
tech2024-03-17  81 ria应用

Yahoo! Developer Network Technical Evangelist Mattt Thompson put up a long post today on the YDN blog laying out his vision for the future of the web and what Web 3.0 might look like. Says Thompson, Web 3.0 will be all about the ubiquity of desktop/offline access for rich Internet applications.

雅虎! 开发人员网络技术推广员Mattt Thompson今天在YDN博客上发表了一篇长文章,阐述了他对Web的未来以及Web 3.0的外观的看法。 汤普森说,Web 3.0将成为富Internet应用程序的桌面/离线访问的无处不在。

Thompson framed his case for Web 3.0 by defining Web 2.0 — or at least the technology that made it possible. According to Thompson, regardless of the specifics of the Web 2.0 definition that you subscribe to, most of what we think of as the current generation of the web was made possible by Ajax.

汤普森通过定义Web 2.0或至少使之成为可能的技术来构架Web 3.0。 根据汤普森的说法,无论您所订阅的Web 2.0定义的细节如何,Ajax都使我们认为最现代的Web成为现实。

“Asynchronous communication between the browser and servers (a la Ajax) provided the latency needed to recreate the look and feel of a regular desktop application,” he writes. “Not to argue the finer points in this minefield of buzzwords and strong opinions, but the emergence of rich user interaction changed everything. It got people to rethink what a website could be. It was a newer, shinier series of tubes.”

他写道:“浏览器和服务器(la Ajax)之间的异步通信提供了重新创建常规桌面应用程序外观所需的延迟。” “不要争辩这个流行语和强硬见解的雷区的精妙之处,但是丰富的用户交互作用的出现改变了一切。 人们不得不重新考虑一个网站可能是什么。 这是一种更新的,更闪亮的管系列。”

Thompson thinks that other new technologies could have a similarly substantial impact on the web and “make Web 2.0 no more than a distant memory.”

汤普森认为,其他新技术可能会对网络产生类似的实质性影响,并且“使Web 2.0成为遥远的记忆”。

His leading candidates right now are Gears — the open source offline sync API from Google — and Yahoo! BrowserPlus, a similar offline API for web developers that takes a different, more modular approach than Google’s Gears.

目前,他的主要候选人是Gears (来自Google的开源离线同步API)和Yahoo! BrowserPlus ,一种类似于Web开发人员的脱机API,与Google的Gears相比,采用了不同的模块化方法。

Thompson says that even though many bloggers and developers have described Gears and BrowserPlus as competitors, they’re not necessarily so. “With their respective design goals in mind, it doesn’t make sense to look at Gears and BrowserPlus as competitors. Sure, both have an intersecting feature set, including desktop integration, and automatic software updates, but that’s where the similarities end,” he says.

汤普森表示,尽管许多博客作者和开发人员都将Gears和BrowserPlus描述为竞争对手,但不一定如此。 考虑到他们各自的设计目标,将Gears和BrowserPlus视为竞争对手是没有意义的。 当然,两者都具有相交的功能集,包括桌面集成和自动软件更新,但这就是相似之处的终点。”他说。

Gears is a back end technology, says Thompson, while BrowserPlus has potential to be used for front end tasks. Together, they reveal his vision for Web 3.0: an Internet in which applications move seamlessly from between online and offline environments, from the web to the desktop, and where that is as expected as all the Ajaxy-bits are today.

汤普森说,Gears是一种后端技术,而BrowserPlus有潜力用于前端任务。 他们在一起揭示了他对Web 3.0的愿景:一个Internet,其中应用程序可以从联机和脱机环境之间无缝地移动,从Web到桌面,并且可以像今天所有Ajaxy一样在此进行移动。

“If you think back to how Ajax changed the way people could interact with websites, much of it is completely transparent. For instance, deleting items in a list with real-time feedback is so pervasive that it became an expected behavior,” writes Thompson, who says that he can envision a web where the type of things enabled by Gears and BrowserPlus become “equally pervasive, yet [remain] invisible to the normal user.”

“如果回想一下Ajax如何改变人们与网站交互的方式,那么其中的大部分都是完全透明的。 例如,删除具有实时反馈的列表中的项目太普遍了,以至于它变成了预期的行为。”汤普森说,他可以预见到一个网络,其中Gears和BrowserPlus支持的事物类型将变得“同样普遍”,但是[对普通用户仍然不可见。“

If RIAs are the future of the web — or even the future of computing — then offline/desktop access is supremely important. The browser is not a very good operating system, so being able to run applications on the desktop is an important transitional step toward Thompson’s vision of Web 3.0 and the future of thin client computing.

如果RIA是Web的未来,甚至是计算的未来,那么脱机/桌面访问至关重要 。 浏览器不是一个很好的操作系统,因此能够在桌面上运行应用程序是Thompson对Web 3.0的愿景以及瘦客户机计算的未来迈出的重要过渡。

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