
tech2024-03-15  107


In March, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg told my former colleague Marshall Kirkpatrick that the key to privacy was granular control over various aspects of your information. “He said people have been trained to believe that there is a binary set of options concerning privacy and sharing of data: that some things are sharable and others are not,” wrote Kirkpatrick.

今年3月,Facebook创始人兼首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg) 告诉我的前同事马歇尔·柯克帕特里克( Marshall Kirkpatrick),隐私的关键是对信息各个方面的精细控制。 “他说人们已经受过训练,相信他们有关于隐私和数据共享的二元选择集:有些东西是可共享的,而另一些则不是。”柯克帕特里克写道。

Zuckerberg has certainly delivered, but while Facebook’s privacy controls have become increasingly granular — which is great for the consumer — they’ve also become increasingly more complex — which is not.


Inside Facebook noticed that Facebook launched a new feature to help users keep a handle on their complex privacy settings: Profile Preview. Via an option on the profile privacy settings page users can now get a view of how any of their friends see their profile. That’s helpful because you can instantly check which settings you’ve applied to which of your friends — did you remember to make sure your boss can’t see those party photos? What else can your boss see?

Facebook内部人士注意到 ,Facebook启动了一项新功能来帮助用户处理其复杂的隐私设置:配置文件预览。 现在,通过个人资料隐私设置页面上的选项,用户可以查看其任何朋友如何查看其个人资料。 这很有用,因为您可以立即检查对哪些朋友应用了哪些设置-您是否记得要确保老板看不到那些聚会的照片? 还有什么可你的老板看到了什么?

Facebook’s profile privacy settings have eight separate options now that can be controlled at a user-by-user level, so the preview feature should be helpful for keeping track of who see’s what and making sure profile settings are set correctly for each user you want to restrict some access from.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/facebook-releases-profile-preview-mode/

