当公民新闻袭击:CNN Gaffe导致股票下跌

tech2024-03-13  87

Sarah Perez reports that a bogus story on CNN’s citizen journalism site iReport this morning, which claimed that Apple CEO Steve Jobs had suffered a massive heart attack, “spread like wildfire” across the web. The story, which has since been removed, was later fact checked by Silicon Alley Insider — a blog that actually employs journalistic standards — and Apple quickly squashed the report as a rumor. Jobs has indeed not had a heart attack.

莎拉·佩雷斯(Sarah Perez)报道说,今天早上在CNN的公民新闻网站iReport上有一个虚假的故事,该故事称苹果首席执行官史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)遭受了严重的心脏病发作,“像野火一样散布在网络上”。 此故事已被删除,后来由Silicon Alley Insider (一个实际上采用新闻标准的博客) 进行了事实核实,而Apple很快以谣言形式压制了该报道。 乔布斯确实没有心脏病发作。

But the damage was already done. Apple’s stock price fell about 10% as the bogus report spread across the Internet during the morning trading session (it has since recovered). Perez says that citizen journalism has failed us, noting that episodes like this reflect poorly on CNN and on citizen reporters who take their responsibility seriously.

但是损害已经造成。 苹果的股票价格下跌了约10%,因为虚假的报告在上午的交易时段在互联网上传播(此后已经恢复)。 佩雷斯说,公民新闻事业使我们失败了,并指出此类事件对CNN和认真对待自己的责任的公民记者的反映不佳。

But was it citizen journalism that failed us? Or was it the Internet in general? The web is the latest in a string of new technologies over the past hundred years that have continued to shorten the news cycle from days (newspaper) to hours (radio/television) to minutes (blogs/cell phones) to seconds (Twitter)? There is danger in the ever shorter news cycle.

但是,使我们失败的是公民新闻吗? 还是整个互联网? 网络是过去一百年来一系列最新技术中的最新技术,它们不断将新闻周期从几天(报纸)缩短到数小时(广播/电视)到分钟(博客/手机)再到秒(Twitter)? 在越来越短的新闻周期中存在危险。

This is not the first that time a stock has taken a hit because of a rumor or mistake that became widely reported as fact across the Internet.


A month ago, United Airlines saw their stock plummet 75% after a bug in Google news surfaced a six year old story about bankruptcy. Whether caused by a bug in Google’s technology or a shoddy content management system at the paper that failed to date, or put the wrong date on the old article is still up in the air. In the age of instant information, the point is that “news” on the Internet can have immediate or disastrous results whatever the source.

一个月前,在Google新闻中的错误浮出水面已有6年的破产故事之后, 联合航空 ( United Airlines)的股价暴跌了 75%。 不管是由于Google技术的错误还是由于文章日期过早的劣质内容管理系统导致的错误,还是在旧文章上加上错误的日期,仍然悬而未决。 在即时信息时代,关键是无论来源如何,Internet上的“新闻”都会产生立即或灾难性的结果。

In May of 2007, a rumor reported on the widely respected blog Engadget — which is owned by traditional media company AOL — about delays for Apple’s iPhone wiped $4 billion off Apple’s market cap in just a few minutes. The stock recovered after Engadget posted a retraction, but again — a shoddy source led to disaster in just minutes because of how fast information spreads.

2007年5月,传闻在备受推崇的博客Engadget(由传统媒体公司AOL拥有)上报道,有关苹果iPhone的延误仅在几分钟内就使苹果市值蒸发了40亿美元 。 在Engadget发布撤回通知后,库存恢复了,但是又一次-由于信息传播速度太快,伪劣消息源在短短几分钟内导致了灾难。

In February 2006, a Merrill Lynch report that the Playstation 3 would be delayed and cost $900 made Sony’s stock drop 3.6% in a day. Perhaps the analyst report would have affected the stock’s trading regardless, but the rumor spread like wildfire over the Internet.

2006年2月,美林公司(Merrill Lynch)报告称Playstation 3将被推迟,售价为900美元,使索尼的股价一天之内下跌了3.6% 。 分析师的报告也许会影响到该股的交易,但谣言如野火般在互联网上蔓延开来。

What all these anecdotes tell us is that on the web, rumor has become a very powerful and dangerous thing. Much more powerful than it was ten or twenty years ago, when rumors couldn’t spread nearly so quickly and could often be squashed by pesky facts before doing much damage.

所有这些轶事告诉我们的是,在网络上,谣言已变得非常有力和危险。 它比十年或二十年前强大得多,当时的谣言无法如此Swift地传播开来,并且常常在造成重大损害之前被讨厌的事实所压制。

The specific case of the CNN iReport this morning highlights the need for trained reporters to vet rumors and report actual facts. Another, perhaps overlooked, lesson that we can take from this is that we all need to slow down and breathe. Take some time to make sure we get the facts straight rather than rushing to be the first to publish a story.

今天上午CNN iReport的具体情况突出表明,需要训练有素的记者来审查谣言和报道实际情况。 我们可以从中学到的另一个教训,也许是被忽视的一点,就是我们所有人都需要放慢脚步 , 呼吸 。 花一些时间来确保我们弄清事实,而不是急于成为第一个发表故事的人。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/when-citizen-journalism-attacks-cnn-gaffe-causes-stock-drop/
