
tech2024-03-10  86

You may have seen this picture of the standard Photoshop desktop floating around the web the last couple of days in which the screen is recreated using real life objects. I myself saw it twice on Twitter, once on Digg, had it sent to me via instant messenger, and saw it posted on one of the Adobe employee blogs. It was so cool, that I decide to email Adobe to find out how it was made (was it real or drawn in Illustrator?), and if it was an official Adobe ad. In response, Adobe told me they weren’t actually involved, and sent me a to a Flickr account that had more info.

您可能已经看到了过去几天中使用实际生活对象重新创建屏幕的标准Photoshop桌面在网上漂浮的这张图片。 我本人在Twitter上两次看到它,一次在Digg上看到它,是通过即时通讯程序将其发送给我的,并看到它发布在一个Adobe员工博客上。 太酷了,我决定通过电子邮件向Adobe发送电子邮件以了解其制作方式(它是真实的还是在Illustrator中绘制的?),以及它是否是Adobe的官方广告。 作为回应,Adobe告诉我他们实际上没有参与,并向我发送了一个具有更多信息的Flickr帐户。

As it turns out, the image is real, with each element — each tool bar icon, each color swatch, each thumbnail — painstakingly recreated using real world objects. Made by the Indonesian arm of Asia Pacific design firm Bates141, the image is apparently an advertisement created for Jakarta-based software distributor Software Asli announcing the availability of Photoshop CS4.

事实证明,图像是真实的,每个元素(每个工具栏图标,每个色样,每个缩略图)都是使用真实世界的对象精心制作的。 该图像显然是由亚太地区设计公司Bates141的印度尼西亚分公司制作的 ,显然是为总部位于雅加达的软件发行商Software Asli创建的广告,宣布Photoshop CS4的可用性。

The “As Real As It Gets” advertisement is definitely one of the coolest we’ve seen, for any product. So we hope that Software Asli or Bates141 is planning to sell a poster of it — we know we’d buy it!

对于任何产品,“按其实际情况投放”广告绝对是我们所见过的最酷的广告之一。 因此,我们希望Software Asli或Bates141计划出售其海报-我们知道我们会购买它!

Below are some behind the scenes photographs of it being made. For the full set of images, at their full size, check out the Flickr photo set. It is definitely worth a look to see how this amazing ad was put together.

下面是一些正在制作的幕后照片。 要查看完整尺寸的完整图像,请查看Flickr照片集 。 绝对值得一看,看看这个惊人的广告是如何组合在一起的。

