
tech2024-03-09  83


Crowdsourcing is one of those wonderful concepts that only exists because of the internet. A decade ago it would have been unthinkable that a small company in Brisbane could have tapped into the huge pool of brilliant computer programmers in India or cutting-edge designers in Russia.

众包是仅因互联网而存在的奇妙概念之一。 十年前,布里斯班的一家小公司可能会利用印度庞大的才华横溢的计算机程序员或俄罗斯的前沿设计师,这是不可想象的。

But crowdsourcing isn’t just one of those cool web 2.0 ideas — it’s a quick and practical way for freelancers to save thousands on a huge variety of tasks. For a few hundred dollars, it’s well worth giving it a go.

但是,众包不只是这些很棒的Web 2.0创意之一,它还是自由职业者一种快速实用的方法,可以节省成千上万种繁琐的任务。 花几百美元,就值得一试。

99designs: SitePoint’s sister site, 99designs, is the place to go to get everything from a logo to a web site designed by the huge community of professional designers. It’s easy to use and has a strong community, so you are very likely to get the design you want over the course of a seven-day contest.

99designs :SitePoint的姊妹网站99designs是获取从徽标到庞大的专业设计师社区设计的网站的所有内容的地方。 它易于使用且拥有强大的社区,因此在为期7天的竞赛过程中,您很有可能获得所需的设计。

ScriptLance: Don’t get an expensive local computer programmer in – put the job on ScriptLance and outsource your task to the cheapest bidder. Think about it – with armies of underutilised programmers sitting in Asia and Eastern Europe, there’s bound to be someone around the world to prepared to do your job on the cheap.

ScriptLance :不要招募昂贵的本地计算机程序员-将工作放在ScriptLance上,然后将您的任务外包给最便宜的竞标者。 想想看-在亚洲和东欧有大量未充分利用的程序员,世界各地肯定会有人准备以便宜的价格完成工作。

Guru: Guru is a bit of a one-stop crowdsourcing shop, where you can find freelance professionals to help you with everything from legal matters to design to IT to engineering and accounting.

专家 :专家是一站式的众包商店,您可以在这里找到自由职业者,以帮助您解决从法律事务到设计到IT到工程和会计的所有事务。

NameThis: Need a name for your new product or business? Simply post a description at NameThis, pay $US99 and in 48 hours the community will come up with a selection of three names for you to choose from.

NameThis :您的新产品或业务需要名称吗? 只需在NameThis上发布描述,支付99美元,社区将在48小时内提供三个名称供您选择。

iStockPhoto: If you need a cheap image for your corporate brochure, website or presentation, iStockPhoto is the place to go. It also has video files and will soon offer audio files for sale.

iStockPhoto :如果您需要便宜的图像来宣传公司的宣传册,网站或演示文稿,iStockPhoto是一个理想的选择。 它还具有视频文件,并将很快提供音频文件出售。

Threadless: Loved by fashionistas and businesses alike, Threadless is a crowdsourcing design site dedicated to t-shirt design. If you want to get a great t-shirt design and create a bit of buzz about your brand, this is the place to go.

Threadless :Threadless是时尚达人和企业都喜欢的,是致力于T恤设计的众包设计网站。 如果您想获得出色的T恤设计并引起对您品牌的关注,这是一个去处。

精美印刷 (The Fine Print)

Be prepared for a bit of an adventure if you decide to use a crowdsourcing site — you can never be quite sure what you are going to get back from the community involved.


On design sites such as 99designs, you will need to be prepared to wade through a large number of different designs, some of which will be entirely inappropriate. You might even find that your contest ends without you finding the right design, in which case you’ll still have to pick a winner and pay the prize anyway (it’s considered bad form not to).

在诸如99designs之类的设计网站上,您需要准备好进行大量不同的设计,其中有些是完全不合适的。 您甚至可能会发现,如果没有找到正确的设计,竞赛就结束了,在这种情况下,您仍然必须挑选一名获胜者并支付奖金(这被认为是不好的形式)。

The best way to get around problems like this is to be as specific as possible in your brief. Tell the community exactly what you want, provide examples where appropriate (such as your corporate style guide, preferred colours and other designs you like) and keep communicating with the community to refine your idea.

解决此类问题的最佳方法是在您的简介中尽可能具体。 准确地告诉社区您想要什么,在适当的地方提供示例(例如您的公司风格指南,首选的颜色和您喜欢的其他设计),并与社区保持沟通以完善您的想法。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/6-great-crowdsourcing-sites-for-freelancers/

