
tech2024-03-16  70


cf.Objective() 2008, the third instalment of the “enterprise engineering conference for ColdFusion MX Programmers” run by Jared Rypka-Hauer, is now over for another year. cf.Objective() is unique in the conference circuit in that it concentrates almost solely on advanced topics. It also seems to generate a huge buzz in the community, and attracts attendees from around the world to Minneapolis.

cf.Objective()2008(由Jared Rypka-Hauer举办的“ ColdFusion MX程序员企业工程会议”的第三部分)现在已经结束了一年。 cf.Objective()在会议回路中是唯一的,因为它几乎只专注于高级主题。 它似乎在社区中也引起了巨大的反响,吸引了来自世界各地的与会者到明尼阿波利斯。

It seems most delegates have arrived back home and updated their blogs, so I figure it’s time to see what they all learnt over the three days…


Brian Rinaldi wrote a comprehensive wrap-up for Fusion Authority. He noted that as the CF community continues to mature, developers are looking to the more advanced tools available to them to solve problems, namely Java, and this was evident in a number of session topics. He also noted that Flex was a hot topic, with so many sessions that a developer could spend the entire conference focused solely on Flex. Brian also reviewed several sessions in detail: Selling Professional Development in a Hostile Shop by Terrence Ryan; Leveraging Code Generation by Brian Kotek; Mate Flex Framework by Laura Arguello; Transfer Caching Mechanisms by Mark Mandel; and Flex: No Frameworks Required by Maxim Porges.

Brian Rinaldi为Fusion Authority撰写了一份综合总结 。 他指出,随着CF社区的不断成熟,开发人员正在寻找可用于解决问题的更高级的工具,即Java,这在许多会议主题中都显而易见。 他还指出,Flex是一个热门话题,会议太多,以至于开发人员可以将整个会议专门用于Flex。 Brian还详细回顾了一些会议: Terrence Ryan在一家敌对商店中销售专业开发产品 ; 利用Brian Kotek的代码生成 ; Mate Flex框架(Laura Arguello) ; Mark Mandel的传输缓存机制 ; 和Flex:Maxim Porges不需要任何框架 。

Mark Mandel wrote up his highlights, which included workshops on Model-Glue, ColdSpring, and Terrence Ryan’s session on Selling Professional Development at a Hostile Shop. While he was there, Mark presented two sessions on Transfer ORM (now at version 1.0) which were well-received – watch out for an interview with Mark on SitePoint in the near future.  He noted that the ColdFusion 9 information that was revealed was nothing overly surprising, but welcome nonetheless. Oh, and Mark was the lucky winner of the Nintendo Wii!

马克·曼德尔(Mark Mandel)撰写了他的重点文章 ,其中包括关于Model-Glue,ColdSpring的讲习班,以及Terrence Ryan在敌对商店出售专业开发的会议。 在他在那里的时候,Mark进行了两次关于Transfer ORM(现在是1.0版)的会议,会议受到了热烈欢迎–在不久的将来提防Mark在SitePoint上的采访。 他指出,所显示的ColdFusion 9信息不足为奇,但仍然很受欢迎。 哦,马克是任天堂Wii的幸运儿!

Brian Meloche posted three daily summaries – Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3 – as well as an overall review, giving the conference an ‘A’ grade. Brian goes into quite a bit of detail about each of the sessions he attended, and makes note in particular of the Open BlueDragon initiative (a beta version was released during the conference) and covers what was discussed at the BF9 “Birds of a Feather” session. He was disappointed that more emphasis was not placed on the need for a dedicated ColdFusion IDE from Adobe.

Brian Meloche发布了三份每日摘要- 第1天 , 第2 天和第3天 -以及总体评价 ,使会议获得“ A”级。 Brian详细介绍了他参加的每个会议,并特别提到了Open BlueDragon计划(会议期间发布了beta版),并涵盖了BF9“羽毛之鸟”中讨论的内容。会议。 他感到失望的是,没有将更多的重点放在需要Adobe提供的专用ColdFusion IDE上。

A lot of material was published post-conference! Some more highlights include:

会后发表了很多材料! 其他一些亮点包括:

Brian Kotek took away from the conference an impression that ColdFusion is at a crossroads. His thoughts on the future direction of the language are an interesting read.

Brian Kotek离开会议的印象是ColdFusion处在十字路口 。 他对语言的未来方向的看法很有趣。

Terrence Ryan posted his conference postscript in easy to read bullet points – and created a cf.Objective() 2009 to-do list.

泰伦斯·瑞安(Terrence Ryan)用易于理解的要点张贴了他的会议后记 –并创建了一个cf.Objective()2009待办事项清单。

Peter Bell summed up a whole stack of the presentations, noting the cf.Objective() “rocked”.

Peter Bell总结了整个演示文稿 ,并指出cf.Objective()令人震惊。

Adam Lehman posted about the suggestion that cf.Objective() might expand to Europe and/or Australia.

Adam Lehman发表了有关cf.Objective()可能扩展到欧洲和/或澳大利亚的建议 。

Free copies of the latest issue of the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update were distributed to attendees.

已向与会者分发了最新一期的《 Fusion Authority季度更新》的免费副本。

Andy Powell posted his cf.Objective() Flickr stream in a funky slideshow.

安迪·鲍威尔(Andy Powell)在一个时髦的幻灯片中发布了他的cf.Objective()Flickr流 。

A number of presenters have provided session materials online – slides and code samples:


Jason Delmore’s Developing ColdFusion Java Hybrid Applications

Jason Delmore正在开发ColdFusion Java混合应用程序

Brian Meloche’s ColdFusion as a Different Type of “Glue”

布莱恩·梅洛什(Brian Meloche)的ColdFusion作为另一种“胶水”

Phil Nacelli’s Leveraging Basic Design Patterns in ColdFusion

菲尔·纳切利(Phil Nacelli)利用ColdFusion中的基本设计模式

Peter J Farrell’s What’s New in Mach-II 1.6 and Using ANT

Peter J Farrell的Mach-II 1.6的新功能和使用ANT

Raymond Camden’s Spry and Model-Glue sessions

雷蒙德·卡姆登(Raymond Camden)的Spry和Model-Glue课程

Peter Bell’s Software Product Line Presentation


Brian Kotek’s Leveraging Code Generation

Brian Kotek的代码生成

John Mason’s Unit Testing and PCI-DSS

约翰·梅森(John Mason)的单元测试和PCI-DSS

Dan Wilson’s From Procedural to OO (slides linked from bottom of Chris Phillips’ session review)

丹·威尔逊(Dan Wilson)的《从程序到面向对象》 (幻灯片从克里斯·菲利普斯课程评论的底部链接)

Terrence Ryan’s Selling Professional Development Techniques

特伦斯·瑞安(Terrence Ryan)的销售专业开发技术

Andrew Powell’s Enterprise MVC with ColdFusion and Java

Andrew Powell的具有ColdFusion和Java的企业MVC

One factor that nearly every post mentioned was that it’s the people that make cf.Objective() so great. Steve Bryant resisted the urge to do some name-dropping, while Ben Nadel likened the experience to walking among giants. It’s certainly a recurring theme – as was the wish of many attendees to be back for cf.Objective() 2009!

几乎每个帖子都提到的一个因素是,使cf.Objective()如此出色的人。 史蒂夫· 布莱恩特( Steve Bryant)抵制了改名的冲动 ,而本·内德尔(Ben Nadel)将这种经历比作在巨人之间漫步 。 这肯定是一个反复出现的主题–正如许多与会者希望回到cf.Objective()2009一样!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/cfobjective-conference-wrap-up/

