
tech2024-03-10  73


After a couple of years in development, Yahoo! officially launched their BrowserPlus plugin at a party on the Yahoo! campus today. BrowserPlus is a new cross-browser plugin from Yahoo! that enables what they’re called “in-browser desktop applications,” which is a fancy way of saying that it allows developers to add desktop-like functionality to web-based apps. The BrowserPlus approach is a bit different from Gears (a Google-led open source project), which is a desktop wrapper for web apps with local data store, and Adobe’s AIR, which recreates a web environment on the desktop, though there is some overlap.

经过几年的发展,Yahoo! 在Yahoo!的一个聚会上正式启动了他们的BrowserPlus插件。 今天的校园。 BrowserPlus是Yahoo!提供的新的跨浏览器插件。 它启用了所谓的“浏览器内桌面应用程序”,这是一种说法,它表示开发人员可以向基于Web的应用程序添加类似于桌面的功能。 BrowserPlus方法与Gears(由Google领导的开放源代码项目)和具有本地数据存储功能的Web应用程序的桌面包装以及Adobe的AIR有所不同,Gears是带有本地数据存储的Web应用程序的桌面包装,尽管存在一些重叠。

BrowserPlus offers developers a number of services, including persistent data store — which is one of the main selling points of Gears and AIR, drag and drop, file uploading, IRC chat, motion sensor control, and desktop messaging.

BrowserPlus为开发人员提供了许多服务 ,包括永久性数据存储,这是Gears和AIR的主要卖点之一,可拖放,文件上传,IRC聊天,运动传感器控制和桌面消息传递。

According to Yahoo!’s Lloyd Hilaiel, the goal with BrowserPlus is to “[fix] the web plug-in environment, making rapid experimentation possible.” Hilaiel thinks that browser plugins are great because they allow developers to extend the browser to do a range of new things, but the current system is broken. They’re difficult to write, installing them is a pain (who wants to restart your browser before you can access new content?), updating them is clumsy, and securing them is hard, he told attendees at the launch event according to a live blog at Ajaxian.

根据Yahoo!的Lloyd Hilaiel所说,BrowserPlus的目标是“ [修复] Web插件环境,使快速实验成为可能。” Hilaiel认为浏览器插件很棒,因为它们允许开发人员扩展浏览器以执行一系列新操作,但是当前系统已损坏。 他在现场直播中告诉与会人员说,它们很难编写,很难安装(谁想要在访问新内容之前重新启动浏览器?),更新它们很笨拙,并且很难保护它们。 Ajaxian的博客 。

BrowserPlus, on the other hand, will allow developers to push new desktop functionality to users via web applications without the need to restart the browser, and updates can be pushed to users in the background without requiring them to reinstall anything. For the end-user, BrowserPlus would be a single install and additional developer services could be launched and pushed to them behind the scenes. Currently, only Yahoo! and their partners can launch new services on BrowserPlus.

另一方面,BrowserPlus将允许开发人员通过Web应用程序向用户推送新的桌面功能,而无需重新启动浏览器,并且更新可以在后台推送给用户,而无需他们重新安装任何内容。 对于最终用户而言,BrowserPlus将是一个简单的安装,并且可以启动其他开发人员服务并将其推向幕后。 目前,只有Yahoo! 及其合作伙伴可以在BrowserPlus上启动新服务。

Yahoo! is intending to open source BrowserPlus eventually. The Service API should be opened up by the end of this year, with everything else following in the middle of 2009.

雅虎! 打算最终开放开源的BrowserPlus。 Service API将于今年年底开放,其他一切将于2009年年中开放。

“We want BrowserPlus to be portable, crash-proof, secure, and tiny,” says Hilaiel, who talked about a plethora of upcoming services that people are already discussing. “Folks on the forums are talking about peer-to-peer support. People are suggesting screen capture technology for better bug reporting. Webcam integration! Easy import of calendaring data! Drag-and-drop of Word documents! Bittorrent! There’s no shortage of ideas,” he said, noting that he’s excited to see what developers come up with once they have full access to the Service API.

“我们希望BrowserPlus能够便携,防崩溃,安全且小巧。”希莱尔说,他谈到了人们已经在讨论的众多即将推出的服务。 “论坛上的人们都在谈论对等支持。 人们建议使用屏幕捕获技术来更好地报告错误。 网络摄像头集成! 轻松导入日历数据! 拖放Word文档! 比特洪流! 他说,他很高兴看到开发人员一旦获得对Service API的完全访问权,就会想到什么。

Back in June, we wrote on SitePoint blogs that BrowserPlus was an important part of Yahoo!’s web OS play. “Yahoo already runs some of the most frequented web applications worldwide; add BrowserPlus and they can not only supercharge their applications, they can do it within their own platform. With BrowserPlus, the local OS suddenly became a lot less important,” wrote Akash Mehta.

早在6月,我们在SitePoint博客上写道 ,BrowserPlus是Yahoo! Web OS的重要组成部分。 “雅虎已经在全球范围内运行一些最常用的Web应用程序; 添加BrowserPlus,他们不仅可以增强他们的应用程序,还可以在自己的平台上完成此工作。 借助BrowserPlus,本地操作系统突然变得不那么重要了,” Akash Mehta写道。

The battle for the web platform is shaping up to be a battle of titans between Google, Adobe, Microsoft, Yahoo!, Sun, and perhaps Facebook and Apple.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/yahoo-launches-browserplus-plans-to-open-source-it/

