
tech2024-03-11  74


Nearly four years in development, Google today finally rolled out its Search Suggestions product to the main page of Suggest started as a 20% project and was launched on Google Labs in December 2004. The feature “graduates” from Labs and will be rolled out to users over the next week or so (I can’t see it yet on Google Australia).

经过近四年的发展,Google 终于在Google.com的主页上推出了“搜索建议”产品。 建议从20%的项目开始,并于2004年12月在Google实验室推出。此功能是“实验室”的“毕业生”,将在下个星期左右向用户推出(我在Google Australia上还看不到)。

Since launching the project on Labs 4 years ago, Google has launched the search suggest service slowly on some of its other services including the Toolbar, Firefox search box, and YouTube. What took Google so long in bringing it to the homepage? According to Search Engine Land: quality control. “Quality is very important to us, and since so many people visit the homepage, we wanted to make sure to evaluate and refine our algorithms to provide a good experience using Google Suggest,” a Google rep told SEL.

自4年前在Labs上启动该项目以来,Google已在其其他一些服务(包括工具栏,Firefox搜索框和YouTube)上缓慢启动了搜索建议服务。 Google花了这么长时间将其带到首页? 据Search Engine Land :质量控制。 Google代表告诉SEL:“质量对我们来说非常重要,由于有很多人访问Google.com主页,因此我们希望确保评估和完善我们的算法,以提供使用Google Suggest的良好体验。”

Search suggestions is actually an area where Google lags behind the competition. A few other search engines had search suggestions when Google began their Suggest project in 2004, and Yahoo! rolled out a major upgrade to their search suggestions, called Search Assist, about a year ago. Yahoo!’s product is actually arguably still a bit more complete than Google’s offering.

搜索建议实际上是Google落后于竞争对手的领域。 当Google于2004年开始其“建议”项目时,还有其他一些搜索引擎获得了搜索建议,而Yahoo! 大约一年前 ,他们对其搜索建议“ Search Assist”进行了重大升级。 可以说Yahoo!的产品实际上比Google的产品还完整一些。

Google’s tool works by looking at popularity metrics for the term you appear to be typing, and other terms containing that keyword. Yahoo!’s service does a search in the background for the term you’re typing and pulls out related terms from the first 20 pages of results. Yahoo! also suggests terms based on related concepts — i.e., suggestions that don’t necessarily contain the exact term you were searching. For example, a search for “Batman,” might also suggest searches for “The Dark Knight,” “The Joker,” or “Gotham City.”

Google的工具通过查看您似乎要输入的字词以及包含该关键字的其他字词的受欢迎程度指标来工作。 Yahoo!的服务在后台搜索您键入的术语,并从结果的前20页中提取相关的术语。 雅虎! 还会根据相关概念建议字词,即不一定包含您要搜索的确切字词的建议。 例如,搜索“蝙蝠侠”可能还会建议搜索“黑暗骑士”,“小丑”或“哥谭市”。

Search suggest tools are useful, though, so we’re happy that Google has finally decided to graduate theirs from Labs. As Google product manager Jennifer Liu noted in a blog post today, search suggestions can save searchers time, reduce spelling errors, and help you drill down your searching to more specific and accurate queries.

不过,搜索提示工具很有用,因此我们很高兴Google最终决定从Labs毕业。 正如Google产品经理Jennifer Liu在今天的博客文章中指出的那样,搜索建议可以节省搜索者的时间,减少拼写错误,并帮助您将搜索范围缩小到更具体,更准确的查询。


