
tech2024-03-17  94


From the “Research that Makes Spammers Giddy” department, Jordan McCollum over at Marketing Pilgrim points to an interesting new study from Ball State University’s Center for Media Design and ExactTarget. The study, Messaging Behaviors, Preferences, and Personas looked at how different groups of people interact with media and which sales channels work best to reach them.

从“使垃圾邮件制造者变得头晕的研究”部门到Marketing Pilgrim的Jordan McCollum 指出,来自鲍尔州立大学媒体设计中心和ExactTarget的一项有趣的新研究。 这项研究( 消息传递行为,偏好和角色)研究了不同人群与媒体的互动方式以及哪种销售渠道最能吸引他们。

The researchers found that almost universally, direct mail and email marketing were far more persuasive at getting people to make purchases than any sort of social network advertising.


“One of the key findings in this research is that 18- to 34-year-olds claim they are more likely to be influenced to make purchases based on email marketing messages and direct mail than marketing messages on social networks,” Mike Bloxham, the director of insight and research at Ball State University’s Center for Media Design, said in a press release. “It is too easy to assume that the media consumers choose for their own news, information and entertainment are, by default, the best media to use for marketing messages. This is a dangerous assumption to make in a time when consumers are becoming increasingly aware of their level of control over their media experiences.”

“这项研究的主要发现之一是,与社交网络上的营销消息相比,年龄在18至34岁之间的人声称,他们更可能受到基于电子邮件营销消息和直接邮件进行购买的影响,”鲍尔州立大学媒体设计中心的洞察力和研究主任在新闻稿中说。 “很容易假设,媒体消费者默认选择自己的新闻,信息和娱乐方式是用于营销信息的最佳媒体。 当消费者越来越意识到自己对媒体体验的控制水平时,做出这样的假设是危险的。”

That’s terrible news for social networks. They’re the preferred hangouts for those in many of the market segments that the study looked at, including teens, college students, and “young homemakers,” but sales messages on social sites just don’t resonate with consumers. In some cases, advertising on social networks is actually offensive to users, who feel that it is a violation of what they look at as private sales channels. It’s also bad news for our inboxes, as this sort of study validates spam as a effective tool for unscrupulous marketers.

对于社交网络而言,这是一个可怕的消息。 对于研究对象众多的细分市场,包括青少年,大学生和“年轻的家庭主妇”,他们是首选的聚会场所,但是社交网站上的销售信息并没有引起消费者的共鸣。 在某些情况下,社交网络上的广告实际上冒犯了用户,他们认为这违反了他们对私人销售渠道的看法。 对于我们的收件箱来说,这也是个坏消息,因为这类研究证明垃圾邮件是不道德的营销人员的有效工具。

Some key findings from the study below about their six persona types:


Wired Consumers – 20% have subscribed for marketing communications via SMS, which is a higher rate than any other group. However, they only want to be bothered with urgent customer service issues, not sales pitches.

有线消费者 – 20%的人通过短信订阅了营销通讯,这一比率比任何其他团体都要高。 但是,他们只希望被紧急的客户服务问题困扰,而不是推销。

Young Homemakers – More than 50% use social networks and SMS, but respond better to direct mail and email marketing.

年轻的家庭主妇 –超过50%的人使用社交网络和SMS,但对直接邮件和电子邮件营销的React更好。

Retired Consumers – 81% have purchased online and 94% have been influenced by some form of direct marketing to make a purchase. Read: the target market for sleazy spammers.

退休的消费者 – 81%的人在网上购物,而94%的人受到某种形式的直接营销进行购物的影响。 阅读:肮脏的垃圾邮件发送者的目标市场。

College Students – The study found that college students are very spam-savvy and thus think that private communication channels such as SMS and social networks should be off limits for marketers. This is perhaps the most valuable demographic, but good luck reaching them where they live.

大学生 –研究发现,大学生非常懂垃圾邮件,因此认为诸如SMS和社交网络之类的私人交流渠道不应成为营销人员的选择。 这也许是最有价值的人口统计信息,但是很幸运能到达他们居住的地方。

Teens – Use social networking more than any other group but surprisingly, they’re more likely to make a purchase from direct mail, followed by email, SMS and then social network sites.

青少年 -使用社交网络比任何其他组,但奇怪的是,他们更可能让从直接邮寄购买,其次是电子邮件,短信, 然后社交网络网站。

Established Professionals – Among the members of this group, women are more likely than men to use new digital media channels such as IM, SMS and social networking, but both genders are heavy online shoppers, with 92% having made an Internet purchase.

成熟的专业人员 –在该组成员中,女性比男性更有可能使用IM,SMS和社交网络等新的数字媒体渠道,但是,男性和女性都是在线购物的重货,其中92%的人已经购买了互联网。

Where do you fall among those groupings? Are you more likely to respond to a direct sales pitch, email marketing, or marketing that comes via social channels like IM or social networks? Should social networks be off limits for marketers? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

您在这些分组中属于哪儿? 您是否更有可能响应直销,电子邮件营销或通过IM或社交网络等社交渠道进行的营销? 社交网络是否应该限制营销人员? 在评论中让我们知道您的想法。


