
tech2024-03-11  88


Lots of Adobe news: First, this week has been Adobe Developer Week, with three ColdFusion sessions being run by Adam Lehman. Don’t worry if you’ve missed them – Adam assures us that they will be recorded, and he will post the locations once they are available.

很多Adobe新闻:首先,本周是Adobe开发人员周 ,由Adam Lehman主持了三个ColdFusion会议。 如果您错过了它们,请不要担心- 亚当向我们保证会对其进行记录 ,并且它们会在有位置时发布。

Still from Adobe: the web site for the 2008 Adobe MAX Conferences is now live. MAX 2008 North America will be held in San Francisco, MAX 2008 Europe will be in Milan, and MAX 2008 Japan will be held in Tokyo (oddly, sometime in 2009).

仍来自Adobe: 2008 Adob​​e MAX会议网站现已上线。 MAX 2008北美将在旧金山举行,MAX 2008欧洲将在米兰举行,MAX 2008日本将在东京举行(2009年的某个时候)。

But-wait-there’s-still-more: ColdFusion product manager Kristen Schofield has announced that ColdFusion 8 certification is now available. Time to crack out those books!

但还有更多的等待:ColdFusion产品经理Kristen Schofield宣布现已提供ColdFusion 8认证 。 是时候整理那些书了!

Onto some code. Ray Camden shares a helpful reminder: when diagnosing odd code problems, make sure your framework is up to date, as it might not be your own bug you’re chasing. Ray is the ColdFusion Jedi Master, but I can’t help thinking Dan Vega deserves some kind of title for his awesome posts about CFGrid. If you can think of something cool, leave a comment! This week, Dan talks about extending CFGrid by tapping into event listeners, then asks for some input: what are your ColdFusion 9 wishlist items? And yet another ColdFusion developer with a cool name, Mark Kruger, the ColdFusion Muse, has some useful tips for using CFScript.

到一些代码。 雷·卡姆登(Ray Camden)分享了一个有用的提醒:诊断奇怪的代码问题时,请确保您的框架是最新的 ,因为它可能不是您要追究的错误。 雷是ColdFusion绝地大师,但我不禁以为Dan Vega因其关于CFGrid的出色文章而享有某种头衔。 如果您能想到一些很棒的东西,请发表评论! 本周,Dan讨论了通过利用事件侦听器扩展CFGrid的问题 ,然后征求一些意见: 您的ColdFusion 9愿望清单项是什么? 还有一个名字很酷的ColdFusion开发人员Mark Kruger,ColdFusion Muse,提供了一些使用CFScript的有用技巧 。

In open source, Brian Rinaldi’s weekly update highlights some interesting new and updated projects, including an interface for accessing Amazon web services, a new ColdFusion blog engine and a new forum application for CF and MySQL.

在开源中, Brian Rinaldi的每周更新重点介绍了一些有趣的新项目和更新项目,包括用于访问Amazon Web服务的界面 , 新的ColdFusion博客引擎以及针对CF和MySQL的新论坛应用程序 。

Finally, From the “I can’t believe we’re still talking about this” category comes this post from House Of Fusion’s Michael Dinowitz: Discredited magazine publisher at war with Adobe. I wrote a little about the history of ColdFusion print journals a while back, and it seems SysCon’s childishness continues. The article that Michael is talking about is a blog post about BlueDragon’s move to open source that SysCon republished, with the original author’s permission but with the addition of the words “ColdFusion killer” to the title – words which were not suggested by the post in question nor by New Atlanta at any point. I think this just highlights how childish and petty SysCon still are!

最后,来自“我无法相信我们还在谈论这个”类别的文章来自House Of Fusion的Michael Dinowitz: 与Adobe交战的信誉不佳的杂志出版商 。 不久前,我写了一些有关ColdFusion打印期刊的历史的文章 ,看来SysCon的幼稚还在继续。 迈克尔正在谈论的文章是有关BlueDragon转向SysCon重新发布的开源的博客文章,该征得了原始作者的许可,但标题中添加了“ ColdFusion killer”一词-该文章中未建议使用这些词。问题,也不由新亚特兰大随时提出。 我认为这只是凸显了SysCon仍然多么幼稚和小巧!


