
tech2024-03-15  86


There is no doubt that Twitter has been one of the hottest new web applications of the past couple of years. Since making a huge splash at the South By Southwest Interactive conference in March 2007, the simple little microblogging and status application has grown like a weed to the point where it is now slowly seeping into the mainstream with use on major television networks like CNN in the United States.

毫无疑问, Twitter是过去几年中最热门的新Web应用程序之一。 自2007年3月在South By Southwest Interactive会议上大放异彩以来,这种简单的小微博和状态应用程序就象杂草一样增长到了这样的程度:如今,它逐渐在主流电视网络(如CNN)中使用,逐渐渗入主流美国。

As great as Twitter can be as a communication platform, it can also be a major distraction and a pain to use if you don’t have the right tools. If you’re sitting on and clicking reload all day to get the latest tweets, you’re clearly not getting the most out of Twitter. So below are 12 tools you can use to make the most of your Twitter account.

如果您没有合适的工具,那么Twitter不仅可以作为通讯平台,而且也可能成为主要的干扰和使用上的痛苦。 如果您坐在Twitter.com上,并整日单击“重新加载”以获取最新的推文,那么您显然无法充分利用Twitter。 因此,下面是12个可用来充分利用Twitter帐户的工具。

1.表格组 (1. Form Groups)

One thing that Twitter has long needed, but so far hasn’t implemented, are groups. Once you hit a certain threshold of people you are following, the number of tweets coming in gets a bit overwhelming. Being able to filter your tweets by groups would go a long way toward helping to sift through that flood of information. It would also add utility to the site, which could then be used for group-specific communication (as in, for software development teams, companies, study groups, etc.). Though no official groups feature from Twitter exists there are a couple of ad-hoc solutions.

Twitter长期以来一直需要但到目前为止尚未实现的一件事就是团体。 一旦达到您所关注的人群的门槛,发来的推文数量就会变得有些庞大。 能够按组过滤您的推文将大大有助于筛选大量信息。 它还将在站点上添加实用程序,然后可将其用于特定于组的通信(例如,用于软件开发团队,公司,研究组等)。 尽管没有Twitter的官方论坛功能,但有一些临时解决方案。

Tweetparty uses hashtags (see #7) to direct messages to groups you create on the site. Messages are sent by direct message to the Tweetparty bot and redistributed to the proper group based on the hashtag. GroupTweet works by creating a message distribution robot out of a new account that you register for your group. Your group follows that new, robot account, and routes all messages through it (remember to protect your updates on the robot account to keep prying eyes from following your group’s messages).

Tweetparty使用主题标签(请参阅#7)将消息定向到您在站点上创建的组。 消息通过直接消息发送到Tweetparty机器人,并根据主题标签重新分配给适当的组。 GroupTweet的工作原理是使用您为组注册的新帐户创建一个消息分发自动程序。 您的群组会遵循该新的漫游器帐户,并通过它路由所有消息(请记住,以保护您在漫游器帐户上的更新,以免窥视您的群组消息)。

2.查找最新新闻 (2. Find the Latest News)

There are a number of Twitter link trackers that attempt to identify the top news by looking at URLs as they are tweeted and retweeted. Unfortunately, none of them work all that well. Twitturls is almost an exception, though. It’s not perfect — and isn’t as polished as other link-based, automated memetrackers you’re used to, such as Techmeme or Google News, but it gets the job done for the most part.

有许多Twitter链接跟踪器试图通过在发推和转发过程中查看URL来识别最新新闻。 不幸的是,它们都无法很好地工作。 尽管如此,Twitturls几乎是一个例外。 它并不完美-并不像您习惯的其他基于链接的自动Memetracker(例如Techmeme或Google新闻)那样完美,但是它可以完成大部分工作。

Twitturls looks at links as they are tweeted and attempts to find the most popular, recently talked about links across the Twittersphere. It definitely finds some gems, and can also be filtered to show just tweeted pictures and videos.

Twitturls在发布推文时会查看链接,并尝试找到最受欢迎的,最近谈论过的整个Twittersphere链接。 它肯定会找到一些宝石,也可以进行过滤以仅显示推特图片和视频。

3.共享图片,音乐和视频 (3. Share Pictures, Music, and Videos)

Ever wanted to share a picture, music file, or video on Twitter? Well, you could link to it, but that means finding some place to host it, which means adding steps to the process. Twittershare is a handy little application that allows you to share files on Twitter up to 10mb with drag and drop ease. Right now it only has Mac and web interfaces, with Windows XP/Vista promised soon (why didn’t they just use AIR?).

是否曾经想在Twitter上分享图片,音乐文件或视频? 好了,您可以链接到它,但这意味着找到某个地方托管它,这意味着在过程中添加步骤。 Twittershare是一个方便的小应用程序,它允许您轻松地在Twitter上共享最大10mb的文件。 目前,它仅具有Mac和Web界面,并很快承诺Windows XP / Vista(为什么不使用AIR?)。

4.研究趋势 (4. Research Trends)

Twist is an awesome (and for a blogger like myself, often times invaluable) tool that lets you create Compete-style trend graphs plotting terms mentioned on Twitter against each other. It’s a great research tool that can expose interesting snap trends in what people are talking about. For example, Google’s Chrome already gets more chatter consistently than Apple’s Safari browser, but neither can match the constant talk about Firefox.

Twist是一个了不起的工具(对于像我这样的博客作者来说,这常常是无价的),它使您可以创建竞争风格的趋势图,从而将Twitter上提到的术语相互映射。 这是一个很好的研究工具,可以揭示人们所谈论的有趣的趋势。 例如,谷歌的Chrome已经比苹果的Safari浏览器更加一致,但是两者都无法与关于Firefox的持续讨论相提并论。

Twist can show charts for the past week or the past month and can be embedded.


5.不要忘记任何事情 (5. Don’t Forget Anything)

One of the first web applications ever to start using Twitter was Remember the Milk, an online to-do list. RTM isn’t just a sentimental inclusion in this round up, though, it actually makes good use of Twitter. The site uses the microblogging service to let you add tasks, assign tasks, and mark items as completed via text message. Very convenient.

有史以来开始使用Twitter的第一个Web应用程序之一就是在线任务列表“ 记住牛奶” 。 尽管RTM并非本次综述中的感性包容,但实际上它很好地利用了Twitter。 该网站使用微博服务允许您添加任务,分配任务以及通过短信将项目标记为已完成。 很方便。

6.找人 (6. Find People)

When you first sign up to Twitter, you’ll want to add some friends. But what’s the best way to find them? Twitter’s internal search isn’t all that great. Twellow is a good place to start, though. It’s a directory built on the back of Twitter that also links to other social site profiles of the people it finds and knows about. Twitdir is a directory of over 3.1 million Twitter accounts and also has some top 100 lists if you’re interested in keeping a pulse on the most popular or prolific Twitterati.

首次注册Twitter时,您需要添加一些朋友。 但是找到它们的最好方法是什么? Twitter的内部搜索并不是很好。 不过,Twellow是一个不错的起点。 这是建立在Twitter背面的目录,该目录还链接到它找到和认识的人的其他社交网站个人资料。 Twitdir是一个拥有310万个Twitter帐户的目录,如果您有兴趣关注最受欢迎或最多产的Twitterati,那么它也有一些前100名列表。

Once you have some friends, Twubble and Twits Like Me can help expand your social graph by recommending people like you that you might want to follow. Each site works a bit differently, so try both to get the maximum effect. The beauty of Twitter is that you can unfollow people easily and anonymously, so if things aren’t working out with your new friends, it’s not hard to say goodbye.

一旦您有了一些朋友, Twubble和像我这样的 Twits可以通过推荐您可能想要关注的人来帮助扩大您的社交网络。 每个站点的工作方式略有不同,因此请尝试同时使用以获得最大效果。 Twitter的优点在于,您可以轻松地匿名地取消关注人,因此,如果新朋友无法解决问题,则不难道别。

7.加入模因 (7. Join a Meme)

Hashtags are a way to keep track of specific topics or memes on Twitter. By appending a certain word with the # symbol, Hashtags can group together tweets about the same topic. For example, if you are attending the XYZ Conference, you and others attending might use the hashtag #xyzconf08. Then followers could search for that hashtag and get each attendee’s tweets on the conference — and not their other tweets.

标签是一种在Twitter上跟踪特定主题或模因的方法。 通过在某个单词后附加#符号,主题标签可以将有关同一主题的推文分组在一起。 例如,如果您正在参加XYZ会议,则您和其他参加者可能会使用#xyzconf08标签。 然后,关注者可以搜索该标签,并在会议上获取每个与会者的推文,而不是他们的其他推文。

They’re a neat idea that can help to filter the signal from the noise on Twitter, which is one of the service’s biggest downsides. The downside to using hashtags, however, is that they make your already tiny 140-character message window just a bit smaller.

他们是一个好主意,可以帮助从Twitter上的噪音中过滤掉信号,这是该服务最大的缺点之一。 但是,使用标签的缺点是,它们会使您本来很小的140个字符的消息窗口变小了一点。

8.从桌面发推文 (8. Tweet from the Desktop)

Tweeting from’s web based interface can be tedious. And if you have a lot of followers or are following a lot of people, it is downright inadequate. For anyone serious about getting into Twitter, you need to get a desktop client to keep track of things. There are many, but my personal favorite is Twhirl. It’s a cross-browser client made using Adobe’s AIR runtime and also supports,, FriendFeed, and Seesmic (which owns it).

从Twitter.com的基于Web的界面发送推文可能很乏味。 而且,如果您有很多追随者或正在追随很多人,这是完全不够的。 对于认真对待Twitter的任何人,您都需要一个桌面客户端来跟踪情况。 有很多,但我个人最喜欢的是Twhirl 。 它是使用Adobe AIR运行时制作的跨浏览器客户端,还支持,,FriendFeed和Seesmic(拥有它)。

On the iPhone/iPod Touch, I use the Twitterific app.

在iPhone / iPod Touch上,我使用Twitterific应用程序。

9.跟随对话 (9. Follow the Conversation)

One of the biggest knocks against Twitter is that conversations aren’t threaded, so it’s hard to keep track of who said what, especially if more than one person chimes in and replies are suddenly spread out over multiple pages. Third party site Quotably attempts to rectify that. Quotably analyzes @ replies and attempts to thread conversations. It doesn’t work perfectly, but the result sometimes brings at least a little clarity to long threads that on Twitter are almost impossible to follow.

打击Twitter的最大障碍之一是对话没有建立线索,因此很难跟踪谁说了什么,尤其是当一个以上的人鸣叫并且回复突然散布在多个页面上时。 第三方站点可能会尝试纠正该问题。 报价分析@回复并尝试建立对话。 它不能完美地工作,但是结果有时至少使长线程至少有点清晰,这在Twitter上几乎是无法遵循的。

Unfortunately, Quotably doesn’t seem to be updating as often as it should be recently.


10.衡量你的上瘾 (10. Measure Your Addiction)

Twitter addict? It’s okay, we’re on #10 on the list, so it’s expected that you’d be addicted by now. You can find out just how addicted you are with TweetStats. TweetStats graphs your Twitter usages so you can see how many tweets you’re sending each day, hour, and month, who you’re talking to the most, and how you’re sending your updates.

Twitter上瘾者? 没关系,我们在清单上排名第10,所以现在您可能会上瘾。 您可以通过TweetStats了解自己有多上瘾。 TweetStats用图表显示您的Twitter使用情况,以便您可以查看每天,每小时和每月发送多少条推文,与谁进行最多的交谈以及如何发送更新。

As long as you’re not tweeting a thousand times at 3am, I think you’ll be okay.


11.重新获得短信推文 (11. Get SMS Tweeting Back)

In August Twitter announced that due to rising costs, it was cutting SMS support in a number of countries outside of the USA and Canada. I mostly use Twitter from my laptop or iPod Touch (meaning when I am in wifi range), but for many, using Twitter via SMS text message is how it’s done. If you’re in one of the affected countries and don’t mind forking over some cash, there are some third party sites that have you covered. At least four that I know of, in fact: hootSMS, TwitSMS, Twittex, and tweetSMS.

8月, Twitter宣布由于成本上升,它正在削减美国和加拿大以外的许多国家的SMS支持。 我主要通过笔记本电脑或iPod Touch使用Twitter(这意味着当我处于wifi范围内时),但是对于许多人来说,通过SMS短信使用Twitter就是这样。 如果您在一个受影响的国家中,不介意花钱,有一些第三方网站为您服务。 实际上,我至少知道四个: hootSMS , TwitSMS , Twittex和tweetSMS 。

12.赚点钱 (12. Make Some Money)

Got a lot of followers? Then maybe you’ll want to sell your profile background to advertisers for cash. Launched about a month ago, Twittad is a marketplace for Twitter users to sell their profile background space for cash. Twittadd works by selling the “dead” space next to your Twitter update stream on your Twitter user profile page, which can be changed via the background image.

有很多追随者? 然后,也许您想将个人资料背景卖给广告商以获取现金。 Twittad推出大约一个月前, 它是Twitter用户通过现金出售个人资料背景空间的市场。 Twittadd的工作原理是在Twitter用户个人资料页面的Twitter更新流旁边出售“死”空间,该空间可以通过背景图像进行更改。

Twittad is a marketplace, so you (as the seller) set the price for your background, and Twittad collects a 5% service fee from the advertiser (so presumably you keep 100% of the sale price).


No word yet on how Twitter will react to people selling ads this way on their service.



