
tech2024-03-14  90

A few weeks ago we discussed the idea of credibility filtering as the future of news filtering. In the age of constant information in which we live, filtering, we said, is surely the future of news. How to best sort out the signal from the noise is still to be determined.

几周前,我们讨论了将信誉过滤作为新闻过滤的未来的想法 。 我们说,在我们生活不断的信息时代,过滤无疑是新闻的未来。 如何最好地从噪声中挑选出信号仍然有待确定。

The two most popular approaches right now — crowd-based human filtering, and algorithmic filtering — are not without their problems. As we discussed in August, filtering based on the credibility of the source is an idea that is gaining some steam. We reviewed two startups that filter news using a combination of all three approaches — crowd-based, algorithmic, and credibility. The problem with their approach, we said, was that the definition of credibility varies from person to person.

当前,两种最流行的方法-基于人群的人工过滤和算法过滤-并非没有它们的问题。 正如我们在8月份所讨论的那样,基于来源可信度进行过滤的想法正在逐渐普及。 我们回顾了两家结合了基于人群,算法和可信度这三种方法来过滤新闻的初创公司。 我们说,他们的做法存在问题,就是信誉的定义因人而异。

Today, semantic search engine Hakia announced that it is jumping on the credibility bandwagon by offering a way for users to restrict results to so-called “credible” sites.


Credible sites will be reviewed by “librarians and information professionals” and hand-picked to meet specific credibility requirements. Those requirements present a major problem, though. Hakia defines a credible site as one whose content is peer-reviewed, that has “no commercial intent or bias,” that is current, and whose publisher can be verified.

可信站点将由“图书馆员和信息专业人员”进行审核,并经过手工挑选以满足特定的可信度要求 。 但是,这些要求带来了一个主要问题。 哈基亚(Hakia)将信誉良好的网站定义为一个内容经过同行评审,“无商业意图或偏见”,最新且可以验证其发布者的网站。

The no commercial intent requirement is a sticking point for me. That instantly rules out a lot of credible, well-researched media sources simply because their content is created to drive revenue to the publisher. It also means that many non-profit or governmental sources might be included even though their content includes a clear bias (just, perhaps, not a commercial one).

没有商业意图的要求对我来说是一个难点。 立即将大量可靠的,经过深入研究的媒体资源排除在外,仅仅是因为其内容的创建是为了为发布商带来收入。 这也意味着,即使许多非营利性或政府资源的内容包含明显的偏见(也可能只是非商业性的偏见),也可能会包括在内。

Filtering by credibility is a good idea — being able to weed out the credible results from the rubbish would be great, but Hakia’s approach is flawed, in my opinion. It will, by definition, pass over a large number of perfectly credible results, and potentially — and dangerously — include results that are actually less credible.

通过信誉过滤是个好主意-能够清除掉垃圾中的可靠结果会很棒,但是我认为Hakia的方法存在缺陷。 根据定义,它将超过大量完全可信的结果,并且潜在地-危险地-包括实际上不那么可信的结果。

Credibility filtering is perhaps where social search might come in handy. If a search engine, like the two news sites we reviewed in August, relies on the crowd to rate the credibility of the source, and you trust your friend’s definition of credibility, the search engine could start returning results based on a customized library of sites that you and your friends have deemed the most credible. For those without a large group of trusted peers, it could suggest “people like you” after you’d begun to tag and rate sites based on credibility.

信誉过滤也许是社交搜索可能派上用场的地方。 如果像我们在八月份审查的两个新闻站点那样的搜索引擎依靠人群来评估消息来源的可信度,并且您相信朋友对可信度的定义,那么搜索引擎可以基于自定义的站点库开始返回结果您和您的朋友认为最可信的。 对于那些没有大量可信赖的同行的人,在您开始根据信誉对网站进行标记和评分之后,它可能会建议“像您一样的人”。

None of these approaches is perfect, but figuring out how to reliably and accurately filter all the content we’re creating will be the next big thing on the web — perhaps the next “Google” opportunity.

这些方法都不是完美的,但是弄清楚如何可靠,准确地过滤我们正在创建的所有内容将是网络上的下一件大事,也许是下一个“ Google”机会。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/hakia-pushes-credibility-filtering-still-flawed/
