
tech2024-03-14  91

Web hosting provider Rackspace announced today that it has acquired two startups in a move to bolster its cloud hosting service in a bid to take on Amazon’s Web Services stack. Rackspace, which is based in San Antonio, Texas, paid approximately $11.5 million in cash and stock (with the potential for up to $16.5 million in additional payouts of cash and stock) to acquire two companies: VPS provider Slicehost and Jungle Disk, an online storage app that uses Amazon’s S3.

网络托管服务提供商Rackspace今天宣布,已收购了两家初创公司,以加强其云托管服务,以争夺亚马逊的Web服务堆栈。 总部位于德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市的Rackspace支付了大约1,150万美元的现金和股票(有可能额外支付高达1,650万美元的现金和股票),收购了两家公司:VPS提供商Slicehost和在线丛林硬盘使用Amazon S3的存储应用程序。

Rackspace’s cloud hosting division, Mosso, is also announcing the rebranding of its flagship products. The Hosting Cloud, which is a scalable web hosting environment, will now be called Cloud Sites, CloudFS, which is a file storage offering that competes with Amazon’s S3, will be renamed Cloud Files. Rackspace plans to offer CDN services via its Cloud Files services as part of a partnership with Limelight Networks later this year.

Rackspace的云托管部门Mosso也宣布对其旗舰产品进行品牌重塑。 托管云是一种可扩展的Web托管环境,现在称为Cloud Sites,CloudFS是与Amazon S3竞争的文件存储产品,将被重命名为Cloud Files。 Rackspace计划在今年晚些时候与Limelight Networks合作,通过其Cloud Files服务提供CDN服务。

Further, Rackspace announced Cloud Servers, an on-demand server service that will use Slicehost’s provisioning technology, which uses Xen virtualization software.

此外,Rackspace宣布了Cloud Servers,这是一项按需服务器服务,将使用Slicehost的配置技术,该技术使用Xen虚拟化软件。

Both acquired companies will continue to operate independently, and Jungle Disk will continue to offer Amazon S3 as a storage option to customers. The Jungle Disk acquisition seems a bit odd, since it is a consumer play that doesn’t seem to fit with Rackspace’s core business, except as a show piece for their Mosso services. Slicehost, on the other hand, makes a lot of sense.

两家被收购的公司将继续独立运营,并且Jungle Disk将继续向客户提供Amazon S3作为存储选项。 收购Jungle Disk似乎有些奇怪,因为这是一种消费者行为,似乎不适合Rackspace的核心业务,只是作为其Mosso服务的展示品。 另一方面,Slicehost具有很大的意义。

Slicehost has grown into one of the major players in on-demand, virtualized servers, and claims more than 15,000 “slices” online today. They’ve become very popular with web app developers, especially those using the Ruby on Rails framework (three out of the four founders of my site Rails Forum have their own slice, for example). That’s just the sort of early adopter, web application developer crowd that Rackspace wants to attract away from Amazon.

Slicehost已发展成为按需虚拟化服务器的主要参与者之一,并在今天宣称拥有超过15,000个“切片”。 它们已在Web应用程序开发人员中变得非常受欢迎,尤其是使用Ruby on Rails框架的开发人员(例如,我的网站Rails论坛的四位创始人中有三位拥有自己的一席之地)。 那只是Rackspace想要从亚马逊吸引过来的那种早期采用者,Web应用程序开发人员人群。

Both Slicehost and Jungle Disk have FAQs up about the acquisitions.

Slicehost和Jungle Disk都提供有关收购的常见问题解答。

Disclosure: Both Rackspace and Amazon provide hosting services to SitePoint.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/rackspace-ups-the-ante-in-assault-on-amazon/
