
tech2024-03-14  85


Remember the “Peanut Butter Manifesto?” That’s the name given to then-Yahoo! SVP Brad Garlinghouse’s November 2006 memo that called on Yahoo! to “boldly and definitively declare what we are and what we are not.” Concerned that the company had lost its “passion to win” and its focus, Garlinghouse pressed his fellow Yahoo! employees to reinvent the company with more vigor. Almost two years later Yahoo! is facing more trouble than ever.

还记得《 花生酱宣言》吗? 那就是当时的名字-Yahoo! 高级副总裁Brad Garlinghouse在2006年11月的备忘录中呼吁Yahoo! “大胆而明确地宣布我们是什么,我们不是什么”。 由于担心该公司失去了“赢得胜利的激情”和专注力,加林豪斯向他的同伴Yahoo! 员工以更大的活力重塑公司。 差不多两年后,雅虎! 比以往任何时候都面临更多的麻烦。

Their search market share continues to slip, executives continue to flee the company, and their legendary lack of focus is still racking up page views but not much else. That Yahoo! needs to clean house is not in doubt, but that isn’t the only thing they need to do.

他们的搜索市场份额继续下滑,高管继续逃离公司 ,他们传奇般的缺乏关注仍在增加页面浏览量,但没有太多其他东西 。 那个雅虎! 清洁房屋的需求毋庸置疑,但这并不是他们唯一需要做的。

Last week, while I was thinking about penning a post on this topic, my thoughts kept coming back to an idea that I advanced last summer: Yahoo! needs to open up and turn themselves into a platform. Slowly but surely, that’s what they’re starting to do.

上周,当我正在考虑撰写有关该主题的文章时,我的想法不断回到我去年夏天提出的想法:Yahoo! 需要开放并变成平台 。 慢慢地,但是可以肯定的是,这就是他们开始做的事情。

搜索平台 (The Search Platform)

Yahoo!’s platform approach can be broken down into two main categories right now: search and social networking. The first part of the search platform was announced in April at the Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco, and opened a couple of weeks later. Called SearchMonkey, Yahoo!’s first step in “rewiring” all of Yahoo! involved opening up access to one of its most sacred bits: search results.

Yahoo!的平台方法目前可以​​分为两大类:搜索和社交网络。 搜索平台的第一部分已于4月在旧金山的Web 2.0博览会上宣布,并于几周后开放 。 Yahoo!被称为SearchMonkey ,是“重新整理”所有Yahoo!的第一步。 涉及开放其最神圣的一环:搜索结果。

SearchMonkey allows third party developers a way to enhance search results with additional, contextual information. SearchMonkey is important for the the web at large because it incentivizes the use of Microformats and other bottom-up approaches to the Semantic Web — because structured data makes creating and launching SearchMonkey applications easier. However, it isn’t likely a game changer for Yahoo! in the search market. Like Microsoft’s cash back for search scheme, it doesn’t feel like enough of a differentiator to Google to make much of a dent in the search market.

SearchMonkey允许第三方开发人员使用其他上下文信息来增强搜索结果的方法。 SearchMonkey对整个Web至关重要,因为它激发了使用微格式和其他自下而上的语义Web方法的使用-因为结构化数据使创建和启动SearchMonkey应用程序更加容易。 但是,Yahoo!不太可能改变游戏规则。 在搜索市场上。 就像微软的现金返还搜索方案一样,它与Google的区别还不足以在搜索市场上占便宜。

Today, Yahoo! unveiled part two of their search platform strategy: BOSS, which stands for “Build your Own Search Service.” In simple terms, BOSS is an API that allows access to Yahoo!’s index. In other words, BOSS let’s vertical or niche search engine developers take Yahoo!’s results and apply their own ranking algorithms. This is a huge win for vertical search providers because one of the biggest costs and technical hurdles when setting up a new search engine is building and maintaining an index — that hurdle has just been removed.

今天,雅虎! 推出了他们的搜索平台策略的第二部分: BOSS ,代表“构建自己的搜索服务”。 简而言之,BOSS是一个允许访问Yahoo!索引的API。 换句话说,BOSS让垂直或细分搜索引擎开发人员获得Yahoo!的结果并应用自己的排名算法。 对于垂直搜索提供商而言,这是一个巨大的胜利,因为在建立新的搜索引擎时,最大的成本和技术障碍之一就是建立和维护索引-该障碍已被消除。

Initial launch partners include Me.dium, Hakia, Cluuz, and Daylife.

最初的发布合作伙伴包括Me.dium , Hakia , Cluuz和Daylife 。

社交平台 (The Social Platform)

The second half of Yahoo!’s Open Strategy is the social platform. This is the one I focused on when I pushed out my suggestion for Yahoo! platform last summer. My version was built around their web-leading start page, MyYahoo!. Yahoo!’s began with the adoption of Google’s OpenSocial widget platform (Yahoo! is a founding member of the OpenSocial Foundation with Google and MySpace) and it continued last week with the release of MyYahoo! 2.0 to all users.

雅虎开放战略的后半部分是社交平台。 当我提出对Yahoo!的建议时,这就是我关注的重点。 去年夏天的平台。 我的版本是基于其领先的Web起始页面MyYahoo!构建的。 Yahoo!首先是采用Google的OpenSocial小部件平台(Yahoo!是Google和MySpace的OpenSocial Foundation的创始成员 ),并在上周发布了MyYahoo!。 2.0给所有用户。

The new MyYahoo!, which will soon eventually support third party widgets via OpenSocial, is a major part of Yahoo!’s plan to “rewire” the company in terms of the social graph. Getting users to look at their start pages as a social hub is step one, stop two is to tap into the massive amount of nascent social graph data Yahoo! has via some of its web-leading fundamentals. (According to Yahoo! there are 10 billion aggregate relationships in Mail, Messenger, Address Book and other social services offered by the company that are just waiting to be exploited.)

新的MyYahoo!很快将最终通过OpenSocial支持第三方小部件,这是Yahoo!计划以社交图谱“重新连接”公司的计划的重要组成部分。 让用户将他们的起始页作为社交枢纽是第一步,而停止第二步是利用大量新生的社交图数据Yahoo!。 通过其一些领先的网络基础知识。 (根据Yahoo !,该公司提供的Mail,Messenger,Address Book和其他社交服务中有100亿个关系正在等待被利用。)

能行吗? (Will It Work?)

Though I’ve talked about Yahoo!’s Open Strategy platform in terms of two separate pieces, search and social, the two are really inextricably related. Yahoo!’s platform is supposed to be one big internal rewiring job that turns the whole place inside out and makes it more open and more social. That’s a radical move, but that type of move that Yahoo! really needed to make to stay afloat.

尽管我从搜索和社交两个独立的方面谈论了Yahoo!的开放战略平台,但两者之间确实有着千丝万缕的联系。 Yahoo!的平台应该是一项大型内部重新布线工作,它可以使整个场所彻底翻身,并使其更加开放和更具社交性。 这是一个激进的举动,但Yahoo! 真正需要保持漂浮。

It’s certainly up in the air whether a gaggle of niche Yahoo!s based on BOSS can compete with Google. Then again, Yahoo! hasn’t revealed how monetization will work on BOSS-built properties, only that it will be allowed. If Yahoo! allows developers to monetize search results however they please, then more verticals could wind up being a win for Google anyway. And given the recent search advertising deal that the two struck, Google may wind up monetizing BOSS served search results in the future anyway.

一群基于BOSS的小众Yahoo!能否与Google竞争,这无疑是悬而未决的。 再说一次,雅虎! 尚未透露如何在BOSS建造的物业上进行货币化,只是允许。 如果雅虎! 允许开发人员根据自己的喜好通过搜索结果获利,无论如何,更多的垂直行业可能最终成为Google的胜利。 考虑到两者最近达成的搜索广告交易,无论如何,Google将来可能会通过BOSS服务搜索结果获利。

However, clearly Yahoo! has been unable to compete with Google with its own ranking and display algorithms for search, so opening its index and letting others have a go is a smart move. If anyone touches on anything so revolutionary that users start to choose it over Google, Yahoo! will be in the best position to acquire whatever it is because it will already use their index and back end technology.

但是,显然Yahoo! 一直无法通过自己的排名和显示算法与Google竞争,因此开放其索引并允许其他人使用是明智之举。 如果有人接触到革命性的东西,以至于用户开始在Google上选择它,那么Yahoo! 将最有可能获取任何内容,因为它将已经使用他们的索引和后端技术。

It also remains to be seen whether MyYahoo! can transition from its current “morning newspaper” feel to the social hub that Yahoo! so desperately wants it to be. MyYahoo! still leads all start pages with over 40 million users per month, but it is also well behind Facebook (and MySpace) as the center of most users’ social universe.

MyYahoo!是否还需要拭目以待。 可以从目前的“晨报”感觉转变为Yahoo!的社交中心。 如此拼命地希望如此。 我的雅虎! 仍然领先于每月超过4000万用户的所有起始页面 ,但也落后于Facebook(和MySpace),它是大多数用户社交圈的中心。

What do you think? Will Yahoo!’s Open Strategy pay off? Or is this just a last gasp attempt by a fading Internet giant to stay relevant? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

你怎么看? 雅虎的开放战略会成功吗? 还是这只是衰落的互联网巨头最后一次喘息的尝试,以保持相关性? 在评论中让我们知道您的想法。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/can-a-million-niche-yahoos-beat-google/

