
tech2024-03-13  80


At the Flash on the Beach conference being held right now in Brighton, England, Adobe Senior Director of Engineering Paul Betlem reportedly told the audience that Adobe is working on a version of Flash player for the iPhone, and said that if Apple approves it, it will be available “in a very short time,” according to Flash Magazine. The Flash-for-iPhone rumor mill has been churning hard for the past eight months, but now it seems that Adobe is placing the ball in Apple’s court and essentially saying it’s up to them whether Flash on the iPhone ever becomes a reality.

据报道 ,在英国布莱顿举行的“海滩上的Flash”会议上,Adobe工程部高级总监Paul Betlem 告诉听众 ,Adobe正在为iPhone开发Flash播放器版本,并表示如果Apple批准,它将据Flash Magazine称,它将“在很短的时间内”可用。 iPhone的Flash传闻工厂在过去的八个月中一直在苦苦挣扎,但现在看来Adobe正在把苹果推上法庭,实质上是要由iPhone上的Flash是否成为现实由他们来决定。

In February, Flash was “just around the corner.” In March, though, it was “too slow” for Apple’s Steve Jobs, and Flash Lite was too limited. A couple of weeks later, Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen said that despite Apple’s reluctance, Adobe was pushing forward. “We believe Flash is synonymous with the Internet experience, and we are committed to bringing Flash to the iPhone. We have evaluated (the software developer tools) and we think we can develop an iPhone Flash player ourselves,” he said during a conference call. Then in June, Narayen again fanned the flames by saying during an earnings call that Adobe had a version of Flash for the iPhone working in emulation.

2月,Flash“ 指日可待” 。 不过,对于苹果公司的史蒂夫·乔布斯来说,在三月份它“ 太慢了 ”,而Flash Lite太有限了。 几周后,Adobe首席执行官Shantanu Narayen表示,尽管苹果公司不愿接受,但Adobe仍在向前推进。 “我们认为Flash是Internet体验的代名词,我们致力于将Flash引入iPhone。 我们已经评估了(软件开发人员工具),我们认为我们可以自己开发iPhone Flash播放器。”他在电话会议上说 。 然后在6月份,Narayen再次 煽风点火 ,在财报电话会议上称Adobe在模拟中为iPhone使用了Flash版本。

There’s no doubt that developers want Flash on the iPhone (and for that matter, Java). Flash is one of the key RIA technologies, with 99% adoption on Internet-enabled desktops, according to Adobe’s internal statistics. The Adobe numbers also supposedly include the rather cryptic “wide range of devices,” but since the iPhone accounts for greater than 10% of the smart phone market, and Apple projects that it will sell 10 million phones by the end of this year, Flash on the iPhone is clearly important for Adobe.

毫无疑问,开发人员希望在iPhone(以及Java)上使用Flash。 根据Adobe内部统计,Flash是RIA的关键技术之一, 在支持Internet的台式机上已达到99%的采用率。 据说Adobe的数字还包括相当神秘的“广泛的设备”,但由于iPhone占据了智能手机市场的10%以上 ,而Apple预计到今年年底将售出1000万部手机,Flash iPhone上的Adobe显然很重要。

The real question is, if Flash is on its way, when will AIR come to the iPhone? We reported last week about two iPhone applications currently under development that would allow web developers to take their web applications “offline” on the iPhone and access iPhone native features — such as the GPS, camera, and accelerometer — using a JavaScript API. We’d love to see Adobe come up with versions of Flex and AIR for the iPhone, as well as Flash, that would allow web app developers to easily package up their web apps for the iPhone App Store. We’d also love to see Apple let that happen.

真正的问题是,如果Flash即将推出,AIR何时会出现在iPhone上? 上周,我们报道了大约两个正在开发中的iPhone应用程序,这些应用程序将使Web开发人员可以将其Web应用程序“脱机”在iPhone上,并使用JavaScript API访问iPhone的本机功能,例如GPS,摄像头和加速度计。 我们很高兴看到Adobe为iPhone推出了Flex和AIR版本以及Flash,这将使Web应用程序开发人员可以轻松地将其Web应用程序打包为iPhone App Store。 我们也希望看到Apple做到这一点。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/flash-coming-to-iphone-maybe-if-apple-says-okay/

