
tech2024-03-09  84


I read something a couple of weeks ago that gave me pause. Not because it was so profound, or so mind bending, shocking, or inspiring. What gave me pause was how completely I think it misses the mark. What I read was an article in AdAge that predicted that lifestreaming and discussion utility FriendFeed (or something like it yet to launch) would be the next Google. As in, the next multi-billion dollar, most trafficked site on the Internet is going to be FriendFeed. There’s one problem with this suggestion: It’s absurd.

几周前,我读到一些东西使我停下来。 不是因为它是如此的深刻,或者是因为思想弯曲,震惊或鼓舞。 让我停下来的是,我认为它完全没有达到目标。 我读到的是AdAge中的一篇文章,该文章预测生命周期和讨论实用程序FriendFeed (或尚未发布的类似工具)将是下一个Google。 就像接下来的数十亿美元一样,Internet上流量最大的站点将是FriendFeed。 这个建议有一个问题:这很荒谬。

It’s no surprise that early adopters live in their own little bubble where realism is a four letter word. In fact, Steve Rubel, who penned the fantastical FriendFeed forecast, began the article by admitting that he suffers from what he calls “Shiny Object Syndrome.” He must be having a flare up.

不足为奇的是,早期采用者生活在他们自己的小泡沫中,现实主义是四个字母的单词。 实际上,写下了梦幻般的FriendFeed预测的史蒂夫·鲁贝尔(Steve Rubel)在开始这篇文章时就承认他患有所谓的“发光物体综合症”。 他一定是大发雷霆了。

According to Rubel, FriendFeed will be huge for three reasons: 1. Polls show that most people trust their friends, 2. almost everyone performs searches online, and 3. the up and coming Millennial generation grew up on this user generated content stuff. “Combine these three trends, and you can easily search content created by people you trust,” writes Rubel. “That’s where I see FriendFeed, Facebook and perhaps Google heading. They will all build businesses around social contextual search advertising.”

根据Rubel所说,FriendFeed之所以庞大是因为三个原因:1.民意调查表明大多数人都信任他们的朋友,2.几乎每个人都在线进行搜索,并且3.即将到来的千禧一代在此用户生成的内容中成长。 “结合这三个趋势,您就可以轻松地搜索由您信任的人创建的内容,” Rubel写道。 “这就是我看到FriendFeed,Facebook以及Google前进的地方。 他们将围绕社交上下文搜索广告建立业务。”

And he’s right about that — social contextual search advertising is a sort of holy grail for advertisers right now, though so far the results have been less than stellar. But while Facebook and Google may get there, FriendFeed is ultimately not going to do much to challenge either of them.

他是对的-社交上下文搜索广告目前对广告客户来说是一个圣杯,尽管到目前为止结果还不算出色。 但是,尽管Facebook和Google可能做到这一点,但FriendFeed最终并不会为挑战它们中的任何一个做太多事情。

There are two main reasons why FriendFeed will never be the next Google:


Social Search Only Works for Some Searches


Here’s Rubel: “Social contextual search addresses Google’s Achilles’ heel: superfluous content. When users scour the web, they can’t easily separate content they trust (i.e., content that has been created by their friends) from everything else.”

这是鲁贝尔(Rubel):“社交内容搜索解决了Google的致命弱点:多余的内容。 当用户搜寻网络时,他们无法轻易将自己信任的内容(即由朋友创建的内容)与其他所有内容区分开。”

But the Achilles heel of social contextual search is this: It only works if you have friends who know the subject. If I’m looking for a good salmon recipe or a hotel to stay at in Seattle, I might query my friends. But if I’m doing research for a paper on Kant’s categorical imperative for Philosophy 212 or trying to find sales numbers for competitors for a report at work, then digging through Google results is the best way to go. The same goes for sensitive searches (such as those for medical information) that I may not want to share with my friends.

但是社交上下文搜索的致命弱点是:只有当您的朋友知道该主题时,它才有效。 如果我正在寻找一份好的鲑鱼食谱或在西雅图住宿的酒店,我可能会问我的朋友。 但是,如果我正在研究有关康德对哲学212的绝对必要性的论文,或者试图为竞争对手找到销售报告的销售数字,那么挖掘Google的结果是最好的方法。 我可能不想与朋友分享的敏感搜索(例如医疗信息搜索)也是如此。

Social search is most useful for searches in which a trusted review is helpful — generally product or service searches. For informational searches, social search has the potential to fall flat, especially if your network of friends is small. Which brings me to the second point.

社交搜索对于可信任评论很有帮助的搜索(通常是产品或服务搜索)最有用。 对于信息搜索,社交搜索有可能陷入困境,尤其是在您的朋友网络很小的情况下。 这将我带到第二点。

FriendFeed is Hard to Maintain

FriendFeed 难以维护

For tech geeks and early adopters, putting hours each day into maintaining accounts at sites like FriendFeed and Twitter is worth it. For most people, it isn’t.

对于技术爱好者和早期采用者而言,每天花几个小时维护FriendFeed和Twitter等网站的帐户是值得的。 对于大多数人来说不是。

Google is always there, always on, and it doesn’t need nurturing to make it work. FriendFeed takes careful cultivation if you want to get anything out of it. You have to put time into building and maintaining your network of friends if you want them to be there when you need them for search purposes. For most people, I don’t think that’s a trade off they’ll make for better product searches.

Google永远存在,永远存在,它不需要付出任何努力就可以发挥作用。 如果您想从中获取任何好处,FriendFeed会进行认真的培养。 如果要在需要他们进行搜索时使他们出现,则必须花时间建立和维护您的朋友网络。 对于大多数人来说,我认为这并不是他们为获得更好的产品搜索而付出的代价。

That’s why FriendFeed itself may never go mainstream. Eventually, the ideas presented from sites like FriendFeed and Twitter will get to regular users (in likely slimmer, more basic forms) as features on larger sites. These implementations will take the benefits of FriendFeed, but strip out a lot of the work that needs to be done to make it function.

这就是FriendFeed本身可能永远不会成为主流的原因。 最终,像FriendFeed和Twitter这样的网站提出的想法将作为大型网站上的功能被普通用户使用(可能是更苗条,更基本的形式)。 这些实现将利用FriendFeed的好处,但要使它发挥作用需要做很多工作。

社交搜索:功能而非未来 (Social Search: A Feature, Not the Future)

Don’t get me wrong, social search is a great idea. Leaning on data from Twitter, StumbleUpon, del.icio.us, Digg, and every other site you participate in to augment and enhance search results is something that someone will do soon (my money is on Facebook and Microsoft, who are best positioned, but it’s a smart bet that Google is doing something clever in this area as well). And whenever someone figures out how to do it well — which will involve making social search run in the background during traditional searches, it will rock.

别误会,社交搜寻是个好主意。 依靠Twitter,StumbleUpon,del.icio.us,Digg以及您所参与的其他每个站点上的数据来扩大和增强搜索结果,都是人们很快就会做的事情(我的钱主要来自Facebook和Microsoft,他们的位置最合适,但这是明智的选择,因为Google在这方面也做得很好。 每当有人弄清楚如何做到这一点时(涉及在传统搜索过程中使社交搜索在后台运行),它都会动摇。

But it won’t replace traditional search. Rather, it will be an added feature that makes traditional search better for searches that warrant it.

但这不会取代传统搜索。 相反,它将是一项附加功能,可以使传统搜索更好地满足需要的搜索。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/social-search-is-not-the-future/

