
tech2024-03-17  82

Just two days after Hasbro’s law suit and DMCA take down notice forced the super-popular Scrabble clone application Scrabulous off Facebook, the game’s creators Jayant and Rajat Agarwalla are back with a new application called Wordscraper. With the absence of Scrabulous, the official Scrabble application from Hasbro has enjoyed a surge in users — up from 10,000 or so a couple of days ago (daily active) to 62,000 today. Wordscraper, meanwhile, has about 3,500 users as I write this.

在孩之宝的诉讼和DMCA撤消通知,迫使超级受欢迎的Scrabble克隆应用程序Scrabulous离开Facebook仅仅两天后,游戏的创建者Jayant和Rajat Agarwalla便推出了名为Wordscraper的新应用程序。 由于缺少Scrabulous,Hasbro的官方Scrabble应用程序的用户数量激增-从几天前的10,000(每天活跃)到今天的62,000。 同时,在撰写本文时,Wordscraper大约有3500个用户。

The Agarwallas are clearly hoping that Wordscraper will become the preferred home of Scrabulous refugees. If Scrabulous hadn’t been such a high profile application on Facebook — in many circles it was really treated as the flagship app for the site’s platform — this wouldn’t be such a big story.

Agarwallas显然希望Wordscraper成为Scrabulous难民的首选住所。 如果Scrabulous并不是在Facebook上如此引人注目的应用程序-在许多圈子中,它实际上都被视为该网站平台的旗舰应用程序-这可不是什么大事了。

We’ve advocated a couple of times on this blog that in order to save Scrabulous, the Agarwalla brothers should take the same approach as Roger Nesbitt, who saved his Boggle clone app by changing the rules, the name, and the look very slightly. The Agarwallas have essentially done that with Wordscraper — though the changes aren’t necessarily so slight.

我们在此博客上多次提倡为了拯救Scrabulous,Agarwalla兄弟应该采取与Roger Nesbitt相同的方法,后者通过略微更改规则,名称和外观来保存Boggle克隆应用程序。 Agarwallas本质上是使用Wordscraper来完成的,尽管变化不一定那么小。

Wordscraper is a basic Scrabble-like crossword puzzle game but the board is created randomly and includes not just double and triple letter and word scoring tiles, but quadruple and quintuple scoring tiles as well — often times too many of them. My first word in my first game of Wordscraper, which would have been no more than 12 points in Scrabble, racked up 192 points on Wordscraper because if fell on three triple letter score tiles and a couple of quadruple word scores. Maybe a little excessive.

Wordscraper是一款类似于Scrabble的基本纵横填字游戏,但该棋盘是随机创建的,不仅包括双字母和三字母和单词计分板,而且还包括四倍和五倍计分板-常常是它们的太多倍。 在我的第一个Wordscraper游戏中,我的第一个单词在Scrabble中不超过12分,但在Wordscraper上获得了192分,因为如果落在三个三字母得分和两个四倍的单词得分上。 也许有点过分。

Wordscraper also allows users to create their own game boards by laying down bonus letter and word score tiles wherever they want. Theoretically that means you could create a game that is identical to Scrabble. There are some problems, though:

Wordscraper还允许用户通过在任意位置放置奖励字母和单词得分图块来创建自己的游戏板。 从理论上讲,这意味着您可以创建与Scrabble相同的游戏。 但是存在一些问题:

It’s ugly! In order not to infringe on Hasbro’s game board design trademarks, the Agarwalla brothers opted to create a board with circle letter tiles. The result, however, is that the board looks like a field of polka dots and starts to swim if you look at it for more than few minutes. Thankfully, the main page of Wordscraper bears a note saying, “The first thing that we change will be the look/feel.”

它很丑! 为了不侵犯孩之宝的游戏板设计商标,阿加瓦拉兄弟(Agarwalla)兄弟选择创建带有圆圈字母图块的板。 但是,结果是木板看起来像是一个圆点的区域,如果您观察它超过几分钟,它就会开始游泳。 值得庆幸的是,Wordscraper的主页上有一条便条,上面写着:“我们要做的第一件事就是外观。”

Scoring is hidden. Like Scrabulous, the game still automatically tallies your would-be score as you place letter tiles on the board, but because of the ill-advised round tiles, none of the individual letter scores are shown. For a Scrabble addict like me (I own about 5 versions of the game), that’s fine because I already know what each letter is worth, but for anyone else that might get annoying. The game seems to still use normal Scrabble scoring.

计分被隐藏。 像Scrabulous一样,当您在板上放置字母拼块时,游戏仍会自动计算您的预期得分,但是由于不建议使用的圆形拼块,因此未显示任何单个字母得分。 对于像我这样的拼字游戏瘾君子(我拥有大约5个游戏版本),这很好,因为我已经知道每个字母的价值,但对于其他可能会讨厌的人。 游戏似乎仍然使用正常的拼字游戏评分。

You can’t save board designs. If you touch on a board design you like, either randomly generated or user created, you can’t save it. If you want to play with that board again you have two options: re-create it by hand, or navigate to the game again and click the “Start a similar game link.” Wordscraper smartly gives users the option of promoting their boards to friends via a public link, but a way to save boards you like to a gallery or share them in the game would be smart. Our guess: the most popular boards would be Scrabble clones. That might end up being an issue, but (and I am not a lawyer), I think that since they’d be user created the DMCA would offer a bit of protection to the Agarwalla’s in that case.

您无法保存电路板设计。 如果触摸喜欢的电路板设计(随机生成或用户创建),则无法保存。 如果要再次使用该板,则有两个选择:手动重新创建,或再次导航到游戏并单击“启动类似游戏链接”。 Wordscraper巧妙地为用户提供了通过公共链接向朋友推荐他们的棋盘的选项,但是将您喜欢的棋盘保存到图库或在游戏中共享的方法很聪明。 我们的猜测:最受欢迎的板将是Scrabble克隆。 那可能最终成为一个问题,但是(而且我不是律师),我认为由于DMCA是用户创建的,因此在这种情况下,DMCA将为Agarwalla的使用提供一些保护。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/scrabulous-reborn-as-wordscraper-sort-of/
