
tech2024-03-15  79


Well-known crowd sourcing start up Cambrian House is built to help a community come together to create an app, but there’s no reason you can’t leverage the same concept to build your application or web site. There are a number of crowdsourcing service startups out there that you can utilize to turn your idea into a reality without the need to hire a full-time team.

著名的众包创业公司Cambrian House旨在帮助社区聚集在一起创建应用程序,但是没有理由不能利用相同的概念来构建应用程序或网站。 您可以利用许多众包服务创业公司将您的想法变为现实,而无需雇用专职团队。

Here are three companies that can help you get your product off the ground utilizing the power of the crowd.


资金 (Funding)

Crowds aren’t just good at creating content or brainstorming ideas, they can also come together to fund projects. Online knitting community Ravelry raised money by asking its members for donations, for example. Crowd funding company microPledge offers microPledge Custom, a co-branded version of their funding platform that companies can use to raise money from their users while guaranteeing user-investors that they get the product they want for their cash.

人群不仅擅长创建内容或集思广益,还可以聚集在一起为项目提供资金。 例如,在线编织社区Ravelry通过要求其成员捐款来筹集资金。 众筹公司microPledge提供了microPledge Custom ,这是其筹资平台的共同品牌版本,公司可用来从用户那里筹集资金,同时向用户投资者保证他们可以获得所需的现金产品。

设计 (Design)

One of the most well-known types of crowdsourcing on the web today is design contests, in which multiple designers compete to create a single design. In this type of crowdsourcing, the crowd isn’t working together to create a single product, but rather design contests play on the competitive nature if crowds.

设计竞赛是当今网络上最广为人知的众包类型之一,其中多个设计师竞争创建一个设计。 在这种类型的众包中,人群不是协同工作来创建单个产品,而是如果人群拥挤,则设计竞赛将发挥竞争性。

SitePoint just happens to be home to one of the largest graphic design contest communities on the web. Our 99designs site has a community of almost 15,000 designers that can be leveraged to get almost any type of design product finished.

SitePoint恰好是网络上最大的图形设计竞赛社区之一的所在地。 我们的99designs网站拥有将近15,000名设计师的社区,可以利用这些社区完成几乎所有类型的设计产品。

内容 (Content)

What good is your site if you don’t have any content? Amazon’s Mechanical Turk web service can put an army of workers at your disposal to complete simple tasks. From writing reviews to tagging images, you can use Mechanical Turk to solve the chicken and egg problem that any new community-powered content site faces. Earlier this year, a pair of San Francisco artists even used Mechanical Turk to create a crowdsourced piece of art.

如果您没有任何内容,对您的网站有什么好处? 亚马逊的Mechanical Turk Web服务可以让您大批工人完成简单的任务。 从撰写评论到标记图像,您可以使用Mechanical Turk解决任何由社区提供动力的新内容网站所面临的鸡肉和鸡蛋问题。 今年早些时候,一对旧金山艺术家甚至使用Mechanical Turk 创作了众包艺术品 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/let-the-crowd-build-your-app/

