
tech2024-03-10  81

Undoubtedly feeling the pressure from Hulu and other sites that have begun successfully streaming full length, professionally produced content for free over the web, YouTube over the weekend announced that it had begun testing full length content streams. YouTube kicked off their test with classic TV content from CBS, including full length episodes of MacGuyver, Star Trek, The Young an the Restless, and Beverly Hills 90210 (the original, not the new remake).

毫无疑问, Hulu和其他已经开始成功通过网络免费流媒体播放完整的专业制作内容的网站的压力, YouTube在周末宣布已开始测试全长内容流。 YouTube用CBS的经典电视内容开始了他们的测试,包括MacGuyver,Star Trek,The Young an the Restless和Beverly Hills 90210的完整插曲(原始的,不是新的翻拍)。

The new full-length content feature will allow YouTube to legally host professionally created, long-form content, and to monetize it with pre-, post-, and mid-roll advertising in the way that Hulu has been successful.


YouTube currently dominates online video, accounting for about 44% of all US video streams. But without access to professional, full length content, the site could see that dominance start to slip. Via the success of Hulu, users have demonstrated that not only are they interested in pro content, they’re also more open to monetization via in-stream video advertising when the content is television or feature film length.

YouTube目前主导着在线视频 ,约占美国所有视频流的44%。 但是,如果无法访问专业的完整内容,该网站可能会发现主导地位开始下滑。 通过Hulu的成功,用户证明了他们不仅对专业内容感兴趣,而且当内容为电视或故事片时,他们也更愿意通过插播视频广告获利。

Audiences are also now turning more often to the web to view professionally created television content. The recent comedic send-up of US Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin by actress Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live, for example, was viewed 66% of the time after the live TV broadcast on DVRs and the web.

现在,观众也越来越多地转向网上观看专业制作的电视内容。 例如,女星蒂娜·菲(Tina Fey)最近在美国偶像候选人萨拉·佩林(Sarah Palin)的喜剧片中,在DVR和网络上直播电视后,有66%的时间被收看 。

“This is the first time we’ve seen delayed viewing numbers this big,” said Amanda Welsh, head of research for TV data firm Integrated Media Measurement Inc. “Usually it’s the other way around, with the overwhelming majority of viewing occurring during the actual broadcast.”

电视数据公司Integrated Media Measurement Inc.的研究主管Amanda Welsh说:“这是我们第一次看到如此大的收看人数。通常,反之亦然,绝大多数收看发生在实际广播。”

As Greg Sterling of Search Engine Land correctly points out, it was on the back of illegally uploaded commercial content that YouTube first rose to its current position of online video dominance. YouTube will be placed at a competitive disadvantage going forward if it isn’t able to provide access to the commercial, full length content that users desire.

正如Search Engine Land的Greg Sterling 正确指出的那样 ,YouTube在非法上传的商业内容的支持下首次上升到目前的在线视频主导地位。 如果YouTube无法提供用户所需的商业性完整内容的访问权限,那么它将在未来处于竞争劣势。

On the experience side, YouTube’s full length content effort feels the way they’re labeling it — like a test. It’s not that the YouTube player is bad at delivering long-form content, it’s just not as good as what we’ve come to expect from Hulu, which set the bar pretty high. Ads feel more clumsily integrated, there’s too much going on on the page for a truly cohesive viewing experience (though the new “lights off” feature, helps), and the quality doesn’t seem up to par — though to be fair, that is harder to judge when the only full-length content they have available is from a decade or more ago.

在体验方面,YouTube的全长内容努力就像他们在测试中一样,给他们加上了标签。 这并不是说YouTube播放器不能提供长格式内容,而是不如我们对Hulu所期望的那样好,Hulu的门槛很高。 广告感觉变得更加笨拙,页面上的内容太多,无法带来真正凝聚力的观看体验(尽管新的“熄灯”功能有所帮助),质量似乎也无法与之相提并论。当它们仅有的完整内容是十年或更早的内容时,就很难判断了。

The biggest omission, though, is that embedding is turned off, at least for the launch content. Embedding has allowed a ton of Hulu content to spread virally across the web. YouTube appears to be leaving the option of whether content can be embedded up to the publisher. Hopefully YouTube can convince publishers to allow their content to be embedded, or else their service will have a hard time competing with Hulu and other full-length content providers.

但是,最大的遗漏是,至少对于启动内容,嵌入被关闭了。 嵌入使大量Hulu内容在网络上病毒传播。 YouTube似乎可以选择是否可以将内容嵌入发布者。 希望YouTube能够说服发布商允许其内容被嵌入,否则他们的服务将很难与Hulu和其他全长内容提供商竞争。

You can check out an episode of MacGuyver here.


Though not mentioned in the official YouTube blog announcement, commenters there seem to indicate that this test is for US users only.


