k8s 预留内存

tech2024-03-12  70

k8s 预留内存

Last month we reported on a study that found that privacy policies and EULAs for software and web sites were lengthy (averaging 3,442 words for privacy policies) and written at a grade level that would make them inaccessible to many people. The policies laid out in such user-facing legal documents are important, but are so long and difficult to understand that many users skip over them.

上个月,我们报告了一项研究 , 该研究发现,软件和网站的隐私策略和EULA冗长(隐私策略平均3,442个单词),并且其等级级别使许多人无法访问它们。 此类面向用户的法律文档中列出的策略很重要,但由于时间长且难以理解,以至于许多用户跳过了这些策略。

The lesson, we said, was to “make your privacy policy, EULA, and other user-facing legal documents as short and as easy to comprehend as possible.” That’s good advice, especially since one thing that the study we reported on in September didn’t take into account was how long it would take for users to actually read all of the unique privacy policies they come in contact with each year.

我们说的教训是“使您的隐私政策,EULA和其他面向用户的法律文档尽可能简短,并易于理解。” 这是一个很好的建议,特别是因为我们9月份报告的研究没有考虑到一件事,即用户实际阅读他们每年接触的所有独特隐私政策需要多长时间。

According a recent study from Carnegie Mellon University (via Slashdot), it takes an average of 10 minutes to read a privacy policy, and almost 6 minutes on average to skim the policy and be able to answer a set of basic comprehension questions correctly (i.e., pull relevant and useful information out of it). Researchers found that web surfers visit an average of about 1,200 unique web sites each year. If each of those sites had a unique privacy policy of average length, that would equate to about 201 hours of reading — or more than 8 days.

卡内基梅隆大学(通过Slashdot )最近进行的一项研究表明,阅读隐私政策平均需要10分钟,而略读该隐私政策并能够正确回答一系列基本理解问题的平均时间约为6分钟(即,从中提取相关且有用的信息)。 研究人员发现,网上冲浪者每年平均访问约1200个独特的网站。 如果每个站点都有一个平均长度的独特隐私策略,则相当于大约201个小时的阅读时间或8天以上。

That’s a whole heck of a lot of time, and the theoretical cost to the US economy in lost productivity if everyone actually spent that much time reading privacy policies would be $365-$652 billion (depending on if you’re reading or skimming). The research only covers web site privacy policies — it didn’t cover all the other types of legal documents that we encounter in our daily lives, including web site and software license agreements, terms of service, and service level agreements — so the actual cost might be higher.

这将花费大量时间,如果每个人实际花费大量时间阅读隐私政策,美国经济在生产力上的理论损失将达到3,650亿至6,520亿美元(取决于您是在阅读还是浏览)。 该研究仅涵盖网站隐私政策-并未涵盖我们日常生活中遇到的所有其他类型的法律文件,包括网站和软件许可协议,服务条款和服务水平协议-因此,实际费用可能更高。

Of course, the simple truth is that most people don’t actually read or even skim all the privacy policies and other user-facing legal documents they come across on a daily basis.


The paper’s authors argue that the government, by allowing web sites to self regulate and develop their own privacy terms, has actually created an environment where a lot of time and money is wasted. “These estimates presume that people visit sites, read the policies once a year, and then carry on their business as before. Yet the […] vision of self-regulation presumes that at least for consumer sites, Internet users will visit multiple sites to comparison shop for acceptable privacy practices,” writes the paper’s authors. “The true cost of adherence to the self-regulation vision is perhaps on the order of double the costs we estimate, depending on which percentage of sites have ready substitutes and how many sites people are expected to compare.”

该论文的作者认为,政府通过允许网站自我调节并制定自己的隐私条款,实际上造成了浪费大量时间和金钱的环境。 “这些估计假设人们访问站点,每年阅读一次政策,然后像以前一样开展业务。 然而,自我监管的愿景假设至少对于消费者站点,互联网用户将访问多个站点以进行比较,以接受可接受的隐私惯例。”该论文的作者写道。 “遵守自我监管愿景的真正成本可能约为我们估算成本的两倍,这取决于哪些站点拥有现成的替代品以及人们希望比较的站点数量。”

The researchers propose that corporations and web sites need to do a “better job of conveying their practices in useable [sic] ways, which includes reducing the time it takes to read policies.” If they can’t, government regulation may be necessary, the authors conclude, to provide privacy protections and ease the burden placed on users to keep track of their rights online.

研究人员提出,公司和网站需要做得更好“以可用的方式传达其实践,包括减少阅读政策所需的时间。” 作者总结说,如果不能,政府监管可能是必要的,以提供隐私保护并减轻用户跟踪在线权利的负担。

The assertions made in the paper have predictably been met with resistance by some company executives. You can access a PDF of the study here.

可以预见的是,该文件中的主张遭到了一些公司高管的抵制 。 您可以在此处访问研究的PDF。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/study-want-to-know-your-full-online-rights-set-aside-8-days/

k8s 预留内存
