
tech2024-03-12  89


In an effort to curb spam, over the weekend Twitter decided to add following and update limits to its accounts. The limits are as follows:

为了遏制垃圾邮件,Twitter于上周末决定增加关注并更新其帐户的限制 。 限制如下:

1,000 total updates per day, on any and all devices

每天在任何和所有设备上进行1,000次总更新 250 total direct messages per day, on any and devices

每天在任何设备上共发送250条直接消息 100 API requests per hour

每小时100个API请求 Maximum number of follow attempts in a day


Some people are also running into varying follow limits that cap people on the number of friends they can follow. The most common number seems to be 2,000 follows, but this varies from person to person, and is based in part on the number of followers a person has.

有些人还遇到了各种各样的关注限制 ,这些限制限制了人们可以关注的朋友数量。 最常见的人数似乎是2,000个追踪者,但这因人而异,部分取决于一个人的追随者人数。

Last Thursday, Twitter talked about the idea of introducing follow caps. “What is a reasonable number of people to follow, anyway? Most users may have a hard time finding 500 accounts they are interested in — while others would think a limit of 10,000 is too low,” wrote company co-founder Evan Williams in a blog post. “The point is, there is no right or wrong. And there is no perfect formula. We do our best by taking a multi-dimensional approach. We look at a number of factors — including how many people are following you back — before applying limits.”

上周四, Twitter谈到了引入追随上限的想法。 “无论如何,有多少人追随? 公司共同创始人埃文·威廉姆斯(Evan Williams)在博客中写道:“大多数用户可能很难找到他们感兴趣的500个帐户,而其他用户则认为限制为10,000个帐户太低了。” “关键是,没有对与错。 而且没有完美的公式。 我们通过采取多维方法来做到最好。 在应用限制之前,我们会考虑许多因素-包括有多少人关注您。

The Twitter knowledge base page about follow and update limits remind users that Twitter has always included limits, starting with the 140 character limit on posts. “Twitter has always been about limits, embracing the idea that constraint inspires creativity,” it says. However, though it’s true that limits can inspire creativity, there’s not too much creative about building a group of people to chat with, so we’re not sure that mantra applies very well here.

关于跟踪和更新限制的Twitter知识库页面提醒用户,Twitter始终包含限制,从帖子的140个字符限制开始。 它说:“ Twitter一直以来都是关于极限的,拥护约束会激发创意的想法。” 但是,虽然限制确实可以激发创造力 ,但建立一群人聊天并没有太多创造力,因此我们不确定咒语在这里是否适用得很好。

My former colleague Marshall Kirkpatrick famously once said that Twitter was paying his rent. What he meant by that was that he had built up a large enough community around himself on Twitter (he follows just over 2,100 people and is followed by just over 4,200) so that he could easily source stories among his contacts and lean on Twitter to help with research. A follow limit would greatly impair Kirkpatrick’s ability to get the most out of the service if it kept him from adding worthwhile contributors to his community.

我的前同事马歇尔•柯克帕特里克(Marshall Kirkpatrick)曾经有名地说过, Twitter正在支付租金 。 他的意思是,他在Twitter上建立了一个足够大的社区(他跟随2100多人,之后是4200多人),这样他就可以轻松地在他的联系人中获取故事并依靠Twitter来提供帮助与研究。 如果遵循限制,将使Kirkpatrick不能从服务中获得最大收益,如果这使他无法为其社区增加有价值的贡献者,那将大大受到损害。

Judging by the follower to followee ratios for many of the top followers on Twitter, a good portion of them might be affected, and clearly many (most) aren’t spammers. The Associated Press looks like it run into the 2,000 follows limit, for example.

从Twitter上许多顶级追随者的追随者与追随者比率来看,其中很大一部分可能会受到影响,而且显然(大多数)不是垃圾邮件发送者。 例如,美联社看起来已达到2,000个跟踪限制 。

According to Evan Williams, the limits are a work in progress, and according to the Twitter knowledge base more limits will be imposed in the future.

根据埃文·威廉姆斯(Evan Williams)的说法,限制尚在进行中,根据Twitter知识库,将来还会施加更多限制。


