
tech2024-03-15  82


As part of its 10th birthday celebration, Google has dusted off a vintage search index circa 2001 and slapped together a scale replica (as in searching 1.3 billion URLs instead of a trillion) of the old search engine. The Search 2001 site looks like the Google of 7 years ago (which is apparently as far back as they could easily go), including the old logo, and lack of vertical search links.

作为其10周年生日庆祝活动的一部分,Google清理了大约2001年的老式搜索索引,并将旧搜索引擎的一个规模副本(例如在搜索13亿个URL而不是一万亿个 URL的过程中)打包在一起。 Search 2001网站看起来像7年前的Google(显然可以追溯到很早以前),包括旧徽标以及缺乏垂直搜索链接。

The real fun is in searching the old index, though. Google’s blog makes some suggestions: “‘iPod‘ did not refer to a music player, ‘youtube‘ was nonsense, and if you were looking for ‘Michael Phelps,’ chances are you meant the scientist, not the swimmer.”

不过,真正的乐趣在于搜索旧索引。 Google的博客提出了一些建议 :“' iPod '不是指音乐播放器,' youtube '是胡说八道,如果您正在寻找' Michael Phelps ',那么您的意思是科学家,而不是游泳者。”

A search for “SitePoint” finds just 2,920 results, as opposed to greater than 1.8 million today, including links to the old forums URL ( and mention of a goofy old tagline of ours: “Helping Business Grow Online!”

搜索“ SitePoint ” 仅能找到2,920个结果,而今天的搜索结果却超过了180万个,其中包括指向旧论坛URL(的链接,并提及我们愚蠢的旧标语:“帮助企业在线发展!”

The Google 2001 search includes links to Internet Archive Wayback Machine versions of the sites in its index, which means you can search and browse like it’s 7 years ago. Do you remember when SitePoint looked like this?

Google 2001搜索在其索引中包含指向网站的Internet Archive Wayback Machine版本的链接,这意味着您可以像7年前一样进行搜索和浏览。 你还记得SitePoint看起来像这样 ?

Some other fun searches:


[ruby on rails] = a type of shelving unit

[ 栏上的Ruby ] =一种搁架单元

[facebook] = rather prophetically, a searchable database of Harvard students

[ facebook ] =颇具预见性的哈佛学生可搜索的数据库

[segway] = the Science Education Gateway at Berkley

[ segway ] =伯克利的科学教育门户

[firefox] = a personal homepage

[ firefox ] =个人主页

[wii] = Willamette Industries, makers of “superior forest products”

[ wii ] = Willamette Industries,“优质林产品”的制造商

[android] = a bot for Counter-Strike

[ android ] =反恐精英机器人

[web 2.0] = for some reason,

[ web 2.0 ] =由于某种原因,

What are some other fun searches that you’ve found? Share your favorites in the comments below.

您还发现了哪些其他有趣的搜索? 在下面的评论中分享您的收藏夹。


