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tech2024-03-10  77

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In the late 90s, eBay’s online auction model was being heralded as the future of online selling, with smart people predicting that fixed prices would disappear online in favor of the booming auction trade. But a decade late, the exact opposite is happening. Auctions are a dying breed, and eBay has taken a thumping from traditional fixed price merchants like Amazon.com. Over the past year, eBay’s stock is down about 27 percent.

在90年代后期,eBay的在线拍卖模式被誉为在线销售的未来 ,聪明的人预测,固定价格将在网上消失,以支持蓬勃发展的拍卖交易。 但是晚了十年,完全相反的事情正在发生。 拍卖是一种垂死的品种,而eBay受到了像Amazon.com这样的传统固定价格商家的重击。 过去一年,eBay的股价下跌了约27%。

Last March eBay put itself at odds with many of its most prolific sellers when it instituted policy changes that favored sellers using a Buy It Now (BIN) pricing model — i.e., fixed price sales. Sellers boycotted, and some third-party measures found that eBay listings were down 13% during the time of the seller action (eBay has always denied that the boycott had any effect). That and other changes by the company has caused many sellers to leave the site. 10-year eBay veteran nancybusinraleigh told me in May that eBay was putting themselves through “death by a thousand cuts” and was ignoring sellers at their peril.

去年三月,eBay在制定政策变更时采用了“立即购买(BIN)”定价模型(即固定价格销售),从而与许多最多产的卖方产生了分歧。 卖方抵制,一些第三方措施发现,在卖方采取行动期间,eBay的挂牌量下降了13%(eBay一直否认抵制产生任何影响)。 公司的改变和其他改变导致许多卖家离开网站 。 在eBay工作了10年的资深专家nancybusinraleigh在5月份告诉我,eBay正在“一千个裁员”地使自己陷入困境 ,并无视卖方的危险。

This week, eBay announced more policy changes that will favor fixed price sellers. eBay will lower its upfront per listing fee by as much as 75% and raise the commission it takes on successful sales on the back end. That favors fixed price sellers who can flood the site with more listings at a lower initial cost. It hurts sellers who use the auction format, though — those who generally sell unique, one-of-a-kind, hand made, or antique items.

本周,eBay宣布了更多有利于固定价格卖家的政策变更 。 eBay会将其每次上市费用的前期费用降低多达75%,并提高了成功进行后端销售的佣金。 这有利于固定价格的卖家,他们可以以较低的初始成本在网站上充斥更多的商品。 不过,这会伤害那些使用拍卖形式的卖家,即那些通常会出售独特,一种,手工或古董的卖家。

It is in this way that eBay is losing its soul. By chasing Amazon with its new emphasis on fixed price sales, eBay is leaving its original core customers — the sellers who built the site into an auction giant by selling unique items and hand made goods — out in the cold.

正是这样,eBay失去了灵魂。 通过追逐以固定价格销售为重心的亚马逊,eBay离开了原来的核心客户,即通过出售独特的物品和手工商品而将网站建设成拍卖巨头的卖家。

eBay’s slogan used to be, “Whatever it is, you can get it on eBay.” But that is less and less the case now. As selling a few collectibles or second hand goods from your attic becomes infeasible due to higher costs, and as competition with the growing flood of fixed price listings (including from corporate partners like Buy.com) increases, those sellers will increasingly abandon eBay.

eBay的口号曾经是:“无论是什么,您都可以在eBay上获得它。” 但是现在情况越来越少了。 由于成本上升,在您的阁楼上出售一些收藏品或二手商品变得不可行,并且随着越来越多的固定价格清单(包括来自Buy.com等公司合作伙伴等公司)的竞争,这些卖家将越来越多地放弃eBay。

I pinged nancybusinraleigh for her take on the new eBay changes. “The seller with one unique item, who is not a mass merchandise seller, loses the edge – again – and [the changes] force them to look elsewhere for a selling platform,” she told me. “And eBay further deteriorates the reputation they had for finding anything you might be looking for on eBay. So it’s not just the auction business they’re turning from … they take away the unique array of items people would list.”

我对Nancybusinraleigh进行了ping操作,以了解她对eBay所做的新更改。 她告诉我:“只有一件独特商品的卖家,而不是大宗商品卖家,再次失去了优势-[变化]迫使他们转向其他地方寻找销售平台。” “而且,eBay进一步恶化了他们在eBay上找到所需物品的声誉。 因此,不仅仅是他们要从事的拍卖业务……他们拿走了人们会列出的独特物品。”

At this point, says Nancy, eBay is just “rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.” They’re nickel and diming sellers, she says, in their effort to chase Amazon. But competing with Amazon might be hard for eBay.

南希说,此时,eBay只是“重新布置了泰坦尼克号上的躺椅”。 她说,他们是追逐亚马逊的努力中的佼佼者。 但是对于eBay而言,与亚马逊竞争可能很难。

Amazon has almost four times the quarterly revenue and more than double the sales growth, and as Nancy points out, the changes eBay is making might increase its total listings as more fixed price sellers flood the site, but it will likely decrease the variety that the site is known for. With less variety, no “Amazon option” that offers free shipping, and no value added content like customer reviews, author blogs, product wikis, etc. competing with Amazon in the fixed price market is going to be seriously difficult.

亚马逊的季度收入几乎是其四倍,销售额增长了两倍以上,而且正如南希指出的那样,随着更多固定价格的卖家涌入该网站,eBay所做的改变可能会增加其总上市数量,但可能会减少该网站是著名的。 由于种类较少,因此没有提供免费送货服务的“亚马逊选项”,也没有像客户评论,作者博客,产品Wiki等增值内容在固定价格市场上与亚马逊竞争,这将变得非常困难。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/ebay-is-slowly-losing-its-soul/

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相关资源:eBay技术平台:掌控十亿级交易数据(Tony Ng).zip