
tech2024-03-10  87


A few days ago, Andrea James of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer’s Amazon blog confirmed rumors that Amazon will be targeting college students with its next version of the Kindle eBook reader. Getting into the college market makes heaps of sense for Amazon — the college textbook market is estimated at $5.5 billion — and it makes sense for students too.

几天前, 西雅图邮政情报局的亚马逊博客的安德里亚·詹姆斯(Andrea James) 证实了谣言 ,称亚马逊将通过其下一代Kindle电子书阅读器瞄准大学生。 进入大学市场对亚马逊来说意义非凡,据估计,大学教科书市场规模为55亿美元 ,对学生来说也很有意义。

Students spend an average of $702 per year on required course materials each year, according to the National Association of College Stores (PDF). You can bet that most of that is probably spent on textbooks, which run $53 each on average (new, and $48 each used). The College Board recommends that students budget up to $1,229 for books and supplies depending on the institution they attend. And it’s getting worse: the price of textbooks in the US is rising at twice the rate of inflation.

根据美国大学商店协会( PDF )的数据,学生每年平均每年在必修课程材料上的支出为702美元。 您可以打赌,其中大部分可能都花在了教科书上,这些教科书的平ASP格为53美元(新书和旧书平均为48美元)。 美国大学理事会建议,根据学生所在的院校,学生的书籍和用品预算最高为$ 1,229。 而且情况变得越来越糟:美国教科书的价格正在以通货膨胀率的两倍上涨。

A $359 one-time cost for a device that could be used all four (or more) years of university would solve the cost issues if eBook prices could be kept down — especially if any of those costs could be subsidized by the university. Many textbook publishers are already putting out digital copies of their books. McGraw-Hill publishes nearly 95% of its textbooks digitally in addition to print versions, for example. So there is already a willingness among publishers to try digital distribution.

如果可以降低电子书的价格,可以一次性在整个大学四年(或更长时间)使用的设备的一次性费用为359美元,就可以解决成本问题,尤其是如果其中任何费用可以由大学资助的话。 许多教科书出版商已经在推出其书籍的数字副本。 例如,McGraw-Hill除印刷版外,还数字出版了近95%的教科书 。 因此,发行商之间已经有尝试数字发行的意愿。

But there are still problems.


According to a new study by a handful of Student Public Interest Research Groups (PIRGs), digital textbooks right now are heading down the wrong path for students. Most startlingly, the study found that digital textbooks right now actually cost more than their print counterparts, which completely erases perhaps the biggest potential benefit of electronic textbook distribution (aside from obvious environmental impacts). The Student PIRGs found that digital textbooks “cost on average 39% more than a used hard copy of the same title bought and sold back online.”

根据少数学生公共利益研究小组(PIRGs)的一项新研究 ,当前数字教科书正在为学生走错路。 最令人吃惊的是,该研究发现,数字教科书目前的实际价格要比印刷教科书高,这完全消除了电子教科书分发的最大潜在好处(除了明显的环境影响)。 学生PIRG发现,数字教科书“比在网上买卖的同名旧书平均成本高39%”。

The study also found that digital textbooks are difficult to print. It may seem counter intuitive to print a digital textbook, but it is necessary for some students. Further, taking notes on a digital textbook is difficult. The Kindle supports typed text notes, but they’re not nearly as intuitive and easy to use as a highlighter, sticky notes, or scribbling in the margins of a printed book. Because everyone has different study habits, typing notes on the Kindle won’t work for every student.

研究还发现,数字教科书很难印刷。 打印一本数字教科书可能看起来很不直观,但是对于某些学生来说是必须的。 此外,在数字教科书上做笔记是困难的。 Kindle支持键入的文本注释,但它们不像荧光笔,粘滞便笺或在印刷书籍的空白处乱涂一样直观且易于使用。 由于每个人都有不同的学习习惯,因此在Kindle上键入注释并不适合每个学生。

Finally, the report found that many students were wary of digital textbooks that could only be viewed on a computer screen. That Kindle would actually solve that problem, but the study found that 75% of textbooks surveyed expired after 180 days, which the Student PIRGs say is unacceptable. Once purchased, students should be able to keep and read digital textbooks indefinitely.

最后,该报告发现许多学生对只能在计算机屏幕上查看的数字教科书保持警惕。 Kindle确实可以解决该问题,但研究发现,接受调查的教科书中有75%在180天后过期,学生PIRGs认为这是不可接受的。 购买后,学生应该能够无限期地保存和阅读数字教科书。

The report lays out three requirements for digital textbooks that would make them work for students: lower prices, better printing options, and accessibility. It is certainly possible for Amazon and textbook publishers to meet these criteria and successfully create digital textbooks that students would find more useful than print books. If Amazon seriously wants a piece of that $5.5 million billion market they might be wise to pay attention to what the students are saying.

该报告列出了数字教科书的三个要求,这些要求将使它们适用于学生:更低的价格,更好的打印选项和可访问性。 亚马逊和教科书出版商当然有可能满足这些条件,并成功创建数字教科书,学生会发现这些教科书比印刷书更有用。 如果亚马逊真的希望在这550 亿美元的市场中占有一席之地,那么明智的做法就是要注意学生们所说的话。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/will-digital-textbooks-work-for-students/

