ColdFusion周:4月30日至5月6日:ColdFusion是一种编程语言吗? 等等等等等等…

tech2024-03-15  83

There were a couple of big news items in the blogosphere this week, but making the most noise was the cf.Objective() conference. I’m not going to link to those blog posts here – I’m going to wait a few days for the dust to settle, and for everyone to get home and write up their thoughts, and do a big round-up early next week. From what I’ve seen so far it the people who were fortunate enough to attend had a great time and learnt a lot.

本周博客圈中有几个重大新闻,但是引起最大关注的是cf.Objective()会议。 我不会在这里链接到这些博客文章–我将等待几天的时间尘埃落定,让每个人回家并写下他们的想法,并在下周初进行一次大型综述。 从到目前为止我所看到的,有幸参加的人们度过了愉快的时光,学到了很多东西。

TIOBE Malarkey


Controversy abounds: the TIOBE Programming Community Index decided to remove ColdFusion from it’s list of most popular programming languages, on the basis that it was not a programming language, but a framework like .NET and Ruby on Rails. Obviously, much outrage ensued on blogs and mailing lists – far too many outpourings of disgust to link to them all! After reconsidering, TIOBE updated their FAQ to note that CFML – the ColdFusion Markup Language, as distinct from Adobe ColdFusion the application server product – was in fact, a Turing complete programming language and would be included in future lists.

争议不胜枚举 : TIOBE编程社区索引决定将ColdFusion从其最受欢迎的编程语言列表中删除,因为它不是编程语言,而是.NET和Ruby on Rails之类的框架。 显然,随后在博客和邮件列表上引起了极大的愤怒-太多的厌恶情绪无法链接到它们! 重新考虑之后,TIOBE更新了他们的常见问题,以指出CFML(与应用程序服务器产品的Adobe ColdFusion不同的ColdFusion标记语言)实际上是一种Turing完整的编程语言,将包含在以后的列表中。

What is interesting about this incident is that it has got the community talking about the terminology that we use. CFML is the language itself, implemented not only by Adobe for their ColdFusion server product, but also by New Atlanta in BlueDragon and Railo and the Smith project in their respective products. Perhaps I need to change the title of my weekly round up to “The Week in CFML”!

关于此事件的有趣之处在于,它使社区开始谈论我们使用的术语。 CFML是语言本身,不仅由Adobe为他们的ColdFusion服务器产品实现,而且由New Atlanta的BlueDragon和Railo和Smith项目在其各自的产品中实现。 也许我需要将每周报告的标题更改为“ CFML周”!



Doug Boude has posted an interesting rant on why he doesn’t like ORM (object relational mapping) frameworks, based on his experiences with Reactor. A couple of other people have pointed out that it’s unfair to damn all ORMs based on one experience with one product. I guess, as with everything in web application development, your mileage may vary!

道格·鲍德(Doug Boude )根据他在Reactor上的经验,发表了一篇有趣的言论, 说明了为什么他不喜欢ORM(对象关系映射)框架 。 还有其他一些人指出,基于对一种产品的经验,责骂所有ORM是不公平的。 我想,与Web应用程序开发中的所有内容一样,您的工作量可能会有所不同!

Earlier this week I posted a poll – do you use a framework? I’m going to leave it open for a few more days so if you haven’t already voted, go have your say.

我在本周早些时候发布了一项民意调查–您使用框架吗? 我将再开放几天,因此,如果您尚未投票,请发表您的意见。



MXNA, Macromedia’s ancient blog aggregation service that had been showing it’s age recently, was put out to pasture and the new Adobe Feeds was launched. In actual fact, the code base is the same, but according to Ben Forta some optimizations were made and the the new servers are now running ColdFusion 8.0.1 for an extra speed injection.

MXNA,Macromedia的古老博客聚合服务,最近已经显示了它的年龄,已经放牧并发布了新的Adobe Feeds 。 实际上,代码库是相同的,但是根据Ben Forta的说法,已经进行了一些优化,并且新服务器现在正在运行ColdFusion 8.0.1,以实现更高的速度注入。

Charlie Arehart continues his series of posts exposing his massive lists of resources with Blogging Tools, CFML Certification Preparation Resources, and Bug/Defect Tracking Tools.

Charlie Arehart继续他的系列文章,以博客工具 , CFML认证准备资源和错误/缺陷跟踪工具展示了他的大量资源。

Open Source


After much anticipation, Open BlueDragon has been released into the wild in time for the cf.Objective() conference – so if you want to see what all the fuss is about, download it and give it a go.

在万众期待之后, Open BlueDragon已在cf.Objective()会议上及时发布了,因此,如果您想了解所有麻烦事,请下载并进行试用。

Brian Rinaldi’s open source update includes two new releases and four updates, including a new project which filters against SQL injection and cross-site scripting attacks, and a number of updates to Raymond Camden’s many projects. Brian also links to lots of new articles and tutorials on frameworks.

Brian Rinaldi的开源更新包括两个新版本和四个更新,其中包括一个过滤SQL注入和跨站点脚本攻击的新项目,以及对Raymond Camden的许多项目的许多更新。 Brian还链接到许多有关框架的新文章和教程。

If you weren’t able to catch it live, you can now watch a recording of Jedi Master Raymond Camden’s presentation on open source and ColdFusion.

如果您无法实时观看,则可以观看Jedi Master Raymond Camden关于开源和ColdFusion 的演示的录音 。


Some CFML quickies:


Justin Mclean shows how to find out if a date is affected by daylight savings using a little snippet of Java

贾斯汀·麦克林(Justin Mclean)展示了如何使用一小段Java代码来确定日期是否受夏时制影响

Ben Nadel talks about how to delete CFMAIL attachments automatically with the “remove” attribute, new in CF8

Ben Nadel讨论了如何使用CF8中新增的“删除”属性自动删除CFMAIL附件

Raymond Camden demonstrates how a simple custom tag can be created to duplicate the functionality of the CFHTMLHEAD tag, but for page footers, using the onRequest function

Raymond Camden 演示了如何创建简单的自定义标签来复制CFHTMLHEAD标签的功能,但对于页脚,请使用onRequest函数

That’s enough for one week, I think. As always, if you have any tips, email me (kay at smoljak dot com), leave a comment or tag something in delicious with for:kay.smoljak (no one ever does that!). ‘Til next time!

我想这足够一个星期了。 与往常一样,如果您有任何提示,请给我发送电子邮件(可以在smoljak dot com上发电子邮件),发表评论或使用for:kay.smoljak在美味的标签中添加标签(没有人这样做!)。 直到下一次!

