
tech2024-03-09  79


This guest post has been authored by Pete Steege, who manages the Storage Effect blog for Seagate, which made our list of 15 Companies that Really Get Corporate Blogging.

这篇来宾帖子由Pete Steege撰写,他管理着Seagate的Storage Effect博客,该博客列出了15家真正获得公司博客的公司 。

RightScale CEO Michael Crandall defines Cloud Computing as “the notion of providing easily accessible compute and storage resources on a pay-as-you-go, on-demand basis, from a virtually infinite infrastructure managed by someone else.”  We may quibble with how to define the clouds, but I believe we can all agree on one core attribute: their propensity to expand.

RightScale首席执行官Michael Crandall将云计算定义为“一种概念,即在按需付费的基础上,由其他人管理的几乎无限的基础架构提供易于访问的计算和存储资源。” 我们可能会质疑如何定义云,但是我相信我们都可以就一个核心属性达成共识:它们的扩展倾向。

There are some basic truths about storage technology that can help you survive and thrive in the billowing Clouds, whatever your particular business plan or financial model.


1.视频将推动云存储增长 (1. Video Will Drive Cloud Storage Growth)

No contest: video will dominate Cloud Storage capacity growth more than any other content form over the next five years. EMC and IDC’s Exploding Digital Universe study showed that images and video account for more than 80% of all bytes that exist today. 

毫无疑问:在未来五年中,视频将在云存储容量增长中占主导地位,超过任何其他内容形式。 EMC和IDC的爆炸性数字宇宙研究表明,图像和视频占当今存在的所有字节的80%以上。

And video means more than movies and web clips.  Digital video surveillance is meeting or exceeding consumer HD content growth levels.  Whatever your target market, factor in the “Video Effect.”

视频的意义远不止电影和网络剪辑。 数字视频监控正在达到或超过消费者高清内容的增长水平。 无论您的目标市场是什么,都应考虑“视频效果”。

2.变革设计 (2. Design For Change)

Cloud Storage architectures vary greatly, but in one respect are all the same: the lowest cost per gigabyte/terabyte/petabyte wins.  And lowest cost in storage is a constantly shifting battlefield.  It’s not as simple as buying today’s biggest, cheapest drives. It includes power consumption, and as Robin Harris at StorageMojo points out, the number of people that are needed to manage it. Also consider how it will behave as it scales 10, 100 or 1,000 times.

云存储架构差异很大,但在某一方面都是相同的:每GB / TB / PB成本最低。 而最低的存储成本是一个不断变化的战场。 这并不像购买当今最大,最便宜的驱动器那样简单。 它包括功耗,如StorageMojo的Robin Harris指出的那样 ,需要进行管理的人员数量。 还要考虑它在缩放10、100或1,000倍时的行为。

Large-capacity SATA drives have been synonymous with massively scaled Internet datacenter storage.  Yet, while these drives account for the majority of bytes in the clouds, the winners in this industry have judiciously combined performance and capacity drives to make their business model work.  Their storage “special sauce” is the ability to adapt and improve their storage infrastructures as a whole – architectures as well as devices.   

大容量SATA驱动器已成为大规模Internet数据中心存储的代名词。 然而,尽管这些驱动器占据了云中的大部分字节,但该行业的优胜者已经明智地将性能和容量驱动器组合在一起,以使他们的业务模型正常工作。 他们的存储“特别之处”是能够适应和改善整个存储基础架构(架构和设备)的能力。

How is this done?  They think at the system level first, and let that drive storage device strategy.  This is especially important now that Solid State Drives (SSDs) will soon be a valid option at the top of the performance pyramid.

怎么做? 他们首先考虑系统级别,然后让它驱动存储设备策略。 现在,这尤其重要,因为固态硬盘(SSD)很快将成为性能金字塔顶端的有效选择。

3.从头脑中的结局开始 (3. Begin With The End In Mind)

The biggest storage issue with building out a massive datacenter may well be what to do with all of those spinning drives full of sensitive content once you’re finished with them. Disk drives have a business life of 3-5 years.  Even if they can operate longer than that, the price-to-performance economics of the newer technology trump any longer term use. 

构建大型数据中心时最大的存储问题很可能是处理完所有充满敏感内容的旋转驱动器时该怎么办 。 磁盘驱动器的使用寿命为3-5年。 即使它们可以运行更长的时间,但较新的技术的价格经济性却比长期使用更为重要。

It’s imperative to develop a storage retirement plan that is cost efficient yet ensures that no customer data leaves the datacenter with your old drives.  Better to think it through at the drawing board stage than when you’re ready to retire Phase One.

必须制定一个经济高效的存储淘汰计划,并确保没有客户数据与旧驱动器一起离开数据中心。 与准备退休第一阶段相比,最好在设计阶段就仔细考虑一下。

Emerging self-encrypting drive technology will start to deploy in early 2009. These drives perform like normal drives, but everything on them is encrypted using government-grade AES algorithms. Retired drives can be wiped clean instantly by deleting the encryption key.

新兴的自加密驱动器技术将于2009年初开始部署。这些驱动器的性能与普通驱动器相同,但其中的所有内容均使用政府级AES算法进行加密。 可以通过删除加密密钥立即擦除淘汰的驱动器。

4.可用性在情人眼中 (4. Availability Is In The Eye Of The Beholder)

Amazon’s recent S3 outages seem to some like nothing more than a painful but transitory issue for startups or small businesses with x86-based data centers.  But for Cloud Storage to break into the big leagues of larger companies, Big Iron uptime is the standard they must be compared favorably against.  Amazon’s performance isn’t there yet.  Will yours be? 

对于基于x86数据中心的初创企业或小型企业, Amazon最近的S3中断似乎只是一个痛苦但短暂的问题。 但是,为了使Cloud Storage进入大型公司的大联盟,Big Iron正常运行时间是必须与之相对比的标准。 亚马逊的表现还没有。 你愿意吗

The storage lesson here is that mainstream cloud storage infrastructures will have to prioritize reliability as much as cost per terabyte.  That means more redundant architectures, a richer mix of enterprise drives, or both.   

这里的存储课程是,主流云存储基础架构将必须优先考虑可靠性和每TB成本。 这意味着更多的冗余体系结构,企业驱动器的更丰富的组合,或两者兼而有之。

5.我们只是开始 (5. We’ve Only Just Begun)

I’m preaching to the choir here, but the astounding growth seen in storage requirements over the past few years will be viewed as quaint in five years. Video growth, coupled with the increasing value of content (driving more regulation and more copies of that content) will sustain the exponential trend. 

我在这里宣讲合唱团,但是过去几年在存储需求方面看到的惊人增长将在五年内被视为古朴。 视频的增长以及内容的价值不断增长(推动更多法规和更多内容复制)将保持指数趋势。

This is great news, but a cautionary tale as well. Today’s clouds will have plenty of market opportunity to grow into, if they can keep up without maiming their business model.  There will be plenty of newly forming Clouds nipping at the heels of those that can’t.

这是个好消息,但也是一个警告性的故事。 如果能够在不损害其业务模式的情况下跟上发展,那么今天的云将有大量的市场机会发展。 将会有很多新形成的云层紧跟那些不能形成的云层。

It all adds up to a core truth about storage in the clouds:  Content (and storage) is limited only by the ability to manage it. Be ready to billow to succeed.

所有这些共同构成了有关云中存储的核心真理:内容(和存储)仅受管理它的能力的限制。 准备腾飞成功。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/five-ideas-for-billowing-cloud-storage/

