
tech2024-03-14  94

Selling online can be a great way to expand an existing business or start a new one. Sites like eBay and Etsy let you sell within their sites and use their shopping carts. You benefit from their traffic and marketing but they control the look and functionality of their site.

在线销售可能是扩展现有业务或开始新业务的好方法。 诸如eBay和Etsy之类的网站可让您在其网站内销售商品并使用其购物车。 您可以从他们的流量和市场营销中受益,但他们可以控制网站的外观和功能。

The other option is to sell through your own web site. To do so, you need

另一种选择是通过您自己的网站进行销售。 为此,您需要

a shopping cart

购物车 a payment-processing gateway, and

支付处理网关,以及 a process to fulfill orders.


In this article we’ll mostly look at shopping carts, but we’ll also touch on how you might handle payments and other cart-related issues. We won’t discuss how to find and deliver a product to customers – I’ll assume that you’ve got that part covered.

在本文中,我们将主要研究购物车,但还将介绍如何处理付款和其他与购物车有关的问题。 我们不会讨论如何查找产品并将其交付给客户–我假设您已经涵盖了这一部分。

For this article, I tested seven shopping carts: three simple site add-ons (PayPal, Google Checkout, and Mal’s e-commerce; two regular shopping carts (Zen Cart and digiSHOP), and two third-party hosted carts (Network Solutions Ecommerce and CoreCommerce). Despite all of these options, at the end of the day you may need a custom shopping cart, so I’ll also cover some aspects to consider when building your own eCommerce system.

在本文中,我测试了七个购物车:三个简单的站点加载项( PayPal , Google Checkout和Mal的电子商务 ;两个常规购物车( Zen Cart和digiSHOP ),以及两个第三方托管的购物车( Network Solutions Ecommerce)和CoreCommerce )。尽管有所有这些选择,但最终您可能需要自定义购物车,因此我还将介绍构建自己的电子商务系统时要考虑的一些方面。

The carts mentioned here are not the only carts available – for example, Yahoo Small Business and Squirrelcart (which has my favorite mascot) and X-Cart are further options you could seek out. However, the method I’ve used to evaluate these carts can be used to appraise any shopping cart – ultimately, it’s your online business.

这里提到的购物车并不是唯一可用的购物车–例如, Yahoo Small Business和Squirrelcart (我最喜欢的吉祥物)和X-Cart是您可以找到的其他选择。 但是,我用来评估这些购物车的方法可用于评估任何购物车-最终,这是您的在线业务。

从哪儿开始? (Where to Start?)

When a client asks me to help them find a shopping cart, I often start with the feature lists from different cart vendors. I copy all the features into a column in a spreadsheet, and add a column for my client to assign priorities: 1 = must have, 2 = should have, or 3 = nice to have. Then we sort features by priority and add columns for each cart we consider. This feature-oriented process helps my clients focus on what they need. Using a feature list helps figure out whether they need a basic cart or a more complex one.

当客户要求我帮助他们找到购物车时,我通常从不同购物车供应商的功能列表开始。 我将所有功能复制到电子表格的一列中,并为客户添加一列以分配优先级: 1 =必须具有 , 2 =应该具有或3 =拥有很好 。 然后,我们按优先级对要素进行排序,并为我们考虑的每个购物车添加列。 这种面向功能的过程可帮助我的客户专注于他们的需求。 使用功能列表有助于确定他们是需要基本购物车还是需要更复杂的购物车。

While we’re looking through the feature list, I work with them to understand exactly what they want to accomplish. Is the online business their entire business or just part of it? Does the shopping cart need to integrate with their accounting system, for example, QuickBooks? What are their products and how complex are their products – for example, will they offer quantity discounts?

在浏览功能列表时,我会与他们一起确切地了解他们想要完成的工作。 在线业务是他们的全部业务还是其中的一部分? 购物车是否需要与他们的会计系统集成,例如QuickBooks? 他们的产品是什么?产品的复杂程度如何?例如,他们会提供数量折扣吗?

There are other important cart features to test. Can customers see their order status online? Can you easily edit all outbound emails used to confirm sales, notify customers when a product is shipped, and so on? If your online business has several employees, can you restrict the reporting to just certain users? How hard is it to add options to products?

还有其他重要的购物车功能需要测试。 客户可以在线查看其订单状态吗? 您可以轻松地编辑用于确认销售的所有出站电子邮件,在产品发货时通知客户等等吗? 如果您的在线业务有多个员工,您可以将报告限制为仅某些用户吗? 向产品添加选项有多难?

Another great question to ask is, how is credit card data stored in the database? Credit card processing companies have strict rules about storing card data. My advice: avoid storing any important customer data. Let payment-processing services handle that risk.

另一个要问的大问题是,信用卡数据如何存储在数据库中? 信用卡处理公司对存储卡数据有严格的规定。 我的建议:避免存储任何重要的客户数据。 让付款处理服务处理这种风险。

Once you’ve evaluated all the features you need?and sorted them into “must have,” “should have,” and “nice to have” features, the next step is to evaluate actual shopping carts to determine what works best for your business.


简单推车 (Simple Carts)

If you’ve only a few products to sell, or you want to test the waters, then you have two options for selling online. One is to use an existing site such as eBay, Half.com, Etsy, or a similar site. For example, my wife sells all our spare books on Half.com because it makes no sense to bother with anything more complicated.

如果您只出售几种产品,或者想测试一下水域,则有两种在线销售选项。 一种是使用现有网站,例如eBay,Half.com,Etsy或类似网站。 例如,我妻子在Half.com上出售我们所有的备用书,因为打扰任何更复杂的事情是没有意义的。

Your second option, when you have only a few items to sell, is to use the payment-processing capabilities of another online service, for example, PayPal, Google Checkout, or Mal’s e-commerce. These “add-on’ carts work especially well if you have a web site that already exists. They let you use their site to configure your products, and they generate payment button code that you can copy and paste into your web pages. The code creates a button on your web page that, when clicked, sends the site visitor through their service for payment.

当您只出售少量商品时,第二种选择是使用其他在线服务的付款处理功能,例如PayPal,Google Checkout或Mal的电子商务。 如果您已经有一个网站,这些“附加”购物车会特别有效。 他们让您使用他们的网站来配置产品,并且他们生成付款按钮代码,您可以将其复制并粘贴到您的网页中。 该代码在您的网页上创建了一个按钮,单击该按钮后,网站访问者将通过其服务发送付款。

Let’s look at three popular add-on solutions:






PayPal is an online payment processor – currently owned by eBay – that processes credit cards, as well as transactions members make within their private network. Most people are aware of the private network payments, but don’t realize that PayPal also handles payments through major credit cards and electronic checks.

贝宝(PayPal)是一种在线支付处理器(当前由eBay拥有),可处理信用卡以及会员在其专用网络中进行的交易。 大多数人都知道专用网络付款,但没有意识到PayPal还通过主要的信用卡和电子支票来处理付款。

To use PayPal as a cart, you’ll need to register an account with them. This involves setting up a PayPal account, then linking a bank account to your PayPal account. To validate your bank account, PayPal deposits a small amount into your account, say 11 cents, and you log in and tell them the amount they deposited.

要将PayPal用作购物车,您需要向他们注册一个帐户。 这涉及到设置PayPal帐户,然后将银行帐户链接到您的PayPal帐户。 为了验证您的银行帐户,PayPal会向您的帐户中存入少量资金,例如11美分,然后您登录并告诉他们他们的存款金额。

To create a product within your PayPal account, select the Products and Services tab on your main account page, then the Website Payments Standard link on the Products and Services page. This takes you to a Buy Now Buttons page. Select the type of payment button you want then follow the directions to work with their Button Factory. You’ll see a chunk of code at the end of the process that you can paste into your web site. It’s a fairly easy three-page process to create a button or email link to a product you sell.

要在您的PayPal帐户中创建产品,请在主帐户页面上选择“产品和服务”标签,然后在“产品和服务”页面上选择“网站付款标准”链接。 这将带您到“立即购买按钮”页面。 选择所需的付款按钮类型,然后按照说明使用其按钮工厂。 在该过程结束时,您将看到一大段代码,可以粘贴到您的网站中。 创建一个按钮或电子邮件链接到您出售的产品是一个相当简单的三页过程。

PayPal currently charges 1.9–2.9% of transaction cost plus 30 cents (USD) per transaction. There are no monthly fees and no setup costs. They provide detailed accounting for anything sold using their Buy Now buttons.

PayPal当前收取交易费用的1.9%至2.9%,另加每笔交易30美分(USD)。 没有月租费,也没有安装成本。 他们使用“立即购买”按钮提供有关所售商品的详细会计信息。

Support for PayPal is through their online help pages, email, or phone. They’re a large organization and it can take time to get a proper response. But the response typically is thorough.

通过其在线帮助页面,电子邮件或电话支持PayPal。 他们是一个大型组织,可能需要一些时间才能做出正确的响应。 但是响应通常是彻底的。

The only criticism I have, is that the PayPal payment page makes it very hard to figure out how to pay with major credit cards. The most obvious part of the payment page is the PayPal login box. It’s only when you notice a small image of credit cards and a Continue link that users realize you don’t have to log in to pay with a credit card.

我唯一的批评是,贝宝(PayPal)付款页面使您很难弄清楚如何使用主要信用卡付款。 付款页面上最明显的部分是PayPal登录框。 只有当您注意到信用卡的图片很小且带有“ 继续”链接时,用户才会意识到您无需登录即可使用信用卡付款。

Google Checkout

Google Checkout



In the past few years, Google has jumped into the online payment market with its service, Google Checkout. This service uses Buy Now buttons to process payments through any web site.

在过去的几年中,Google凭借其服务Google Checkout进入了在线支付市场。 该服务使用“ 立即购买”按钮来处理任何网站上的付款。

To use Google Checkout, you’ll need a Google account, then use their service to verify your bank account details. The validation process is similar to PayPal’s: Google deposits a small amount of money to your account, then you tell Google how much they deposited.

要使用Google Checkout,您需要一个Google帐户,然后使用其服务来验证您的银行帐户详细信息。 验证过程类似于PayPal的验证过程:Google向您的帐户存入少量资金,然后您告诉Google他们存入了多少钱。

To create a Buy Now button, log in to Google Checkout and select the Tools tab across the top, then the Buy Now buttons link on the left or center of the page. From here, it’s easy to generate button code you can copy and paste into your web pages.

要创建“立即购买”按钮,请登录Google Checkout并选择顶部的“工具”标签,然后在页面左侧或中心点击“立即购买”按钮链接。 从这里,很容易生成按钮代码,您可以将其复制并粘贴到您的网页中。

When your site visitors click your Google Checkout Buy Now button, they’ll be taken to a simple web page at Google that lets them enter their payment details. This is much more direct and obvious than PayPal’s initial payment screen.

当您的网站访问者点击您的Google Checkout立即购买按钮时,他们将被带到Google的简单网页,可让他们输入付款明细。 这比贝宝的初始付款屏幕更为直接和明显。

Google Checkout currently charges 2% of each sale amount plus 20 cents (USD). If you use Google AdWords and link it with your Google Checkout account, you can receive free transaction processing in some cases. Google does hold back a reserve amount to handle chargebacks if they believe you have an excessive number. Buyers also have the chance to provide a customer review. You can respond to the review if it’s negative, but Google will remove a review only if it’s hate speech or not constructive.

Google Checkout目前收取每笔销售金额的2%,另加20美分(USD)。 如果您使用Google AdWords并将其与您的Google Checkout帐户相关联,则在某些情况下可以免费进行交易处理。 如果他们认为您的电话号码过多,Google会保留一笔储备金来处理退款。 买家也有机会提供客户评论。 如果评论为负面,您可以回复该评论,但Google只会在其仇恨言论或没有建设性意见时删除评论。

Support for Google Checkout is primarily through help pages and forums, which are quite extensive and amazingly thorough. However, it took me a while to find the Contact Support page for Google Checkout, as it’s not clearly linked from their Merchant Help Center. Nor does it appear there’s telephone support. These are significant issues, considering most online payment processors have phone numbers and support forms clearly visible.

对Google Checkout的支持主要是通过帮助页面和论坛来完成的,这些页面非常广泛且令人惊讶。 但是,我花了一些时间才能找到Google Checkout的“联系支持”页面,因为该链接未从其商家帮助中心中明确链接。 似乎也没有电话支持。 考虑到大多数在线支付处理商的电话号码和支持表格清晰可见,这些都是重要的问题。

Google Checkout also can be used as a payment processor in shopping carts you host yourself. When used as a payment processor through a full-featured shopping cart, the buyer can store their payment details once with Google and won’t have to enter their data at your site.

Google Checkout也可以用作您自己托管的购物车中的付款处理程序。 通过功能齐全的购物车用作付款处理者时,买方可以将其付款详细信息存储到Google一次,而不必在您的网站上输入数据。

Mal’s e-commerce




Another shopping cart that lets you create buttons and handle processing remotely is Mal’s e-commerce, a 10-year-old company based in Spain. Mal’s provides a lot of functionality in a simple, easy-to-use service. They offer both free and paid Premium carts, depending upon what features you need. And there’s software you can download to manage your orders processed through their service from your desktop.

Mal的电子商务是另一个让您创建按钮并远程处理处理的购物车,该公司成立于10年,位于西班牙。 Mal's通过简单易用的服务提供了许多功能。 他们提供免费和付费的高级购物车,具体取决于您需要的功能。 您可以从桌面下载一些软件来管理通过其服务处理的订单。

To use Mal’s you need to set up an account. On their main account page, you’ll see a Cart Setup tab. Click that tab to open a page that provides links to define your products, payment methods, and cart behavior. You can, for example, add your logo on the payment pages your customers will use. Like PayPal and Google Checkout, it’s fairly easy to set up different options.

要使用Mal,您需要设置一个帐户。 在他们的主要帐户页面上,您会看到“购物车设置”标签。 单击该选项卡以打开一个页面,该页面提供用于定义您的产品,付款方式和购物车行为的链接。 例如,您可以在客户将使用的付款页面上添加徽标。 像PayPal和Google Checkout一样,设置不同的选项也很容易。

Mal’s offers a fairly robust set of features for a simple cart. You can implement discounts, email notifications, shipping methods and costs, downloadable products, gift vouchers, and other features. They also have a broad range of payment process from different parts of the world.

Mal's为简单的购物车提供了相当强大的功能。 您可以实施折扣,电子邮件通知,运输方式和成本,可下载产品,礼品券和其他功能。 他们还拥有来自世界各地的广泛付款流程。

The cost for Mal’s? Free. Their service depends on heavy users who pay for the Premium service, in turn funding the free carts. So there are no costs per transaction, monthly fees or setup charges.

Mal的费用? 自由。 他们的服务取决于为高级服务付费的重型用户,从而为免费购物车提供资金。 因此,没有每笔交易的费用,月费或安装费。

Support for Mal’s e-commerce is primarily through an extensive set of documentation that is well written and task-oriented. You can email them, but they ask that you use the help text and the forums first as most questions are answered there.

对Mal电子商务的支持主要是通过大量书面文档和面向任务的大量文档来实现的。 您可以通过电子邮件发送给他们,但是他们会要求您首先使用帮助文本和论坛,因为在那里回答了大多数问题。

常规购物车 (Regular Shopping Carts)

If your online business is a new one or an extension of an existing business, chances are good that a regular shopping cart is required. You’ll want to let a third party manage product quantities, discounts, stock sell-outs, orders, shipping, and all the rest.

如果您的在线业务是新业务或现有业务的扩展,则很有可能需要常规的购物车。 您将希望让第三方管理产品数量,折扣,库存售罄,订单,运输以及所有其他内容。

In addition to having the option of a regular cart or a more complex cart, you also may install and host the cart yourself, or use a third-party service. Installation on your own server gives you ultimate control but you’re also responsible for securing the database, upgrading the software, and all the other maintenance tasks.

除了可以选择常规购物车或更复杂的购物车之外,您还可以自行安装和托管购物车,或使用第三方服务。 在您自己的服务器上进行安装可以为您提供最终控制权,但您还负责保护数据库,升级软件和所有其他维护任务。

Third-party services solve those problems but introduce others. For example, a client of mine uses Network Solutions, but it costs too much, the interface is quirky, and pages load very slowly at times. However, my client is prepared to put up with this to avoid the hassle and responsibility of installing and maintaining a shopping cart on their server.

第三方服务解决了这些问题,但引入了其他问题。 例如,我的一个客户使用网络解决方案,但成本高昂,界面古怪,页面加载有时非常缓慢。 但是,我的客户准备忍受这一点,以避免在服务器上安装和维护购物车的麻烦和责任。

Hosting a Shopping Cart on Your Own Server


The two regular carts we’ll look at are Zen Cart and digiShop. Zen Cart is free and open source, while digiSHOP is from a private software company. They offer similar capabilities but can be quite different in actual use.

我们将看到的两个常规购物车是Zen Cart和digiShop。 Zen Cart是免费和开源的,而digiSHOP来自一家私人软件公司。 它们提供类似的功能,但实际使用中可能有很大不同。

Zen Cart




The first install-it-yourself shopping cart you might look at is Zen Cart, an open source cart that’s an offshoot of osCommerce, a PHP-powered cart that was once popular but has since suffered, partly due to its convoluted code base). In my experience, Zen Cart (and osCommerce) benefit from the same strengths, for example, a strong online community and lots of modules to extend the shopping cart functionality. However, they also share the same weaknesses, namely too much code to wade through to make changes to templates.

您可能会看到的第一个可自行安装的购物车是Zen Cart,这是osCommerce的衍生产品,它是osCommerce的衍生产品,它是由PHP驱动的购物车,曾经很流行,但此后一直遭受苦难,部分原因是其复杂的代码库。 以我的经验,Zen Cart(和osCommerce)受益于相同的优势,例如强大的在线社区和许多扩展购物车功能的模块。 但是,它们也有相同的弱点,即太多的代码需要花费大量时间才能更改模板。

Installing Zen Cart is fairly easy. You upload their files to your server, set up a database, and visit the installation page in a web browser.

安装Zen Cart非常容易。 您将其文件上传到服务器,设置数据库,然后在Web浏览器中访问安装页面。

Once Zen Cart is installed, the administration area makes it fairly easy to create products and categories. The installation process also lets you load the database with sample data, so that you can become comfortable with the cart as you load in your own products.

安装Zen Cart后,管理区域使创建产品和类别变得相当容易。 安装过程还允许您使用示例数据加载数据库,以便在加载自己的产品时可以习惯购物车。

Creating templates is somewhat more complicated. There are a handful of templates that can be changed to reflect your page design. However, editing a template requires carefully maintaining PHP code. It’s fairly easy to break if you’re not sure of what you’re doing. And, like most carts, there are dozens of templates that control the center content area of the cart – the elements that make up product listings or details.

创建模板稍微复杂一些。 有一些模板可以更改以反映您的页面设计。 但是,编辑模板需要仔细维护PHP代码。 如果不确定自己在做什么,就很容易打破。 而且,像大多数购物车一样,有数十个模板来控制购物车的中心内容区域-组成产品清单或详细信息的元素。

Support for Zen Cart can be found on their forums, a wiki, and tutorials. I’ve had great results when I’ve used these support tools. The price of Zen Cart software is free. However, as with any software you install yourself, you will pay – either for your time to set up and configure, or from an expert in HTML, CSS, and PHP.

可以在他们的论坛,Wiki和教程中找到对Zen Cart的支持。 使用这些支持工具时,我取得了不错的成绩。 Zen Cart软件的价格是免费的。 但是,就像您自己安装的任何软件一样,您需要付费-设置和配置时间,或者由HTML,CSS和PHP专家支付。





The digiSHOP cart is the best software I have found for less than a thousand dollars (USD). While there are other carts in this price range (and more expensive carts), digiSHOP is fairly easy to use and, therefore, is a good cart to discuss and compare with other carts.

digiSHOP购物车是我发现的最好的软件,不到一千美元。 尽管在此价格范围内还有其他手推车(价格更高的手推车),但digiSHOP相当易于使用,因此是与其他手推车进行讨论和比较的好手推车。

Like Zen Cart, installing digiSHOP is relatively easy. You upload your files and set up a database with a database username and password. Then you open your browser, call up their installation web page, and follow directions. You even can avoid the hassle of installation by hiring them for $45 (USD) to do the installation for you on your server.

与Zen Cart一样,安装digiSHOP相对容易。 您上传文件并使用数据库用户名和密码来建立数据库。 然后,打开浏览器,调出其安装网页,并按照说明进行操作。 您甚至可以以$ 45(USD)的价格租用它们来在服务器上为您安装,从而避免安装麻烦。

Once installed, digiSHOP is fairly simple to use. Creating products is simple: click the Products tab then the Add a Product button. You can easily add variants for your products or a couple types of descriptions, for example, a short blurb and a full description.

安装后,digiSHOP的使用非常简单。 创建产品很简单:单击“产品”选项卡,然后单击“ 添加产品”按钮。 您可以轻松地为您的产品添加变体或两种描述类型,例如简短的说明和完整的描述。

digiSHOP also integrates with a number of payment processors, as well as affiliate programs. There’s also the ability to integrate with QuickBooks, Stone Edge, Google Analytics, and eBay. And digiSHOP also integrates with the company’s other products, for example, chatFUSE for live chat and fireBLAST for email marketing.

digiSHOP还集成了许多付款处理器以及会员计划。 还可以与QuickBooks,Stone Edge,Google Analytics和eBay集成。 而且digiSHOP还与该公司的其他产品集成,例如,用于实时聊天的chatFUSE和用于电子邮件营销的fireBLAST。

Adding your page design to digiSHOP should be trouble-free. There are two sets of header and footer templates – a set used for secure pages and another set for pages delivered without an SSL certificate. Using your page design, copy and paste some small bits of PHP code that digiSHOP provides, then upload the four files to the templates folder. If you need to modify the design of the functional areas of the carts, their template file names are obvious enough. digiSHOP also provides an online widget that will do the conversion from your page design to their templates.

将页面设计添加到digiSHOP应该没有问题。 页眉和页脚模板有两组,一组用于安全页面,另一组用于没有SSL证书的页面。 使用页面设计,复制并粘贴digiSHOP提供的一小部分PHP代码,然后将这四个文件上载到template文件夹。 如果您需要修改购物车功能区域的设计,那么它们的模板文件名就足够明显了。 digiSHOP还提供了一个在线小部件,可以将您的页面设计转换为其模板。

What I appreciate most about digiSHOP is that its file structure and code are very clean and easy to understand. This makes maintenance more manageable, for example, to find and tweak templates.

我最欣赏digiSHOP的地方在于其文件结构和代码非常干净并且易于理解。 这使维护更易于管理,例如查找和调整模板。

Support for digiSHOP is relatively quick and at the right level of detail. They have an online knowledge base which is helpful. But the best support has been through email.

对digiSHOP的支持相对较快,并且具有适当的详细程度。 他们有一个在线知识库,这很有帮助。 但是最好的支持是通过电子邮件。

Costs for digiSHOP vary depending on which version of their software you buy. If you don’t need many features, their standard version works fine for $299 (USD). The two versions with more features cost $349 (USD) and $799 (USD).

digiSHOP的费用因您购买的软件版本而异。 如果您不需要太多功能,则其标准版本的价格为299美元,可以正常使用。 具有更多功能的两个版本的价格分别为349美元和799美元。

使用托管的第三方购物车 (Using a Hosted Third-party Shopping Cart)

If you’d like to avoid the bother or risk to install and maintain a shopping cart on your web server, the other option is to use a hosted service. With a hosted cart, you can use your own page design and URL.Network Solutions

如果您想避免在网络服务器上安装和维护购物车的麻烦或风险,另一种选择是使用托管服务。 使用托管的购物车,您可以使用自己的页面设计和URL。

Network Solutions Ecommerce


Network Solutions E-commerce provides a broad range of cart functionality, for example, the ability to handle variants and map quantities to each type of variant. If you sell a shirt in three sizes, you can set prices for each size shirt and track quantities as they’re sold.

网络解决方案电子商务提供了广泛的购物车功能,例如,处理变体并将数量映射到每种变体的能力。 如果您出售三种尺寸的衬衫,则可以设置每种尺寸的衬衫的价格,并跟踪所售衬衫的数量。

To set up your page design in Network Solutions E-commerce, click on the Design tab in the control panel, where you can add a header and footer. The Layout options are primarily settings that you define for your cart overall, for example, color schemes.

要在网络解决方案电子商务中设置页面设​​计,请单击控制面板中的“设计”选项卡,您可以在其中添加页眉和页脚。 布局选项主要是您为购物车整体定义的设置,例如配色方案。

The Network Solutions E-commerce cart comes with a variety of buttons used through the checkout process. You can add your own set if you sign up for their Pro package.

网络解决方案电子商务购物车带有在结帐过程中使用的各种按钮。 如果您注册了他们的Pro软件包,则可以添加自己的集合。

Adding products is done through the Inventory link. The Products option makes it fairly easy to add details about each product, including variants, images, and other details. Tracking inventory, price discounts, gift certificates, and other product-related details are also available within the Inventory options.

通过库存链接添加产品。 使用“产品”选项,可以很容易地添加有关每个产品的详细信息,包括变体,图像和其他详细信息。 库存选项中还提供了跟踪库存,价格折扣,礼券和其他与产品相关的详细信息。

There are a lot of online tutorials to help with setting up your cart in Network Solutions E-commerce. Their telephone support also has been excellent, especially at odd hours like weekends and public holidays.

有很多在线教程可帮助您在Network Solutions E-commerce中设置购物车。 他们的电话支持也非常出色,尤其是在周末和公众假期等特殊时间。

Prices for Network Solutions E-commerce are $49.99 per month (USD) and $99.99 per month (USD). The higher price lets you use your own interface design.

网络解决方案电子商务的价格分别为每月49.99美元和99.99美元。 较高的价格使您可以使用自己的界面设计。





If you like the digiSHOP cart but do not want the bother of hosting a shopping cart, CoreCommerce.com is the hosted version of digiSHOP, with extra features. It also makes a good alternative to consider with Network Solutions E-commercet. Because CoreCommerce is the digiSHOP Pro version offered as a hosted service, setting up products and performing other tasks are identical to digiSHOP.

如果您喜欢digiSHOP购物车,但又不想托管购物车,那么CoreCommerce.com是digiSHOP的托管版本,具有更多功能。 它还是考虑使用Network Solutions E-commercet的不错选择。 因为CoreCommerce是作为托管服务提供的digiSHOP Pro版本,所以设置产品和执行其他任务与digiSHOP相同。

Adding your site design to CoreCommerce is just as easy adding it to their stand-alone digiSHOP software. You create header and footer pages from your page design, paste a few bits of code, then copy the templates to their server. For the content areas of the cart, you’re limited to using CSS to style the checkout form and other bits that appear in a shopping cart page. Unlike a stand-alone cart, you can’t go in and tweak the code for the signup form or other page elements.

将您的网站设计添加到CoreCommerce就像将其添加到其独立的digiSHOP软件一样容易。 您可以从页面设计中创建页眉页脚和页脚页,粘贴一些代码,然后将模板复制到其服务器。 对于购物车的内容区域,仅限于使用CSS设置购物车页面中显示的结帐表单和其他样式的样式。 与独立购物车不同,您无法进入并调整注册表单或其他页面元素的代码。

With regular shopping carts, it’s critical to test how easy or difficult it is to add your web site design to cart pages. It’s fairly effortless with digiSHOP software to accomplish. Templates typically divide into two groups – one set for layout of the cart web page, and one set for individual elements of the cart pages, for example, the login screen or payment detail form.

使用常规的购物车,测试将网站设计添加到购物车页面的难易程度至关重要。 使用digiSHOP软件可以轻松完成。 模板通常分为两组-一组用于购物车网页的布局,一组用于购物车页面的各个元素,例如登录屏幕或付款明细表。

Prices for CoreCommerce run from $39.95 per month (USD) to $99.95 per month (USD). The higher price adds more bandwidth and server storage space.

CoreCommerce的价格从每月39.95美元到每月99.95美元不等。 更高的价格增加了带宽和服务器存储空间。

定制开发的购物车 (Custom-developed Shopping Carts)

Beyond regular shopping carts are custom-developed shopping carts. These carts are either created from scratch by a programmer who then sells their cart to their client base, or are customized, based upon an existing cart like Magento.

定制购物车是常规购物车之外的产品。 这些购物车或者是由程序员从头开始创建的,然后程序员将其销售到客户群,或者根据现有的购物车(例如Magento)进行定制。

My recommendation is to work through feature lists, and carefully research and analyze your needs, before you tackle custom-developed shopping carts. The features you need may be present on carts that already exist. Beware of a situation where a small compromise on your part commits you to considerable expense.

我的建议是在处理定制开发的购物车之前,仔细阅读功能列表,并仔细研究和分析您的需求。 您需要的功能可能已经存在于购物车中。 当心您妥协的情况会给您带来可观的费用。

Then, if you still can’t find what you need off the shelf, proceed carefully. Seek solid references for the programmer or agency that will create your shopping cart. When you talk to referees, be sure to ask how the programmer handled changes: did they get snippy and rude, or did they insist that the client clearly describe what was needed?

然后,如果仍然找不到需要的东西,请谨慎进行。 为将创建您的购物车的程序员或代理商寻求可靠的参考。 当您与裁判交谈时,一定要问程序员如何处理变更:他们变得:昧而粗鲁,还是坚持要客户清楚地描述了需要什么?

Also, you should require the code for your cart to be thoroughly documented. That will make it easier for you to take your cart to another programmer or agency, should you need to.

另外,您还应该要求您的购物车代码有完整的记录。 如果需要,这将使您更轻松地将购物车带到另一个程序员或代理商。

Finally, with custom carts, it’s important that software development happens in a structured way. Your requirements, for example, should be written down and all questions and testing should refer to back to these. The programmer should set up a test bed where the cart can be built and tested without affecting any live production. You also should confirm that the programmer or agency uses tools to store the code, keeps track of any changes to the code, and helps maintain code over time.

最后,使用定制购物车,以结构化方式进行软件开发非常重要。 例如,应该写下您的要求,所有问题和测试都应参考这些要求。 程序员应设置一个测试台,在该测试台上可以构建和测试购物车,而不影响任何现场生产。 您还应确认程序员或代理机构使用工具来存储代码,跟踪代码的任何更改以及帮助随着时间的推移维护代码。

These are all basic software programming practices, but you should still ask. A no to any of these questions, or I don’t need a public test bed, or We don’t document our code are signs that you should go elsewhere.

这些都是基本的软件编程实践,但是您仍然应该问。 对这些问题中的任何一个都不同意,或者我不需要公共测试床 ,或者我们没有记录我们的代码,这些都表明您应该去其他地方。

搜索优化和购物车 (Search Optimization and Shopping Carts)

Whatever cart you choose, optimizing your online store for search engines is critical. With simple carts like PayPal, Google Checkout, and Mal’s, you must optimize the pages on your website: they handle only the payment processing. With regular shopping carts, however, you should have, at the least, the ability to:

无论您选择哪种购物车,为搜索引擎优化在线商店都是至关重要的。 使用简单的购物车(如PayPal,Google Checkout和Mal's),您必须优化网站上的页面:它们仅处理付款处理。 但是,使用常规的购物车,至少应具备以下能力:

oversee the HTML page title, as well as the page title that appears within the content on the page.

监督HTML页面标题以及页面内容中显示的页面标题。 control at least the URL filename for each of your product catalog and detail pages, and, ideally, the file folder path to that filename.

至少控制每个产品目录和详细信息页面的URL文件名,并且最好控制该文件名的文件夹路径。 modify meta tags, image title and alt attributes, and the words used within your links.


I would argue that the ability to output your shopping site as a site map, and then submit and upload through Google’s Webmaster Tools, is also key for search optimization. And some carts let you export your products as a list for shopping comparison sites.

我认为,能够将您的购物网站输出为站点地图,然后通过Google的网站站长工具提交和上传,这也是搜索优化的关键。 某些购物车可让您将产品导出为购物比较网站的列表。

One approach that I’ve used for search optimization is to publish product catalog and detail pages as static web pages. This gives my clients 100% control of what’s on every single page. They let their shopping cart manage the orders and payments. Other clients let the shopping cart do everything. Both groups do well, so I assume what works is a matter of your personal preference.

我用于搜索优化的一种方法是将产品目录和详细信息页面发布为静态网页。 这使我的客户可以100%控制每个页面上的内容。 他们让他们的购物车管理订单和付款。 其他客户让购物车做所有事情。 两组都做得很好,所以我认为有效的方法取决于您的个人喜好。

关于购物车的最后几点思考 (Some Final Thoughts on Shopping Carts)

Hopefully this article has managed to avoid a flame war about who creates the best shopping cart. It really depends on your needs and preferences. Here are a few quick issues to also consider when you pick a shopping cart:

希望本文能够避免关于谁创造了最佳购物车的激烈争论。 这实际上取决于您的需求和偏好。 在您选择购物车时,还需要考虑以下几个快速问题:

Check which control panel your hosting company uses, if using an install-it-yourself shopping cart. Some web hosts’ control panels, such as Plesk, treat secure and non-secure pages separately, so installing and configuring your cart may require a few extra steps.

如果使用自行安装的购物车,请检查托管公司使用的控制面板。 某些Web主机的控制面板(例如Plesk )分别处理安全页面和不安全页面,因此,安装和配置购物车可能需要一些额外的步骤。

Develop a backup plan for your orders, customer list, templates, and settings. Backing up is never a bad idea!

为订单,客户列表,模板和设置制定备份计划。 备份绝不是一个坏主意! Look up online web site monitoring services that will periodically check your online store, and email or text you when your site is down.

查找在线网站监视服务,该服务将定期检查您的在线商店,并在您的网站关闭时向您发送电子邮件或发短信。 Avoid storing credit card data in your cart database for better your security.

避免将信用卡数据存储在购物车数据库中,以提高安全性。 Make sure you look into chargeback policies and costs if you use Mal’s, Google Checkout, or PayPal.

如果使用Mal's,Google Checkout或PayPal,请确保您查看了退款政策和费用。

Finally, some hosted carts offer McAfee Secure or similar services to ensure that an online store is secure. This clearly is a preference issue. My view is that it’s good if it helps your customers feel comfortable enough to buy. These services also pinpoint any security issues before you find them the hard way.

最后,某些托管购物车提供McAfee Secure或类似服务,以确保在线商店的安全。 这显然是一个优先问题。 我的观点是,如果它可以帮助您的客户感到足够舒适以进行购买,那就很好了。 这些服务还可以在您很难找到它们之前查明任何安全问题。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/ecommerce-seven-carts-reviewed/
