
tech2024-03-12  91


Conference season update


The WebManiacs conference is on in Washington DC at the moment, so I’ll do a full report on that next week. The week after will be Scotch on the Rocks in Edinburgh (June 4-6) before CFUnited (June 18-21). Excitement is building – part 2 of Speakers getting ready for CFUnited has been posted.

目前, WebManiacs会议正在华盛顿举行,因此下周我将做一份完整的报告。 下周将是爱丁堡的岩石上的苏格兰人 (6月4日至6日),然后是CFUnited (6月18日至21日)。 令人兴奋的是, 演讲者为CFUnited做准备的第二部分已经发布。

At last week’s Adobe Community Summit, much of the interesting information was under NDA – and annoyingly, none of those user group managers or community experts are leaking anything! Aaron West posted some wrap-ups of the stuff he was allowed to tell us: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3.

在上周的Adobe Community Summit上,许多有趣的信息都在NDA之下–令人讨厌的是,这些用户组经理或社区专家都没有泄漏任何信息! 亚伦·韦斯特(Aaron West)发布了一些他被允许告诉我们的内容的总结: 第1 天 , 第2 天 , 第3天 。

It’s all about the code


Some quick nuggets of coding gold this week:


Raymond Camden shows us how to shrink an image, but not the canvas, using CF8’s image processing functions

Raymond Camden向我们展示了如何使用CF8的图像处理功能来缩小图像,而不是画布

There’s been no new CFGRID tricks for a while (Dan Vega, where are you?) but this week Ray also has instructions for how to add an edit button to a grid

一段时间以来没有新的CFGRID技巧( Dan Vega,您在哪里? ),但是本周Ray还提供了有关如何向网格添加编辑按钮的说明。

Jason Dean continues his series of posts on security with a simple password strength function (hat tip to Steve Bryant’s CF_BlogPicks)

贾森·迪恩(Jason Dean) 通过简单的密码强度功能继续他的安全性系列文章( 史蒂夫·科比 ( Steve Bryant)的CF_BlogPicks的技巧提示)

Steve Bryant has posted instructions for integrating SpamFilter.cfc with Raymond Camden’s BlogCFC

Steve Bryant发布了将SpamFilter.cfc与Raymond Camden的BlogCFC集成的说明

Adam Howitt talks about how to handle undeliverable CFMAIL messages

亚当·豪伊特( Adam Howitt)谈到如何处理无法传递的CFMAIL消息

Ben Nadel’s solution for converting a query to CSV is well worth a look, as is his code for semi-secure file downloads without cfcontent

Ben Nadel的将查询转换为CSV的解决方案非常值得一看,他的不带cfcontent的半安全文件下载代码也是如此

On a longer and more philosophical note, Ben Nadel has also posted his thoughts on the use of undocumented ColdFusion features. Ben’s post has 42 comments so far – that’s a great debate on an interesting topic!

本·纳德尔 ( Ben Nadel)提出了自己的想法,即使用未记录的ColdFusion功能 。 到目前为止,本的帖子有42条评论-这是一个有趣的话题的绝妙辩论!

Open source


Brian Rinaldi reports four new projects and five updates in open source this week, including a simple content editor, site security system and updates to Raymond Camden’s Galleon forums, as well as a whole bunch of framework articles and tutorials.

Brian Rinaldi本周在开源中报告了四个新项目和五个更新 ,其中包括一个简单的内容编辑器,网站安全系统以及Raymond Camden的Galleon论坛的更新,以及大量框架文章和教程。

Are you an old school IRC user? Sean Corfield reports there are two new IRC channels on for Open BlueDragon. Also in the Open BD camp, Matt Woodward has announced that the CVS repository and a bug tracker are now publicly available.

您是IRC的老用户吗? 肖恩•柯菲尔德(Sean Corfield)报告说,chat.freenode.net上有两个新的IRC频道用于Open BlueDragon 。 同样在Open BD阵营中, Matt Woodward宣布CVS信息库和错误跟踪器现已公开可用。



Who Uses ColdFusion is a new community resource – a list of ColdFusion developers and development shops around the world. It’s only just launched so is still gathering information – so go on over and submit your details. Thanks to Raymond Camden for the tip – he also reminds us to check out GotCFM, a directory of ColdFusion-powered web sites.

谁使用ColdFusion是一种新的社区资源–世界各地ColdFusion开发人员和开发商店的列表。 它只是刚刚推出,因此仍在收集信息–因此,继续并提交您的详细信息。 感 谢雷蒙德 ·卡姆登(Raymond Camden)的技巧 -他还提醒我们查看GotCFM,它是ColdFusion支持的网站的目录 。

A few more community-related quickies…


My CF-Talk mailing list roundup #6 summarizes posts on creating asynchronous processes, validating CFSELECT elements, preventing URL tampering and reversing an array, amongst other topics.


Part 10 of Charlie Arehart’s post on topics from his tools and resources directory is a big one: frameworks and methodologies.

查理·阿里哈特(Charlie Arehart)在其工具和资源目录中有关主题的文章的第10部分是一个很大的主题: 框架和方法论 。

The ColdFusion Weekly Podcast is still hanging in there! They really need to come up with a new name though – perhaps one that doesn’t set up unrealistic expectations of posting frequency :)

ColdFusion每周播客仍然在那里 ! 他们确实确实需要想出一个新名字-也许这并没有对发布频率设置不切实际的期望:)

Enough for now! As always, send links or tips to kay at smoljak dot com, leave a comment or tag your items in with for:kay.smoljak.

现在足够了! 与往常一样,在smoljak dot com上发送链接或提示给kay,发表评论或使用for:kay.smoljak在del.icio.us中标记您的项目。


