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tech2024-03-13  105

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8tracks, a new online mix-tape/web radio-like service that will launch on Friday, allows users to upload music and create 8 song mixes that can be shared with other users. Founded by former Live365 general manager David Porter, 8tracks is taking pains to offer their service legally. Competing services, like Muxtape, don’t really seem to make much mention of the legal issues involved with letting users upload and share tracks.

8tracks是一项新的类似在线混合磁带/网络收音机的服务,将于周五推出,它允许用户上传音乐并创建可以与其他用户共享的8首歌曲。 由前Live365总经理David Porter创立的8tracks正竭尽全力合法提供服务。 像Muxtape这样的竞争服务似乎并未真正提及允许用户上传和共享曲目所涉及的法律问题。

8tracks operates under the compulsory license for webcasting established by the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act in the US. The company pays royalties under the license to SoundExchange and agrees to follow certain rules restricting the number of times a song from a single album or artist can be transmitted from the same mixtape over a three hour period. Additionally, 8tracks has public performance licenses with ASCAP, BMI and SESAC.

8tracks根据美国1998年《数字千年版权法案》建立的强制性网络广播许可证进行操作。 该公司根据SoundExchange的许可支付特许权使用费,并同意遵守某些规则,该规则限制单个专辑或歌手的歌曲在三个小时内可以从同一混音带中传输的次数。 此外,8tracks还获得了ASCAP,BMI和SESAC的公共表演许可证。

8tracks also capitalizes on a “loophole” in copyright law, according to VentureBeat that allows music to be streamed online as long as the listener doesn’t know what’s coming next. So 8tracks can allow users to create 8 song mixes and then streams them in random order.

据VentureBeat称,8tracks还利用了版权法中的“漏洞”,只要听者不知道接下来会发生什么,它就可以在线播放音乐。 因此8tracks可以让用户创建8首混音,然后以随机顺序流式传输。

Users are allowed to share mixes, rate them, comment on them, and remix them by adding tracks from a mix to a “favorites” list which can then be used as fodder for future mixes. The interface is simple and easy to use, and a little slicker than similar services, like the aforementioned Muxtape.

允许用户共享混音,对其评分,对其进行评论并通过将混音中的曲目添加到“收藏夹”列表中来重新混音,然后将其用作将来混音的草料。 该界面简单易用,并且比类似的服务(如上述的Muxtape)略显光滑。

So how much does keeping 8tracks legal cost? According to the site’s legal page, they will need to average a $20 CPM on ads ($30 in 2010 due to license rate increases) in order to break even — and that doesn’t include royalties paid to ASCAP, BMI and SESAC. 8tracks will be attempting to cover their costs primarily with advertising, and will eventually add “buy it from Amazon” links and premium subscription options as well.

那么,保留8tracks的法律费用是多少? 根据该网站的法律页面 ,为了达到收支平衡,他们平均需要在广告上获得20美元的CPM(2010年为30美元,这是由于许可费率上涨)才能实现收支平衡-其中不包括向ASCAP,BMI和SESAC支付的特许权使用费。 8tracks将尝试主要通过广告来支付费用,并最终添加“从亚马逊购买”链接和高级订阅选项。

It’s hard to say if that will work, but because I’ll wager most Internet radio listeners put on the web radio station of choice and then minimize the window and listen to music in the background while they work, it’s doubtful that 8tracks will have a very engaged audience for traditional web ads. The VentureBeat write up also mentions audio ads, though, which could work better.

很难说这是否行得通,但是因为我会押注大多数Internet广播收听者将其放在所选择的Web广播电台上,然后在其工作时最小化窗口并在后台听音乐,因此8tracks是否具有传统网络广告的受众非常活跃。 尽管如此,VentureBeat文章也提到了音频广告,这可能会更好。

If labels were smart they would see the opportunity in services like this to spread new music and would cut deals with sites like 8tracks and Muxtape to highlight tracks from their new artists. I still listen to artists I initially found after they were featured on Napster or MP3.com — it’s amazing that labels still haven’t figured out the power of exposure after all these years. There’s no way I’d own 3 Lemon Jelly albums, for example, if I hadn’t found them years ago while browsing tracks on the original Audiogalaxy back in high school.

如果唱片公司很聪明,他们会在这种服务中看到传播新音乐的机会,并与8tracks和Muxtape等网站达成交易,以突出他们的新歌手的唱片。 在Napster或MP3.com上出现这些艺术家后,我仍然会听到他们最初发现的艺术家-令人惊讶的是,这些年来,唱片公司仍然没有弄清曝光的力量。 例如,如果几年前我在高中时浏览原始Audiogalaxy上的曲目时没有找到它们,那我就不可能拥有3张Lemon Jelly专辑。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/8tracks-the-legal-web-mixtape/

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