linkedin 架构

tech2024-03-15  92

linkedin 架构

Business social network LinkedIn announced that they’ve turned on their OpenSocial-powered web applications platform. The site is keeping the focus strictly on business and productivity applications, and will only approve developers to even begin creating an application for the platform if their pitch meets those goals. “We are looking for applications that provide clear business utility to LinkedIn users. LinkedIn is not a place for sheep throwing,” says the page where developers can apply to gain access to the platform.

商业社交网络LinkedIn宣布已打开基于OpenSocial的Web应用程序平台。 该站点严格把重点放在业务和生产力应用程序上,只有在开发人员达到这些目标的情况下,才批准开发人员甚至开始为该平台创建应用程序。 “我们正在寻找能够为LinkedIn用户提供明确业务实用程序的应用程序。 领英不是放羊的地方,”开发人员可以在该页面上申请访问该平台的页面 。

LinkedIn is initially launching with 9 applications, from partners including Google, Huddle, TripIt, Amazon, SlideShare, WordPress, SixApart, and The apps range from a book recommendation sharing widget from Amazon, to a travel planning app from TripIt.

LinkedIn最初使用包括Google,Huddle,TripIt,Amazon,SlideShare,WordPress,SixApart和Box.net在内的合作伙伴的9种应用程序启动。 这些应用程序包括亚马逊的图书推荐共享小部件,以及TripIt的旅行计划应用程序。

Perhaps the most useful launch application, from a business user standpoint, is the in-house developed Company Buzz application, which tracks buzz on Twitter around your company or competitors.

从业务用户的角度来看,最有用的启动应用程序可能是内部开发的Company Buzz应用程序,它可以在Twitter上跟踪公司或竞争对手的嗡嗡声。

What all of these applications have in common, though, is that they assume users want to use LinkedIn as a sort of business start page. Is that actually how people use LinkedIn? Or do people use LinkedIn as an address book where they file away their internal and external business contacts? Personally, I have only every used LinkedIn for the latter, or for research about the business associations of specific people.

但是,所有这些应用程序的共同点是,它们假设用户希望将LinkedIn用作一种业务开始页面。 人们实际上是使用LinkedIn的方式吗? 还是人们将LinkedIn用作通讯录,以便他们与内部和外部业务联系人隔离? 就个人而言,我只有每一个都使用LinkedIn用于后者,或用于研究特定人员的商业协会。

“My bet is that most users will opt to use the ‘pimp my profile’ type of apps first, as they require much less work to implement and fall very much within the site’s original utility of helping to attract recruiters,” writes social networking expert Steve O’Hear. “In comparison, the productivity apps require a slight shift in how users conceptualize LinkedIn, where the site moves from being a glorified rolodex to become a kind of productivity portal or start page that conveniently ties web-based apps to your existing social graph.”

社交网络专家写道: “我敢打赌,大多数用户将首先选择使用'pimp my profile'类型的应用程序,因为他们所需的工作量要少得多,并且完全属于该网站最初的帮助吸引招聘者的工具,” 史蒂夫奥希尔(Steve O'Hear) 。 “相比之下,生产力应用程序需要用户对LinkedIn进行概念化的方式稍作转变,该站点已从荣耀的rolodex转变为一种生产力门户或起始页,可以方便地将基于Web的应用程序与您现有的社交图联系起来。”

Keeping the focus strictly on business and productivity may help LinkedIn avoid the noise that has led to app fatigue on Facebook and MySpace, but will users even utilize applications on LinkedIn? Applications only make sense if LinkedIn can convince people that they should start living in LinkedIn — not just visiting when they need to grab someone’s contact information and find out where they worked in the past. How do you use LinkedIn? Let us know in the comments below and by voting in our poll.

严格把重点放在业务和生产率上可以帮助LinkedIn避免导致Facebook和MySpace应用程序疲劳的噪音,但是用户是否会在LinkedIn上使用应用程序? 仅当LinkedIn可以说服人们说他们应该开始在LinkedIn中生活时,应用程序才有意义-不仅仅是在需要获取某人的联系信息并找出他们过去在哪里工作时进行访问。 您如何使用LinkedIn? 在下面的评论中以及通过对我们的投票进行投票,让我们知道。

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linkedin 架构
