" are the two most common actions). Finally, there’s a quote explaining exactly what the violation was, so that anyone can easily tell what the staff member who took the action was looking at.

这是问题用户的来历。在此论坛中,每一个曾经引起任何形式的干扰或值得注意的干扰的成员都记录在标题为用户的准确用户名的线程中。 其中记录了用户的所有违规行为。 典型的文档包括指向一个或多个相关帖子的链接(现在位于垃圾箱中),每个帖子出了什么问题,采取了什么措施(对于发送的私人消息而言,“已发送PM”和“被禁止”是最常见的两个)动作)。 最后,有一个引号准确解释了违规行为,因此任何人都可以轻松地知道采取该行动的工作人员在看什么。

We document more than specific post violations here, though — we document other types of violations (such as signature or private message violations) and any noteworthy contact between the member and a staff member. So, for example, if one of my staff members contacts a member about a violation and he or she receives a reply from that member that’s in any way questionable or disrespectful, I ask the staff member to paste the private message, in its entirety, in the Problem Users thread for that member. I also want the staff member to post his or her reply. If the user was very rude, I ask my staff members to avoid replying, and to allow me to handle it instead.

但是,我们在这里记录的不只是特定的帖子违规-我们记录了其他类型的违规(例如签名或私人消息违规)以及成员与工作人员之间任何值得注意的联系。 因此,举例来说,如果我的一名工作人员就某件违规行为与某成员联系,而他或她收到该成员的回信却有任何疑问或不尊重,我请该工作人员完整地粘贴私人消息,在该成员的“问题用户”线程中。 我还希望该工作人员发布他或她的答复。 如果用户很粗鲁,我请我的工作人员避免回复,而让我来处理。

I do this with my own conversations, as well. I document any conversation that I think may be in any way noteworthy going forward, including the exact details of what the user sent me, and what I sent them. This goes a long way in establishing a sense of trust and understanding between me, as the leader, and my staff members. They know what I’m doing and how I’m speaking with all members, and there’s rarely any surprise when I take a particular action, because my staff members know exactly what’s going on at all times.

我也通过自己的对话来做到这一点。 我记录了我认为在任何情况下都可能值得注意的任何对话,包括用户向我发送的内容以及我向他们发送的内容的确切详细信息。 这对于在我(作为领导者)与我的员工之间建立信任和谅解感有很大帮助。 他们知道我在做什么以及我如何与所有成员交谈,当我采取特定行动时,几乎不会感到惊讶,因为我的员工始终都知道发生了什么。

The Problem Users forum also shows staff members how I want them to speak to members, for the most part. That said, they do understand that sometimes a stronger tone is needed — and that I’m the only one that should take that tone, as I want my staff members to stay out of those sorts of issues.

在大多数情况下,“问题用户”论坛还向员工展示了我希望他们如何与成员交谈。 就是说,他们确实理解有时需要更强硬的语气-而且我是唯一应该采用这种语气的人,因为我希望我的工作人员能够避免此类问题。

These forums help you in so many ways. But, when it comes to training, they offer one huge benefit: they show new staff members exactly how business is conducted. The staff members can see that a post was removed, they can look at the post, and they can understand why you acted and what you did. You’re passing on invaluable experience, which shows them exactly what they’ll be doing and how to do it.

这些论坛以多种方式为您提供帮助。 但是,在培训方面,他们提供了一个巨大的好处:他们向新员工展示了如何开展业务。 工作人员可以看到某个帖子已被删除,他们可以查看该帖子,并且可以了解您的举止和行为。 您正在传递宝贵的经验,这将向他们确切显示他们将要做的事情以及如何去做。

建立员工环境 (Establish the Staff Environment)

For your staff, you want to create a private environment that’s calm, respectful, encouraging, and even fun. You want to have at least one staff forum where staff members (along with the administrator) can discuss issues that are relevant to the management of the site.

对于您的员工,您想要创建一个安静,尊重,鼓励甚至有趣的私人环境。 您希望至少有一个工作人员论坛,工作人员(与管理员一起)可以讨论与站点管理相关的问题。

I’m friends with all of my staff members. We get along very well, which I think is key to my forums’ success. I could never have someone on my staff that I didn’t like or respect, because that would affect the culture and create tension. I treat my staff members with respect and I expect it in return.

我是我所有员工的朋友。 我们相处得很好,我认为这对论坛的成功至关重要。 我永远无法在员工中招募一个我不喜欢或不喜欢的人,因为那样会影响文化并造成压力。 我尊重我的员工,并期望得到回报。

That doesn’t mean that I don’t correct them when it’s needed. I do. Things happen, most of which are not that big a deal, but even the smallest slips must be corrected. You should strive for excellence and accept little else. That said, when I correct my staff members, I try to keep my comments light and forward looking. If I see that a post has been removed that shouldn’t have been, I’ll add it back into the thread publicly, and then I’ll make a post in the staff forums, to let everyone know why the post was moved back, and what they can look out for in the future, usually stressing that it’s no big deal.

这并不意味着我在需要时不对它们进行纠正。 我做。 事情发生了,其中大多数并没有什么大不了的,但是即使最小的单据也必须得到纠正。 您应该为追求卓越而努力,不接受其他任何东西。 就是说,当我纠正我的员工时,我会尽量保持简短和前瞻性。 如果我发现本来应该删除的帖子已被删除,则将其公开添加回该线程中,然后在人员论坛中发布该帖子,以使所有人都知道为什么该帖子被撤回,以及他们将来可以期待的目标,通常会强调这没什么大不了的。

The reason why I post in the staff forums, rather than contacting the moderator directly, is because these are already issues that other staff members know about. They’ll see that I’ve corrected the situation and moved the post, so keeping the details of my decision from them doesn’t really help anyone. Also, telling everyone about it allows all my staff members to be on the same page, and to learn from the exercise. If there’s an issue that’s private, and which other staff members don’t know about, I’ll usually handle it on a private, one-on-one basis.

我之所以在员工论坛中发帖而不是直接与主持人联系,是因为这些已经是其他员工知道的问题。 他们会看到我已经纠正了这种情况,并转岗了,所以保留我对他们的决定的细节并没有真正帮助任何人。 另外,将其告知所有人,可使我的所有员工都在同一页面上,并从练习中学习。 如果存在私人的问题,而其他工作人员不知道,那么我通常会一对一地处理私人问题。

In contacting a member whose post was removed in error, I never hang anyone out to dry. I never comment, "Paul removed this post in error," or "Jenny made a mistake." When mistakes are made, it’s either "we" or "me" (as the administrator), not "they" or "you." We make mistakes as a team, and we experience success as a team.

在联系错误删除其帖子的成员时,我从不挂任何人晾干。 我从不评论“保罗错误地删除了该帖子”或“詹妮弄错了”。 发生错误时,它是“我们”或“我”(作为管理员),而不是“他们”或“您”。 我们作为一个团队犯错误,我们作为一个团队经历成功。

I never allow any duty to appear to be below me. When I see a violation, I handle it myself. I never tell a member of my staff to do it. If they asked me about it, I try to let them handle it, but otherwise, I’ll handle any problem as soon as I see it. As the administrator, I’m also a moderator, and I try hard to set the best example for my staff members to follow.

我永远不允许任何责任出现在我的下面。 当我看到违规行为时,我会自己处理。 我从不告诉我的员工这样做。 如果他们问我,我会尝试让他们处理,否则,我一看到就会解决任何问题。 作为管理员,我也是主持人,我努力为员工树立榜样。

My staff members work well together and, as far as I can tell, like and respect one another. You can create this sort of culture by choosing people of good character to be on staff. I want good human beings, not know-it-alls. Attitude is everything. That point is crucial. I can’t stress it enough: pick good people.

我的工作人员彼此配合良好,据我所知,彼此喜欢并相互尊重。 您可以通过选择具有良好品格的人选来培养这种文化。 我想要一个好人,而不是万事通。 态度决定一切。 这一点至关重要。 我不能太强调:选择好人。

Another thing I do is to prevent staff members on the same level from critiquing each other. In other words, I don’t want a moderator correcting a fellow moderator. If a moderator has an issue with something that one of their fellow staff members has done, I ask them to come to me privately, so that I can sort it out.

我要做的另一件事是防止同一级别的员工互相批评。 换句话说,我不希望主持人改正其他主持人。 如果主持人对他们的一位同事所做的事情有疑问,我请他们私下找我,以便我进行梳理。

You should always encourage your staff members to ask questions and seek clarification on any issues they see. Have an open-door policy, and be as kind and inviting as you can. You’re approachability should especially be stressed to new staff members. Even with all the staff guidelines and documentation in the world, there will still be questions. Welcome them and answer them to the best of your ability.

您应该始终鼓励您的员工提出问题,并就他们看到的任何问题寻求澄清。 实行开放政策,并尽其所能。 新员工应特别重视您的平易近人。 即使有世界上所有的员工指南和文档,仍然会有问题。 欢迎他们并尽其所能回答他们。

Encourage your new staff members to take their time to observe and learn, and avoid making them feel like they need to rush into doing something. Moderator responsibilities can be a daunting task at times, so be sure to allow them some time to get comfortable.

鼓励新员工花时间观察和学习,避免让他们觉得自己需要急于做某事。 主持人的职责有时可能是艰巨的任务,因此请确保给他们一些时间以使自己适应。

培训论坛主持人的重要提示 (Top Tips for Training Forum Moderators)

These methods should put you at a great advantage when it comes time to promote new people to your community moderation team.


Be clear with them, and tell them what you expect. Honesty is critical, so don’t beat around the bush. Write Staff Guidelines that detail what your staff members are expected to do, and how you’d like them to act. Create a Situations Guide that teaches them how to deal with specific common scenarios. Create within your team an environment in which team members respect one another, and feel comfortable to ask questions and get help.

与他们保持清楚,并告诉他们您的期望。 诚实至为重要,所以不要轻描淡写。 撰写《员工指南》,其中详细说明了您的员工应该做什么以及您希望他们如何采取行动。 创建一个情境指南,教他们如何处理特定的常见情境。 在您的团队中创建一个环境,使团队成员相互尊重,并乐于提出问题和寻求帮助。

I’ve used this system in my own communities, and I’ve had success with it. Pick good people, give them what they need to succeed, and monitor them, assisting as appropriate.

我已经在自己的社区中使用了该系统,并且已经取得了成功。 选择好人,为他们提供成功所需的东西,并监督他们,并酌情提供帮助。

As I said earlier, staff members play a vital role in the success of a community. You can’t do it all, and you shouldn’t. You need a good team so that you can step back, take the lead, and focus on other aspects of the community. You can’t be there all the time. I always say that you know that you have a good staff when you can go away for a while and not worry about your community — well, not too much, anyway!

正如我之前所说,员工在社区的成功中扮演着至关重要的角色。 您不能全部做,也不应该。 您需要一个好的团队,以便您可以退后一步,带头并专注于社区的其他方面。 你不可能一直在那里。 我总是说,您知道自己有一支优秀的员工,可以离开一会儿而不必担心自己的社区-无论如何,不​​要太多!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/develop-forum-leadership/

