
tech2024-03-16  96


In the last few weeks, the number of code-related blog posts in the ‘ole CFBlogosphere has skyrocketed – which is just the way I like it. This week I found lots of good material on writing object oriented code.

在过去的几周中,'ole CFBlogosphere中与代码相关的博客文章数量猛增-这就是我喜欢的方式。 本周,我发现了很多有关编写面向对象代码的好材料。

This bumper roundup will be the last that I’ll be posting this month – I’m off to Europe for a three week holiday in Poland, Slovenia, Italy and Germany. It’s my first time away in nearly 7 years – but of course, I’ll be thinking of you all… and many thanks to Mike Henke for sending me something to read on the plane!

这次丰收综述将是我本月将要发布的最后一个综述–我要去欧洲在波兰,斯洛文尼亚,意大利和德国度假三周。 这是我将近7年来的第一次–但是,我当然会想起你们的所有……并且非常感谢Mike Henke向我发送了一些要在飞机上阅读的东西!

Code – objects ahoy


Ben Nadel continues his adventure into learning object oriented programming with More Thoughts On MVC, OOP, And Form Submissions In ColdFusion and then OOPhoto Prototype – Understanding The Interface Before Defining The Domain Model. If you’re interested in OO, you will probably want to look into an ORM or object relational mapper framework to take some of the tedium out of creating objects. Bob Silverberg has written a series of posts on how he uses Transfer ORM. There’s now six parts, and they make an excellent read (hat tip to Sean Corfield):

Ben Nadel继续了他的学习面向对象编程的冒险,他对MVC,OOP和ColdFusion中的表单提交有了更多的思考 ,然后是OOPhoto原型-在定义域模型之前了解接口 。 如果您对OO感兴趣,则可能需要研究一个ORM或对象关系映射器框架,以摆脱创建对象的沉闷。 鲍勃·西弗伯格(Bob Silverberg)就如何使用Transfer ORM撰写了一系列文章。 现在有六个部分,它们读得很好(向Sean Corfield提示):

How I Use Transfer – Part I – Introduction


How I Use Transfer – Part II – Model Architecture


How I Use Transfer – Part III – Abstract Objects


How I Use Transfer – Part IV – My Abstract Service Object


How I Use Transfer – Part V – A Concrete Service Object


How I Use Transfer – Part V.1 – A Comment and Response


If you’re writing OO code already or are using a CFC-heavy framework, you may have been affected by the ColdFusion 8/Java 6 “classLoader” bug, which can affect startup times. Brian Ghidinelli did some experiments on a model-glue application and suggests that the bug is less prevalent on “cold” restarts (restart of CF completely) versus “warm” application reinitialization. Useful information for anyone having issues with this bug!

如果您已经在编写OO代码或正在使用CFC繁重的框架,则可能已受到ColdFusion 8 / Java 6“ classLoader”错误的影响,该错误可能会影响启动时间。 Brian Ghidinelli在模型胶水应用程序上进行了一些实验,并指出,与“热”应用程序重新初始化相比,该错误在“冷”重新启动(完全重新启动CF)时不那么普遍。 对任何对此错误有疑问的人的有用信息!

But wait, there’s more… a TON more:


The cfSearching blog includes a handy code snippet for generating sample images of all the fonts available in your JVM – meaning fonts that are available for use in CFDOCUMENT, CFREPORT and in image generation functions. Good to know!

cfSearching博客包含一个方便的代码段,用于生成JVM中所有可用字体的样本图像 -意味着可在CFDOCUMENT,CFREPORT和图像生成功能中使用的字体。 很高兴知道!

Interested in Lucene, the open source Java search engine? Sami Hoda has written two posts on using the Seeker wrapper for Lucene – ColdFusion & Lucene: Installing Seeker, which slipped under the radar last week, and now ColdFusion & Lucene: Running the Demos. Lucene is an Apache project and makes a good alternative to Verity for powering CFML site search

对开源Java搜索引擎Lucene感兴趣吗? Sami Hoda写了两篇关于在Lucene上使用Seeker包装器的文章– ColdFusion和Lucene:安装Seeker ,上周在雷达下悄悄溜走了,现在是ColdFusion&Lucene:运行演示 。 Lucene是一个Apache项目,可以很好地替代Verity,从而为CFML网站搜索提供支持

Doug Boude (rhymes with loud, ok?) explores basic security in Fusebox 5.5 – the flavor without XML controllers. As is often true of blogs posts, there are a couple of interesting comments on the post.

道格·鲍德(Doug Boude,大声的押韵,好吗?)探索了Fusebox 5.5中的基本安全性–没有XML控制器的风格 。 就像博客帖子一样,在帖子上有一些有趣的评论。

Raymond Camden’s “Ask a Jedi” series this week includes answers to questions about sorting a multi-dimensional array, datefields and masks, and ColdFusion.Ajax.SubmitForm

雷蒙德·卡姆登(Raymond Camden)本周的“问绝地”系列包括有关对多维数组 , 日期字段和掩码以及ColdFusion.Ajax.SubmitForm进行 排序的问题的答案。

Nic Tunney and Mike Henke both posted lists last week of “under-utilized” features – this week Simon Horwith adds an extra two underutilised CFML functions: setVariable and structAppend

Nic Tunney和Mike Henke上周都发布了“未充分利用”功能的列表-本周Simon Horwith增加了另外两个未充分利用的CFML函数:setVariable和structAppend

Steve Bryant has posted an introduction to writing unit tests with CFUnit

Steve Bryant发布了使用CFUnit编写单元测试的简介

Kai Koenig often writes and presents about internationalization issues – this week he explains away the mystery behind some characters specific to the German language

凯·科尼希(Kai Koenig)经常撰写和介绍国际化问题–本周, 他解释了一些德语特有字符背后的奥秘

Michael Sharman reminds us Don’t forget the ColdFusion site-wide error handler

Michael Sharman提醒我们不要忘记ColdFusion网站范围的错误处理程序

Sami Hoda  posts information on new tools for session scope lovers – I didn’t realize people were so passionate about scopes!

Sami Hoda发布了适用于会话范围爱好者的新工具的信息–我没有意识到人们对范围如此热衷!

Sean Corfield explains StructCopy

肖恩·科菲尔德(Sean Corfield)解释了StructCopy



A heads-up from Kristin Schofield, Adobe ColdFusion product manager about the online eSeminars that Adobe run each week. As well as those run from the US office, Adobe also run eSeminars from the Asia Pacific office, which anyone can attend.

Adobe ColdFusion产品经理Kristin Schofield的一个单向介绍了Adobe每周运行的在线电子研讨会 。 除了在美国办事处运行的软件外 , Adobe还在亚太区办公室运行电子研讨会 ,任何人都可以参加。

Raymond Camden has had a lot to say – and mostly not positive things – about the Adobe ColdFusion certification process in recent weeks. This week he has posted what he says is his last post on the topic: My last post on Adobe Certification. Andy Allan has also posted his views as an Adobe certified instructor.

最近几周,雷蒙德·卡姆登(Raymond Camden)对于Adobe ColdFusion认证过程有很多话要说-大多不是肯定的话。 本周,他发布了他所说的关于该主题的最新文章 : 我在Adobe Certification上的最新文章 。 安迪·艾伦(Andy Allan)也发表了他作为Adobe认证讲师的观点 。

CFConversations, the new podcast put together by Brian Meloche, has now hit episode 6, an interview with Michael Smith of Teratech.

布莱恩·梅洛奇(Brian Meloche)组合的新播客CFConversations现在已经达到第6集,接受了Teratech的迈克尔·史密斯(Michael Smith)的采访 。

And for something totally bad-ass: Critter Gewlas has gotten an old-school ColdFusion logo tattoo – now that’s commitment!

而对于某些完全不好的事情: Criter Gewlas已经获得了老式的ColdFusion徽标纹身 –现在,这就是承诺!

Alternative CFML engines


From Matt Woodward over at the Open BlueDragon camp comes a screencast on how to integrate BlazeDS into OpenBD to allow Flex remoting.

在Open BlueDragon阵营的Matt Woodward讲的截屏录像是关于如何将BlazeDS集成到OpenBD中以进行Flex远程处理的 。

The licensing of open source projects is a huge topic, and one that has only recently become relevant to much of the CFML community. Sean Corfield points to two helpful summaries of open source licenses, one written by Pete Freitag some time ago and another more recent (and more in-depth) article by Grant Skinner. There’s been a bit of discussion about new licensing for the ExtJS libraries that are included in ColdFusion 8. Sami Hoda has posted about the issue – and there are some excellent explanations in the comments.

开源项目的许可是一个巨大的话题,而且直到最近才与大多数CFML社区相关。 肖恩·科菲尔德(Sean Corfield)指出了两份有用的开源许可证摘要 ,一份是彼得·弗雷塔格 ( Pete Freitag)不久前写的,另一份是格randint·斯金纳(Grant Skinner)撰写的最近(更深入)的文章 。 对于ColdFusion 8中包含的ExtJS库的新许可,已经进行了一些讨论。SamiHoda已发布了有关此问题的信息 –注释中有一些很好的解释。

However, not everyone is jumping to open source alternatives: David Tucker has written an article for O’Reilly’s Inside RIA about why, after evaluating all the options available to him, he chose to purchase a license of Adobe ColdFusion (hat tip to Ben Forta). He makes some good points!

但是,并非所有人都跳到开源替代方案:David Tucker为O'Reilly的Inside RIA撰写了一篇文章,说明为什么在评估了所有可用选项后,他选择购买Adobe ColdFusion的许可证 ( Ben Forta的技巧提示) )。 他提出了一些好观点!

Finally, if news of my upcoming trip makes you envious, how about a ColdFusion cruise? RIA Adventure is billed as networking event – a cruise through the Bahamas with like-minded ColdFusion, Flex and RIA developers, but without speakers or sessions. Organised for February 2009 by Joshua Cyr, this cruise looks like a ton of geeky fun – and Jim Priest has even written a theme song.

最后,如果我即将来临的旅行消息让您羡慕不已,那么ColdFusion巡游又如何呢? RIA Adventure被称为网络活动–与志同道合的ColdFusion,Flex和RIA开发人员在巴哈马群岛巡游,但没有演讲者或会议。 这次巡游由约书亚·西尔 ( Joshua Cyr)于2009年2月组织,看上去像是一堆令人讨厌的乐趣- 吉姆·普里斯特 ( Jim Priest)甚至写过主题歌 。

That’s all for now, folks… keep coding and I’ll talk to you all in August.



