
tech2024-03-14  73

Today Adobe announced the Open Screen Project which aims to bring the Flash player to as many different devices as possible.

今天,Adobe宣布了“ 开放屏幕项目” ,该项目旨在将Flash播放器引入尽可能多的不同设备。

Cutting through the jargon on the press release, the most significant points are that Adobe are removing restrictions on usage of the Flash and Flash video specifications (SWF, FLV, and F4V), publishing the device porting layer APIs, and removing the licensing fees for the next major version of the Flash Player and AIR for devices. Which means that developers will now be able to port Flash to any device, and distribute and deploy it for free. Additionally, the Flash Cast and AMF data transfer protocols will be published.

突破新闻稿中的行话,最重要的一点是Adobe正在取消对Flash和Flash视频规范(SWF,FLV和F4V)使用的限制,发布设备移植层API,并取消以下方面的许可费用:适用于设备的Flash Player和AIR的下一个主要版本。 这意味着开发人员现在可以将Flash移植到任何设备,并免费分发和部署它。 此外,还将发布Flash Cast和AMF数据传输协议。

While Flash Player has long been an almost ubiquitous platform for desktop PCs, this new move aims to do the same for phones and portable devices. Ryan Stewart and Dave McAllister from Adobe have both written blog posts on the announcement.

尽管Flash Player长期以来一直是台式机几乎无处不在的平台,但这一新举措旨在使电话和便携式设备也能做到这一点。 来自Adobe的Ryan Stewart和Dave McAllister都在该公告上撰写了博客文章。

Essentially, the Flash player is now about as open as it can possibly be without being open source. It’s an interesting move by Adobe, and I’m sure many will be watching to see what comes out of it.

从本质上讲,Flash Player现在已经尽可能开放,而没有开源。 这是Adobe的一项有趣的举动,而且我敢肯定,很多人都将拭目以待。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/open-screen-project-aims-to-put-flash-everywhere/
