
tech2024-03-13  93


Visitors to your web site by way of forums are worth two to six times the average visitor. Why? Well, I’ve found that forum visitors are proactive information seekers, community-minded participants, and engaged users. They do more everything.

通过论坛访问您的网站的访问者的价值是平均访问者的2至6倍。 为什么? 好吧,我发现论坛访问者是积极主动的信息寻求者,具有社区意识的参与者和参与的用户。 他们做更多的事情。

The evidence: traffic to my own blog.


In this article, I’m going to show you why you should use forums to drive traffic to your web site, and then give you ten rules for how to go about doing so. As an example, I’ll discuss a forum that I participate in and are hosted right here – the SitePoint Forums.

在本文中,我将向您展示为什么应该使用论坛来吸引网站访问量,然后为您提供十条规则。 作为示例,我将讨论一个我参与并在此处托管的论坛 – SitePoint论坛 。

I use this forum for three reasons:


It’s a forum largely for web developers, and I have experience in this field, so I can have thoughtful discussions with my peers.

这是一个主要面向Web开发人员的论坛,我在这一领域有经验,因此我可以与同行进行周到的讨论。 My expertise as an online marketer complements the typical forum member: web designers and developers.

我作为在线营销人员的专业知识可补充典型的论坛成员:网页设计师和开发人员。 My site’s target audience overlaps with the forum’s audience.


Although the SitePoint forum does not deliver thousands of visitors to my blog each month, the forum traffic is of the highest quality. They read more, participate more, and come back for more.

尽管SitePoint论坛每个月不会为我的博客带来数千名访问者,但该论坛的访问量是最高的。 他们阅读更多,参与更多,然后再回来获得更多。

证据 (The Evidence)

Here is some of my analytics data from the past two months. We’ll compare average metrics for visitors coming from the SitePoint forum to the averages for all site visitors.

这是我过去两个月的一些分析数据。 我们将比较来自SitePoint论坛的访问者的平均指标和所有站点访问者的平均值。

Note: This is a useful exercise for you to conduct with your own site. Once you’ve established which sites are referring the most high quality traffic, redouble your efforts at those sites.

注意:这是您进行自己的网站操作的有用练习。 一旦确定了哪些站点引用了最高质量的流量,请在这些站点上加倍努力。

Normally, 71% of my visitors leave without viewing a second page (they were expecting someone taller). Only 30% of my visitors from the forum leave immediately.

通常, 我的访客中有71%离开而没有浏览第二页 (他们期望有人更高)。 来自论坛的访客中只有30%立即离开。

83% of my visitors are new to the site. But when they come from the forum, 75% are returning for a second time (or more).

我的访问者中有83%是新来的。 但是当他们来自论坛时,有75%的人第二次返回 (或更多)。

The average visitor only looks at 2.5 pages on my site. Visitors from the forum look at over 9.

普通访问者在我的网站上只浏览2.5页 。 来自论坛的参观者超过9人 。

When someone from the forums comes to my web site, they spend an average of 18 minutes on my site. That’s 532% of the average for all of my visitors, who visit for 3 minutes on average.

当论坛中的某人访问我的网站时, 他们平均在我的网站上花费18分钟 。 这是我所有访问者(平均访问3分钟)的平均值的532% 。

These numbers demonstrate that visitors from SitePoint are more engaged with my site, more interested in what I have to say, and more likely to return. The average visitor from the forum appears to be worth 2 to 6 times an average visitor.

这些数字表明,SitePoint的访问者对我的网站更加感兴趣,对我要说的内容更感兴趣,并且更有可能返回。 来自论坛的平均访问者似乎是平均访问者的2至6倍 。

This is important whether your visitor’s intended action is to read your content, or to buy your product. Engaged visitors are more easily reached with your message.

无论访问者的预期操作是阅读您的内容还是购买产品,这一点都很重要。 您的讯息可以更轻松地吸引订婚的访客。

为什么论坛用户合格 (Why Forum Users Are Qualified)

Forum visitors are interested in self-education and connecting with like-minded people. They’ve already sampled some of your writing, since they followed a link associated with something you said in the forum. And by clicking on that link, these visitors are saying, “tell me more!”

论坛访问者对自我教育以及与志趣相投的人建立联系很感兴趣。 他们已经摘取了您的一些文章,因为他们跟随了与您在论坛中所说的内容相关的链接。 通过单击该链接,这些访客说:“告诉我更多!”

Even if it seems impossible to drive forum traffic to your site, you should participate. Forums are a great place to learn about the topics that interest you, and you can also use them to build networks of contacts – , professional and personal.

即使似乎无法将论坛流量吸引到您的站点,您也应该参加。 论坛是学习您感兴趣的主题的好地方,您也可以使用它们来建立专业和个人的联系网络。

This inherent value in forums is exactly why they produce quality visitors. People who click are already qualified visitors.

论坛的这种内在价值恰恰是它们吸引高质量访问者的原因。 点击的人已经是合格的访问者。

论坛是针对人类的,而不是针对搜索引擎的 (Forums Are for Humans, Not Search Engines)

It’s important that my web site isn’t a rehash of the information forum visitors already know. Most SitePoint readers are web designers and developers first, marketers second, so I have something to offer them.

重要的是,我的网站不能重提访问者已经知道的信息论坛。 大多数SitePoint读者首先是Web设计人员和开发人员,其次是市场营销人员,所以我可以提供一些建议。

Remember, forums are for driving human traffic to your site, not for boosting your search engine rankings. Some SEO bloggers suggest posting on forums as a way to build links pointing to your domain. Creating a link in your signature means that every post you make on the forum will refer to your site.

请记住,论坛是为驾驶人的交通到您的网站,而不是提高你的搜索引擎排名。 一些SEO博客作者建议在论坛上发帖,以建立指向您域的链接。 在签名中创建链接意味着您在论坛上发表的每个帖子都将引用您的站点。

However, these links aren’t as useful for SEO as you might expect. Forum threads are rarely considered authoritative by engines, since they’re not used to link to. Forum pages also have hundreds of outbound links, well over the number recommended by the official Google guidelines. Whatever authority the page has is diminished by the abundance of links.

但是,这些链接对SEO的作用不如您预期的那样。 引擎很少将论坛线程视为权威,因为它们不用于链接。 论坛页面上还有数百个出站链接,远远超过了Google官方指南所建议的数量。 无论页面拥有什么权限,链接的数量都会减少。

But make no mistake: a signature link is best practice. It’s a way of promoting yourself in a valuable way without being brash. People reading your comments need a way to learn more about who you are and what you do, so a link to your site is value-added content.

但是请不要误会:签名链接是最佳做法。 这是一种以有价值的方式提升自己而又不冒犯的方法。 人们在阅读您的评论时需要一种了解您的身份和从事的工作的方式,因此指向您网站的链接就是增值内容。

Signature links aren’t for search engines, they’re for people. Any SEO benefit is peripheral.

签名链接不适用于搜索引擎,它们适用于人员。 SEO的任何好处都是外围功能。

十大法则 (The Ten Rules)

Okay, you get it: you should be posting on a forum. Now what?

知道了:您应该在论坛上发帖。 怎么办?

1. Build Your Profile


When you register for a forum, you should fill in as much information as possible. Most forums have a page for your user details. People visit this page when they want to know more about you or send you a private message. Describe what you do and what your web site is about.

注册论坛时,您应该填写尽可能多的信息。 大多数论坛都有用于您的用户详细信息的页面。 当人们想了解更多有关您的信息或向您发送私人消息时,请访问此页面。 描述您的工作以及网站的内容。

Avatars are an important part of your profile. Because of the volume of text on a forum page, avatars are the way people identify the poster. Make sure your avatar is unique and recognizable at a glance – you want to make sure people associate you with your ideas. And if you use an avatar on multiple forums and social networks, use the same one.

头像是您个人资料中的重要组成部分。 由于论坛页面上的文本量很大,因此头像是人们识别发布者的方式。 确保您的头像是唯一的并且一眼就能认出-您想确保人们将您与您的想法联系起来。 如果您在多个论坛和社交网络上使用头像,请使用同一头像。

Most importantly, write a strong signature. This is the text that will appear at the bottom of every post you write, so put some thought into it. Like the signature of an email, your forum signature says who you are. Use your signature to link to your website.

最重要的是,写一个强有力的签名。 这是文本,它将出现在您撰写的每篇文章的底部,因此请多加考虑。 就像电子邮件的签名一样,您的论坛签名也说明您是谁。 使用您的签名链接到您的网站。

2. Follow the Rules


Read the rules of the forum carefully, and follow them. Take the time to read through the discussions to get an idea of how people converse. There are implicit social norms that you must be mindful of. If you follow my ten rules, you probably won’t violate any forum rules, but don’t take any chances.

仔细阅读论坛规则,并遵循它们。 花时间阅读讨论,以了解人们如何交流。 您必须注意一些隐含的社会规范。 如果您遵循我的10条规则,则可能不会违反任何论坛规则,但是不要冒险。

3. Start by Responding


Forums are about conversations and communities. One person starts a thread, either with a question or a comment, then others respond, either with answers or their own comments.

论坛是关于对话和社区的。 一个人以问题或评论开始话题,然后其他人以回答或他们自己的评论回应。

People give advice free of charge in forums, but at the cost of their time and energy. They rightfully expect that the favor will be returned, so they shun people who take without anything to give.

人们在论坛上免费提供建议,但要付出时间和精力。 他们理所当然地希望会得到回报,所以他们回避了没有任何奉献的人。

It may not be your intention to be a leach on the community, but participants are wary of newcomers automatically. Take the time to respond to others before asking anything yourself. Post in other user’s threads before you start your own.

您可能不想成为社区中的一名成员,但参与者会自动警惕新移民。 在问自己任何问题之前,请花点时间回应他人。 在开始自己的线程之前,先在其他用户的线程中发布。

Most forums show the number of posts of the author next to every comment. Make 50 posts before you start your own thread. You might have an important question for the community, but it’s best to establish some social capital first. Otherwise, your question may be ignored.

大多数论坛在每个评论旁边都显示作者的帖子数。 在开始自己的话题之前,发表50条帖子。 您可能对社区有一个重要的问题,但是最好首先建立一些社会资本。 否则,您的问题可能会被忽略。

4. Contribute Your Expertise


Don’t hold back. If you have an expert opinion, demonstrate it. Don’t give a half-baked response telling the member they can learn more if they follow the link to your page. Contribute highly relevant information immediately and in abundance. You don’t have to qualify your expertise unless it’s asked for. That’s what your profile is for.

不要退缩。 如果您有专家意见,请进行演示。 不要半生半熟地告诉会员,如果他们点击链接到您的页面,他们可以了解更多。 立即大量提供高度相关的信息。 除非有人要求,否则您不必限定您的专业知识。 这就是您的个人资料的用途。

5. Don’t Be a “Me Too” Poster


If someone has already said it, don’t bother repeating it. All you’re doing is wasting your energy and other people’s time. That’s not to say you shouldn’t state your agreement with someone else, but make sure you provide additional support to their argument.

如果有人已经说过,请不要重复。 您要做的只是浪费您的精力和他人的时间。 这并不是说您不应该声明与他人的协议,而是要确保您为他们的论点提供额外的支持。

In the event another poster disagrees with a thread you support, use the opportunity to contribute a new angle to the argument, using your own expertise.


6. Don’t Self-promote


Even if it’s allowed within the rules of the forum, don’t post about your own web site and products, unless it’s in direct response to a request for information. If you want to promote yourself, your signature is the place to do it.

即使论坛规则允许,也不要发布有关您自己的网站和产品的信息,除非它直接响应信息请求。 如果您想提升自己,请签名。

On the flip side, tell people about great products you aren’t affiliated with. Sharing information is why forums exist.

另一方面,告诉人们与您无关的优质产品。 共享信息是存在论坛的原因。

7. Explain Yourself, but Be Brief


Don’t assume people have the same level of knowledge on a subject as you, but don’t imagine that they have the time or inclination to be either. Make your point straight away, then back it up with support. People who are interested in your initial thought will read more; those who aren’t will skip your comment and move on to the next thread.

不要以为别人对你的知识水平与你一样,但是不要以为他们有时间或倾向。 直截了当地提出意见,然后在支持下予以支持。 对您的初步想法感兴趣的人将阅读更多内容; 那些不是的人将跳过您的评论并转到下一个线程。

Make sure you’re writing for the Web. Keep sentences and paragraphs short, with plenty of white space. Less is more.

确保您正在为Web写作。 句子和段落要简短,并留有足够的空白。 少即是多。

8. If You’re Wrong, Say So


Forum discussions often hinge upon opinion, so nothing is more attention-grabbing than a poster on an internet forum admitting that they were wrong!


If you’re in the heat of a discussion, and someone persuades you to change your mind, say so. It’s a pretty big deal, and furthermore, you should thank that person.

如果您正在讨论中,并且有人说服您改变主意,请这样说。 这很重要,此外,您应该感谢那个人。

Remember that forums aren’t soapboxes – they’re platforms for conversations and an opportunity to network.


9. Write Intelligently and Correctly


You don’t have to carefully revise and sculpt every forum post, but you should proof everything once. Consider using the spell-check if you’re not an impeccable speller.

您不必仔细修改和雕刻每个论坛的帖子,但是您应该对所有内容进行一次证明。 如果您不是完美的拼写者,请考虑使用拼写检查。

Although most forums don’t set specific rules on grammar and punctuation, you should give thought to this: everything you say, every single post, every nugget of wisdom, is a representation of your personal brand. Writing like an intelligent adult is the equivalent of maintaining proper hygiene and a presentable appearance in the workplace; if you don’t pay any attention to it, it can undermine everything else you do.

尽管大多数论坛都没有对语法和标点符号设置特定的规则,但您应该考虑一下:您所说的每一句话,每一篇帖子,每一个智慧都代表着您的个人品牌。 像一个聪明的成年人一样写作,相当于在工作场所保持适当的卫生和漂亮的外表。 如果您不注意它,它可能会破坏您所做的其他一切。

However, be aware that the Internet is a global phenomenon, and some of the people you interact with will be non-native English speakers. You don’t need to point out any mistakes your fellow posters make.

但是,请注意,互联网是一种全球现象,您与之互动的某些人会说非英语。 您无需指出张贴者所犯的任何错误。

10. Negativity is a No-no


It goes without saying, just because you have a degree of anonymity, communicating from the safety of your work desk, doesn’t mean you can harass other posters. This is especially the case when you’re trying to build an online reputation and attract users to your site. Forums posts may fall off the main page, but they never go away.

不用说,仅仅因为您具有一定程度的匿名性,并且出于办公桌安全的考虑,这并不意味着您可以骚扰其他海报。 当您试图建立在线声誉并吸引用户访问您的网站时,尤其如此。 论坛帖子可能不在主页上,但是它们永远不会消失。

If someone disagrees with you, respond with a thoughtful rebuttal, or thank them for their opinion – for example, “It’s always interesting to hear a different take.” If someone attacks you, either thank them as if they’d simply disagreed, or ignore them entirely.

如果有人不同意您的意见,请进行周到的反驳,或者感谢他们的意见-例如,“听到不同的观点总是很有趣。” 如果有人攻击您,则可以像他们完全不同意一样对他们表示感谢,或者完全忽略他们。

All forums have trolls – people who aggressively harass you just for their own entertainment. The worst thing you can do is engage with them.

所有论坛都有巨魔–仅仅出于娱乐目的而激进地骚扰您的人。 您能做的最糟糕的事情就是与他们互动。

论坛线程示例 (An Example Forum Thread)

Let’s now take a look at a recent post I made on the SitePoint forums that demonstrates these rules in practice. I came across a pricing question in the Promotional Techniques forum that I thought I could answer.

现在,让我们看一下我在SitePoint论坛上发表的最新文章,该文章在实践中演示了这些规则。 我在推广技术论坛上遇到了一个定价问题,我认为我可以回答。

Luc Deacu wrote:

吕克·迪阿库(Luc Deacu)写道:

Hello everyone,


Soon we’ll be launching a program that we’ve been working on for the past year, which was originally going to be priced at $25 per month or more. In the last week or so, however, I’ve given it some further thought and have decided to release it free-of-charge.

很快,我们将启动一个我们在过去一年中一直在努力的程序,该程序最初的定价为每月25美元或更高。 但是,在最后一周左右,我对它进行了进一步的考虑,并决定免费发布它。

I came to this decision because I wanted to give it a test run, to see if the public liked it as much as we expect them to. We thought that it would be a better move, ultimately, if we created a premium version – in addition to the current one – and pricing just that version instead.

我之所以做出此决定,是因为我想对其进行测试,以查看公众是否喜欢我们期望的那样。 我们认为,最终,如果我们创建一个高级版本(除了当前版本之外),并且仅对该版本进行定价,那将是一个更好的举措。

Do you agree with our decision? What are some of the pros and cons of handling it this way? Have you ever done it before, and if so, how did it go?

您是否同意我们的决定? 以这种方式处理它有哪些利弊? 您以前做过吗,如果是这样,它是如何进行的?

Thanks in advance, Luc


I responded:


Consider pricing it at $25, but offering a discount code to all the places you are promoting your product.


For instance “We’ve got great new product X, which only costs $25. But we’re running a promotion, and right now you can use discount code GIMMENOW to take advantage of our 100% Off Coupon (Yes, that means FREE)”

例如,“我们有很棒的新产品X,它的价格仅为25美元。 但是我们正在开展促销活动,现在您可以使用折扣码GIMMENOW来利用我们的100%优惠券(是的,这意味着免费)”

This does a few things. First, it makes your offer temporary, so people will know they have to act now to take advantage. Second, it favors the people you’re offering the code to, and they’ll respond to your generosity. Third, whoever you ask to promote it for you will feel good about doing so, because they’re doing something nice for their audience.

这会做一些事情。 首先,它使您的报价成为临时报价,因此人们将知道他们必须立即采取行动才能利用。 其次,它有利于向您提供代码的人员,他们会响应您的慷慨大方。 第三,无论您要求为谁推广它,都会感觉很好,因为他们在为听众做得很好。

Here is a screenshot:


Note my recognizable avatar and the link to my blog in the signature. Luc appreciated the advice and decided to try my idea. I hope he’ll let us know how it went.

注意签名中我可识别的头像和指向我的博客的链接。 卢克(Luc)赞赏建议,并决定尝试我的想法。 希望他能告诉我们情况如何。

结论 (Conclusion)

In this article I presented 10 rules for boosting traffic to your web site that hinged upon your involvement in an online forum. My experience is that, by following these rules, your web site will see an increase in high quality traffic. However, they’re also a good list of rules to follow when interacting online anyway – be polite, helpful, respectful and generous, and everybody wins.

在本文中,我提出了10条规则来增加您网站的访问量,这取决于您是否参与了在线论坛。 我的经验是,遵循这些规则,您的网站将看到高质量流量的增加。 但是,无论如何,它们还是在网上进行互动时要遵循的规则清单-礼貌,乐于助人,尊重和慷慨,每个人都会取胜。


