
tech2024-03-17  74


The RSS tubes were clogged this week with news of the 1.0 release of Adobe AIR, the desktop client for rich internet applications, and Flex 3. It’s exciting news for sure, but I probably didn’t need to read about it 40-50 times over! Fortunately, I managed to find some ColdFusion news out there too…

RSS管本周被Adobe AIR 1.0版本(用于富互联网应用程序的桌面客户端)和Flex 3的消息所阻塞。这无疑是令人兴奋的消息,但我大概不需要阅读40至50次过度! 幸运的是,我也设法找到了一些ColdFusion新闻…

Before I get to that though, it’s worth noting that with all the fuss and focus on AIR and Flex, some developers have voiced concern yet again over Adobe’s commitment to the ColdFusion language. Jared Rypka-Hauer got a chance to quiz Bruce Chizen, CEO of Adobe, on that very topic, and was pleasantly surprised with the candour of the responses he received.

在开始讨论之前,值得注意的是,由于所有的大惊小怪并专注于AIR和Flex,一些开发人员再次对Adobe对ColdFusion语言的承诺表示担忧。 贾里德·里普卡·豪尔(Jared Rypka-Hauer)有机会就这个话题向Adobe首席执行官布鲁斯·奇岑(Bruce Chizen)提问,他收到的坦率回应令他感到惊喜。

Want to know why Adobe evangelist Adam Lehman likes ColdFusion? Check out his “30onAIR” spots – then check out some of the others being showcased on the 30onAIR web site. If you feel moved to contribute your own 30 second video on why you love ColdFusion (or Flex, or AIR, or anything Adobe-related really), just post it on YouTube and tag it with “30onAIR” – and if all goes smoothly, it should appear on the site. Adobe have been sending little USB cameras out to user groups, so expect to see more creativity from the trenches in the coming weeks.

想知道为什么Adobe传播者Adam Lehman喜欢ColdFusion吗? 查看他的“ 30onAIR”景点 –然后查看30onAIR网站上展示的其他一些景点 。 如果您想为自己为什么喜欢ColdFusion(或Flex,AIR或与Adobe相关的任何事物)贡献自己的30秒视频,只需将其发布到YouTube上并标记为“ 30onAIR”即可-如果一切顺利,它应该出现在网站上。 Adobe一直在向用户组发送少量USB摄像头,因此希望在未来几周内能从沟槽中获得更多的创造力。

Hat tip to Tony, who left a comment last week: ColdBox 2.5.2 has been released, and the project has a new web site to boot. ColdBox is another MVC framework, although it looks like it includes some reusable components as standard and the documentation seems to be very advanced for an open source project. Is anyone using ColdBox who would like to let me know how it differs from other frameworks?

给Tony的提示,他在上周发表了评论: ColdBox 2.5.2已发布,并且该项目具有要启动的新网站 。 ColdBox是另一个MVC框架,尽管看起来它包含一些可重用的组件作为标准组件,并且该文档对于开源项目而言似乎非常先进。 是否有任何使用ColdBox的人想让我知道它与其他框架有何不同?

Ever needed to rotate a PDF? The CFPDF tag built into CF8 does not support that functionality, but it is possible to access the underlying iText Java libraries which do include PDF rotatation. Yet another great example of how ColdFusion developers can benefit from a smattering of Java knowledge – even if it is someone else’s knowledge!

曾经需要旋转PDF吗? CF8中内置的CFPDF标签不支持该功能,但是可以访问包含PDF旋转功能的基础iText Java库 。 另一个很好的例子说明了ColdFusion开发人员如何从少量Java知识中受益-即使它是别人的知识!

ColdFusion Jedi master Ray Camden has posted a very simple overview of how to write applications for the Facebook platform. While lots of resources on that topic are already available, Ray has put a specific ColdFusion slant on his post that CF developers will no doubt find useful.

ColdFusion Jedi大师Ray Camden发布了有关如何为Facebook平台编写应用程序的非常简单的概述 。 尽管已经有很多关于该主题的资源,但是Ray在他的帖子中提出了一个特定的ColdFusion倾向,CF开发人员无疑会发现有用。

Development on the FarCry framework/CMS marches on, and in an effort to make developers’ lives easier, Daemon have released custom dictionaries for CFEclipse which provide tag insight and hinting as you type. As an added bonus, the team have implemented a system which will keep the dictionaries automatically updated with changes to the FarCry core. Clever!

为了简化开发人员的工作,FarCry框架/ CMS的开发正在进行中, Daemon发布了CFEclipse的自定义词典 ,可在您键入时提供标签洞察力和提示。 作为额外的奖励,该团队已实施了一个系统,该系统将随着FarCry核心的更改自动更新字典。 聪明!

Leave a comment – are you excited about AIR? Or sick to death of hearing about it? Did something else happen this week you think I should cover?

发表评论–您对AIR感到兴奋吗? 还是因听说而病死? 您认为本周应该做些其他事情吗?


