
tech2024-03-09  95


According to the Wall Street Journal Twitter is now mainstream. Whether or not you buy that, it can mean only one thing: the cybersquatters are about to move in en masse. So the question is, who owns your Twitter name?

据《 华尔街日报》报道, Twitter现在是主流 。 无论您是否购买它,都仅意味着一件事:抢注者将成群结队。 所以问题是,谁拥有您的Twitter名称?

I finally jumped on the bandwagon and got mine (@catone) sometime last March. SitePoint wasn’t quite so lucky. When we went to register our official Twitter account, we were unfortunately too late to get the obvious choice: someone else already had it. (We can be found on Twitter at @sitepointdotcom and would love for you to follow us!)

去年三月的某个时候,我终于跳上了潮流,并得到了我的( @catone )。 SitePoint不太幸运。 不幸的是,当我们注册我们的官方Twitter帐户时,为时已晚,没有明显的选择:已经有人注册了。 (我们可以在Twitter上的@sitepointdotcom上找到我们,希望您关注我们!)

According to Richard Steinnon at Network World, the practice of “Twitter squatting” is becoming more common. Check out the names for Crisco, Coke, Pepsi, Nike, and Chevrolet, for example. All registered trademarks, all taken, and very likely not taken by the trademark owner.

根据 Network World的 Richard Steinnon所说 ,“ Twitter蹲”的做法正变得越来越普遍。 例如,检查出Crisco , Coke , Pepsi , Nike和Chevrolet的名称。 所有注册商标,全部是商标所有人,很可能不是商标所有人。

Perhaps the most cheeky example of Twitter squatting, is the @glennbeck account, which has a single tweet that appears to be fishing for money for the account. Clearly, the account isn’t being controlled by television and radio personality Glenn Beck, but rather by an opportunistic squatter attempting to make a quick buck.

Twitter蹲下最厚脸皮的例子可能是@glennbeck帐户,该帐户只有一条推文,似乎是在为该帐户赚钱。 显然,该账户不是由电视和广播人物格伦·贝克控制的,而是由一个试图Swift赚钱的机会主义屋者控制的。

Hiya. Please contact me if you’d like this Twitter account. glennbecktwitter@gmail.com

iya 如果您想要这个Twitter帐户,请与我联系。 glennbecktwitter@gmail.com

To be fair to the person who has the SitePoint name we initially went after, it’s not a pure case of squatting — he actually owns a trademark on the name SitePoint in Switzerland. For that reason, Twitter couldn’t help us — even though SitePoint Pty. Ltd. owns the US trademark to the name SitePoint.

为了公平起见,我们最初追求的是SitePoint名称的人,这并不是纯粹的抢注案-他实际上在瑞士拥有SitePoint名称的商标。 因此,Twitter无法为我们提供帮助-即使SitePoint Pty。Ltd.拥有名为SitePoint的美国商标。

The takeaway is clear here, though:


You should immediately register your company name on every social media service you can think of.


Twitter, Digg, MySpace, Facebook, YouTube — these are the new frontier of cybersquatting. “How to protect your own brand? Immediately […] determine if your name is available. Get it while you can,” writes Steinnon. “While you are at it, reserve all of the names associated with your brand. You may decide that any domain you have invested in should have its [own social media] ID. It is the domain name squatters who will jump on this new land grab first after all.”

Twitter,Digg,MySpace,Facebook,YouTube-这些是域名抢注的新领域。 “如何保护自己的品牌? 立即[…]确定您的姓名是否可用。 尽您所能,” Steinnon写道。 “在使用时,请保留与品牌相关的所有名称。 您可能会决定,您投资的任何域都应具有其[自己的社交媒体] ID。 毕竟,域名抢注者将首先跳入这一新领域。”

Is your brand protected?


Remember to follow SitePoint on Twitter at on Twitter at @sitepointdotcom.

请记住在Twitter上的@sitepointdotcom上关注Twitter上的SitePoint 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/do-you-own-your-social-media-identity/

