
tech2024-03-09  83


More fallout from the BlueDragon open source announcement of last week: New Atlanta President Vince Bonfanti attempts to clear up some misconceptions; Allan Williamson gives an example of how the new open source version can be used by developers in conjuction with Amazon Web Services, and calls for community involvement in BlueDragon’s future; Michael Sharman covers a little about the other CFML engines available; and the ColdFusion Weekly podcast hosts a roundtable to discuss the move.

上周BlueDragon开源公告带来了更多影响: 新亚特兰大总统文斯·邦凡提(Vince Bonfanti)试图消除一些误解 ; 艾伦•威廉姆森(Allan Williamson)举例说明了开发人员如何与亚马逊网络服务结合使用新的开源版本 ,并呼吁社区参与BlueDragon的未来 ; 迈克尔•沙曼(Michael Sharman)简要介绍了其他可用的CFML引擎 ; 和ColdFusion每周播客主持圆桌会议,讨论此举 。

Fortunately, there is other news this week as well: in the tools category, Nathan Mische announced that ColdFire, the Firebug extension to allow ColdFusion debugging with Firefox, is now compatible with the soon-to-be-released Firefox 3; and CFEclipse, the IDE of choice for many CF developers, has a spiffy new web site.

幸运的是,本周还有其他新闻:在工具类别中,Nathan Mische宣布,ColdFire是Firebug扩展,允许使用Firefox进行ColdFusion调试, 现在与即将发布的Firefox 3兼容 ; CFEclipse是许多CF开发人员选择的IDE,它拥有一个漂亮的新网站 。

One of the new features in ColdFusion 8 that doesn’t get a lot of press is the .NET integration. Anuj Gakhar demonstrates a potential use for the feature in his Coldfusion 8, .NET and Excel Example. When playing around with new features, you’ll want to be able to access the documentation – so Michael Sharman runs through some of the options available. Steve Bryant shows how to copy a directory using CFZIP; Ben Forta highlights two new security fixes that have been released (one for ColdFusion MX7 and one for ColdFusion 8), then asks the community what they would like to see in the way of ColdFusion/Sharepoint integration; and Raymond Camden explores in detail what can go wrong when the var scope is not used correctly in CFCs.

.NET集成是ColdFusion 8中的一个新功能,它没有引起太多关注。 Anuj Gakhar在他的Coldfusion 8,.NET和Excel Example中展示了该功能的潜在用途。 在使用新功能时,您将希望能够访问文档-因此Michael Sharman会介绍一些可用的选项 。 Steve Bryant展示了如何使用CFZIP复制目录 。 Ben Forta重点介绍了已发布的两个新安全修复程序 (一个用于ColdFusion MX7,一个用于ColdFusion 8),然后询问社区,他们希望通过ColdFusion / Sharepoint集成看到什么? Raymond Camden详细探讨了在CFC中未正确使用var范围时可能出问题的地方 。

Ajax and ExtJS integration is still insanely popular – Dan Vega talks about basic in-place grid editing, and then shows a slightly more advanced custom grid editor. Inspired by Dan’s efforts, Anuj Gakhar shows off a complete CFGrid editing solution which is very tidy indeed. ColdExt, the ExtJS library for ColdFusion (including CF7 as well as CF8) has been released as Beta 1, and now includes a CFEclipse plugin for the CFEclipse users among us. Also on the topic of Ajax, Todd Sharp shares his explorations into the idea of progressive enhancement – where applications are built for the most basic user agents, with extra layers of complexity enhancing the experience for more advanced user agents – and shows that for at least some components, it is possible for CF8’s built in Ajax widgets to degrade gracefully. Accessibility is an important topic that is often ignored in the ColdFusion community, so I applaud Todd’s efforts.

Ajax和ExtJS集成仍然非常流行-Dan Vega讨论了基本的就地网格编辑 ,然后展示了一个稍微高级的自定义网格编辑器 。 受Dan的努力启发, Anuj Gakhar展示了一个完整的CFGrid编辑解决方案 ,确实非常整洁。 ColdExt,用于ColdFusion的ExtJS库 (包括CF7和CF8)已作为Beta 1发布,现在其中包括一个供CFEclipse用户使用的CFEclipse插件。 同样在Ajax主题上, 托德·夏普 ( Todd Sharp)分享了他对渐进式增强概念的探索 - 渐进式增强的概念 -应用程序是为最基本的用户代理构建的,附加的复杂性层为更高级的用户代理提供了更好的体验-并且表明至少对于某些组件,CF8内置的Ajax小部件可能会优雅地降级。 可访问性是ColdFusion社区中经常忽略的重要主题,因此我对Todd的努力表示赞赏。

Finally, a bit of cheerleading for ColdFusion: Alistair Davidson compares CF to Ruby on Rails in I still miss CFOUTPUT. Ruby and the Rails framework may have a lot going for them, but I agree with Alistair: the time saving features of CF – even things as simple as grouped output – are what make coding in ColdFusion such an absolute joy. What’s your take?

最终,ColdFusion产生了一些欢呼:Alistair Davidson将CF与Ruby on Rails进行了比较, 我仍然很想念CFOUTPUT 。 Ruby和Rails框架可能有很多用处,但我同意Alistair的观点:CF的省时功能-甚至是分组输出之类的简单功能-都使ColdFusion中的编码绝对令人高兴。 你拿什么

As usual, send me your must-read CF tips by leaving a comment for tagging links in delicious for:kay.smoljak.



