
tech2024-03-09  91


Cliff Harris, the man behind one-man UK computer game development shop Positech, wondered recently why people were pirating his games. So a few days ago, Harris posted on his blog asking people to tell him why they downloaded his games without paying. Harris said his only motive was to learn about why people do it, and promised to “read every single [email], and keep an open mind.” He promised not to rat anyone out for pirating.

英国单人电脑游戏开发商店Positech背后的人Cliff Harris最近想知道为什么人们会盗版他的游戏。 因此,几天前,哈里斯(Harris) 在他的博客上发布,要求人们告诉他为什么他们不付费下载他的游戏。 哈里斯说,他的唯一动机是了解人们为什么这么做,并承诺“阅读每一封电子邮件,并保持开放的态度”。 他答应不让任何人盗版。

Harris’ blog post got 206 comments and hundreds of emails — long ones, he said. “Few people wrote under 100 words. Some people put tolstoy to shame. It seems a lot of people have waited a long time to tell a game developer the answer to this question,” he said.

他说,哈里斯的博客文章获得了206条评论和数百封电子邮件-很长。 “很少有人写不到100字。 有些人使托尔斯泰丢脸。 似乎很多人已经等了很长时间告诉游戏开发者这个问题的答案,”他说。

Today, Techdirt noticed that Harris had posted his promised summary and response.

今天, 迪迪尔(Techdirt)注意到哈里斯(Harris)发表了他承诺的总结和回应 。

So why do people pirate software (specifically games)?


Money – “A LOT of people cited the cost of games as a major reason for pirating. Many were kids with no cash and lots of time to play games, but many were not,” wrote Harris. Positech’s games are priced between $19-23, and Harris said that he was surprised that so many people thought that was too high.

金钱 –“很多人将游戏成本视为盗版的主要原因。 哈里斯写道:“很多孩子没有钱,有很多时间玩游戏,但很多孩子却没有。” Positech的游戏价格在19-23美元之间,Harris表示他惊讶于如此多的人认为这太高了。

Quality – “Although there were many and varied complaints about tech support, game stability, bugs and system requirements, it was interesting to hear so many complaints about actual game design and gameplay,” Harris said. Many people agreed that though today’s games look fantastic, they “got boring too quickly, were too derivative, and had gameplay issues.” Another quality complaint: Demos are too short and people feel that they’re often not representative of the final product.

质量 –“尽管对技术支持,游戏稳定性,错误和系统要求的投诉多种多样,但听到如此多关于实际游戏设计和游戏性的投诉很有趣,”哈里斯说。 许多人同意,尽管当今的游戏看起来很棒,但它们“变得太无聊,太衍生,并且存在游戏性问题。” 另一个质量投诉:演示太短,人们觉得它们通常不代表最终产品。

DRM – “People don’t like DRM, we knew that, but the extent to which DRM is turning away people who have no other complaints is possibly misunderstood. If you wanted to change ONE thing to get more pirates to buy games, scrapping DRM is it.”

DRM –“人们不喜欢DRM,但我们知道,但是DRM在多大程度上拒绝了没有其他投诉的人们。 如果您想改变一件事情,以吸引更多的海盗购买游戏,那就放弃DRM。”

Ease – Writes Harris: “Lots of people claimed to pirate because it was easier than going to shops. Many of them said they pirate everything that’s not on [Valve’s] Steam. Steam got a pretty universal thumbs up from everyone.” (Harris said that he would love to get his games on Steam, but it’s not open to everyone.)

轻松 –哈里斯写道:“很多人声称自己是海盗,因为比去商店容易。 他们中的许多人说他们盗版了[Valve] Steam上没有的所有东西。 Steam得到了所有人的普遍认可。” (哈里斯说他很想在Steam上玩游戏,但并不对所有人开放。)

Because I Can – 5% of the replies, said Harris, came from people who admitted that stealing games online was easy to do because it was easy to get away with.

哈里斯说, 因为我能 (5%)的回复来自那些承认在网上偷游戏很容易做到的人,因为他们很容易逃脱。

To his credit, Harris did just what he said he would and considered the responses he fielded. He plans to make a number of changes, including ditching DRM completely, creating longer game demos, considering a drop in price (though he seems most hesitant about that change), and working harder to create higher quality games. “I’ve gone from being demoralized by pirates to actually inspired by them, and I’m working harder than ever before on making my games fun and polished,” he wrote.

值得称赞的是,哈里斯做到了他所说的,并考虑了他的回答。 他计划进行一些更改,包括完全放弃DRM,制作更长的游戏演示,考虑价格下降(尽管他似乎最不愿意更改),并更加努力地创建更高质量的游戏。 他写道:“我从受到海盗的挫败到真正受到海盗的鼓舞,并且我比以往任何时候都更加努力地使我的游戏变得有趣和优美。”

One of the lessons to be learned from Harris, beyond the interesting look into the reasons why people pirate software, is the value of having a good corporate blog. We wrote last week that properly done a corporate blog can have tremendous value. Harris’ Positech blog proves that. By opening the channels of communication with his customers and users, Harris was able to get honest feedback that he is putting to good use to make himself more money and make his customers happier.

从Harris中学到的教训之一,除了有趣地研究人们盗版软件的原因外,还有一个优秀的公司博客的价值。 上周我们写到 ,正确完成公司博客可以产生巨大的价值。 哈里斯的Positech博客证明了这一点。 通过打开与客户和用户的沟通渠道,Harris能够获得诚实的反馈,说他正在善加利用,以使自己赚更多的钱并使客户更快乐。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/why-people-pirate-software/

