php zend

tech2024-03-11  78

php zend

Adobe and Zend announced a partnership today to more closely integrate Zend’s PHP framework with Adobe’s Flex. The goal is to make it easier for developers to create enterprise-ready rich Internet applications by leveraging Zend’s PHP technologies on the server side, and Adobe Flex on the client end.

Adobe和Zend今天宣布建立合作伙伴关系,以将ZendPHP框架与Adobe的Flex更紧密地集成在一起。 目的是通过利用服务器端的ZendPHP技术和客户端的Adobe Flex,使开发人员更轻松地创建企业就绪的富Internet应用程序。

The first integration point between the two companies will be the delivery of an Action Messaging Format component for the Zend framework. AMF is a messaging protocol that allows Flash and Flex based client applications to exchange data and rich media with servers. Adobe published the binary data protocol specification for AMF last December and vowed at the time to make the protocol available on all server platforms.

两家公司之间的第一个整合点将是为Zend框架提供一个动作消息格式组件。 AMF是一种消息传递协议,允许基于Flash和Flex的客户端应用程序与服务器交换数据和富媒体。 Adobe于去年12月发布了AMF的二进制数据协议规范,并誓言该协议可在所有服务器平台上使用。

Adobe initially proposed an AMF component for the Zend Framework in July, but is now formally announcing a relationship with Zend to make it happen.

Adobe最初在7月份为Zend框架提出了AMF组件 ,但现在正式宣布与Zend建立联系以实现它。

In addition, the companies plan to more closely integrate their respective development environments, the Zend Studio and Flex Builder, both of which are based on the open source Eclipse platform.

此外,两家公司还计划更紧密地集成各自的开发环境,即Zend Studio和Flex Builder,两者均基于开源Eclipse平台。

Note: To learn more about developing with Flex and PHP, be sure to check out the SitePoint tutorial series “Build A Web 2.0 Voting Widget With Flex” (Part I and Part II).

注意:要了解有关使用Flex和PHP开发的更多信息,请务必查看SitePoint教程系列“使用Flex构建Web 2.0投票小部件”( 第I 部分和第II部分 )。


php zend
