
tech2024-03-12  100


Here in the states most of us ritualistically change our clocks twice a year in hopes to gain more daylight. This practice has been known as Daylight Savings Time and it’s my understanding that it’s also practiced in other parts of the world. Well the US Government recently changed the dates for when Daylight Savings Time would start and end. This caused in some places a y2k like panic and people feared that their software would all of the sudden start reporting the wrong time for lunch breaks. So much like y2k, software makers started issuing patches for their software and operating systems to account for these changes.

在美国各州,大多数人习惯于每年两次更改时钟,以期获得更多的日光。 这种做法被称为“ 夏令时” ,据我了解,它在世界其他地方也有采用。 好吧,美国政府最近更改了夏令时开始和结束的日期。 这在某些地方引起了y2k恐慌,人们担心他们的软件会突然开始报告错误的午餐时间。 就像y2k一样,软件制造商开始为其软件和操作系统发布补丁程序,以应对这些变化。

For those of you running your own ColdFusion server you’ll need to take note here because there are things you need to do, in order to be ready for next weekend sine the 2nd weekend in March is when the changes take effect.


For ColdFusion to be “fixed” you need to actually update the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) which ColdFusion uses to process your code. According to Adobe’s web site the SUN JVM Version 1.4.2_11 fixes the Daylight Savings time issues and is certified for CFMX 7.02, CFMX 6.1 Updater 1 and JRun 4 Updater 6 (for those not running in standalone).

为了“固定” ColdFusion,您需要实际更新ColdFusion用于处理代码的Java虚拟机(JVM)。 根据Adobe网站的信息,SUN JVM 1.4.2_11版解决了夏时制问题,并通过了CFMX 7.02,CFMX 6.1 Updater 1和JRun 4 Updater 6认证(适用于非独立运行的用户)。

Now grabbing the proper JVM is a bit tricky. Sure you could just head over to SUN’s java site and grab the latest version but these newer versions haven’t been certified by Adobe to work with the current version of CF which could mean nothing, or it could me some wonky acting web sites for sure!

现在获取适当的JVM有点棘手。 当然,您可以转到SUN的Java网站并获取最新版本,但是这些较新版本尚未通过Adobe的认证,无法与当前版本的CF配合使用,这可能毫无意义,或者可以肯定地说,我可能会代理一些奇怪的网站!

Here are the steps I took in order to get the SUN JVM 1.4.2_11

这是我为了获取SUN JVM 1.4.2_11而采取的步骤

Visit http://java.sun.com/products/archive/index.html


Scroll down the page until you see the following in bold J2SDK/J2RE – 1.4

向下滚动页面,直到看到以下粗体的J2SDK / J2RE – 1.4

To right of this you’ll see a drop down selector with the word Go next to it. Click this drop down selector and select the “1.4.2_11” version and click on the Go button

在此右侧,您会看到一个下拉选择器,旁边带有单词Go。 单击此下拉选择器,然后选择“ 1.4.2_11”版本,然后单击“执行”按钮 On the next screen you need to select either the j2SDK 1.4.2_11 or the J2RE 1.4.2_11. I choose the j2SDK just so I knew I had everything :).

在下一个屏幕上,您需要选择j2SDK 1.4.2_11或J2RE 1.4.2_11。 我选择j2SDK只是为了让我知道我拥有所有:)。

The next screen should be the download screen. Before you can download though you’ll need to select the radio button next to the “Accept License Agreement” text above the table with all the versions

下一个屏幕应该是下载屏幕。 在下载之前,您需要选择表格上方所有版本的“ 接受许可协议”旁边的单选按钮

Once you’ve accepted the license agreement the page will refresh and you can select the version for your OS. If you have multiple servers running different OS versions you might want to put a check into each box next to the version you need and then click on the link to “Download selected with Sun Download Manager”. For those running Windows 32 bit I suggest grabbing the “Offline Installation”. It’s a bit beefier but you won’t have to worry about the installer trying to download the parts it needs etc.

接受许可协议后,页面将刷新,您可以选择操作系统的版本。 如果您有多个运行不同操作系统版本的服务器,则可能需要在所需版本旁边的每个框中打勾,然后单击“使用Sun Download Manager下载所选内容”链接。 对于那些运行Windows 32位的用户,我建议抓住“离线安装”。 这有点更强大,但您不必担心安装程序会尝试下载所需的部件等。

Once you’ve got it downloaded you’ll need to install it on the same computer where ColdFusion is running. The installer is easy just double click on the installer file and follow the prompts. When asked where you want to put the files I recommend placing them in the root of drive ie C: or d: to keep the path names as short as possible. And also when it asks which browsers it should register with you can leave those already selected if you don’t have a JRE already installed. Most machines will have a version already installed so in this case you’ll want to uncheck the browsers you use to avoid any possible conflicts.

下载后,您需要将其安装在运行ColdFusion的同一台计算机上。 只需双击安装文件,然后按照提示进行安装即可。 当被问及要将文件放置在哪里时,我建议将它们放置在驱动器的根目录下,即C:或d :,以使路径名尽可能短。 而且,当它询问要向哪些浏览器注册时,如果尚未安装JRE,则可以保留那些已选择的浏览器。 大多数计算机将已经安装了一个版本,因此在这种情况下,您将要取消选中使用的浏览器以避免任何可能的冲突。

Once the J2SDK / JRE has been installed you’ll need to upgrade the JVM shipped with ColdFusion to use the 1.4.2_11 version. You can do this by following the steps outlined in Adobe Technote 2d547983.

一旦安装了J2SDK / JRE,您将需要升级ColdFusion随附的JVM,以使用1.4.2_11版本。 您可以按照Adobe Technote 2d547983中概述的步骤进行操作。

If you’re running standalone this is a super easy step that just involves you logging into the ColdFusion administrator and making a simple change.


Be sure to restart ColdFusion so that all the changes take effect.


If you want to read more about this issue check out this search from the weblogs.Macromedia.com MXNA aggregator.

如果您想了解更多有关此问题的信息,请从weblogs.Macromedia.com MXNA聚合器中进行 搜索 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/are-your-clocks-cleaned/

