
tech2024-03-17  82


A few years ago, a Russian site called AllofMP3 electrified servers around the world as people clamored to download DRM-free songs at well below the market rate (generally 20-30 cents as opposed to 89-99 cents each) before the site was shut down. In 2006 the RIAA brough a $1.65 trillion lawsuit against the company, which said it operated in compliance with Russian copyright law. In June 2007, the web site shut its doors after being pressured by the Russian government (a sister-site MP3Sparks, as well an affiliated invite only site called “MemphisMembers,” still survive).

几年前,一个俄罗斯网站名为AllofMP3的电气化服务器遍布世界各地,人们大声疾呼,在关闭该网站之前,他们以低于市场价格的价格下载免费DRM歌曲(通常为20-30美分,而不是89-99美分)。下。 2006年,RIAA对该公司提起了1.65万亿美元的诉讼,该诉讼说该公司遵守俄罗斯版权法。 2007年6月,该网站在俄罗斯政府的压力下关门(一个姐妹网站MP3Sparks以及一个名为“ MemphisMembers”的附属邀请网站仍然存在)。

Now, TechCrunch reports that a Ukrainian site with a similar business model of selling DRM-free MP3 music for well below market rate ($0.20 or less per song) has emerged. The site, MP3Count, might not last for a couple of reasons.

现在,据TechCrunch报道 ,一个类似的乌克兰网站已经出现,它以低于市场价格(每首歌曲0.20美元或更低)的价格出售无DRM的MP3音乐。 站点MP3Count可能由于以下几个原因而无法持续。

One reason, as one of the commenters at TechCrunch points out, is that the Ukraine is part of the World Trade Organization, unlike Russia. That means pressure from the US government and the EU to shut down the site might be more quickly complied with than it was in the case of AllofMP3.

正如TechCrunch的一位评论者所指出的,原因之一是乌克兰与俄罗斯不同,它是世界贸易组织的一部分。 这意味着与AllofMP3相比,美国政府和欧盟要求关闭该站点的压力可能会更快地得到遵守。

The other reason, as another commenter brings up, is that MP3Count is an exact duplicate of an existing Russian site called MP3Sugar, which has been around since at least 2005. It’s hard to tell if the two sites are related or not — both have completely different domain name registration information — but MP3Count mimics more than just the design. All textual and graphic content, lists of top artists, and even download stats are the same on both sites.

另一位评论者提到,另一个原因是MP3Count与俄罗斯名为MP3Sugar的现有网站完全相同 ,该网站至少在2005年就已存在。很难确定两个网站是否相关-两者都完全相关不同的域名注册信息-但是MP3Count不仅模仿设计。 两个网站上的所有文字和图形内容,顶尖歌手列表,甚至下载统计信息都相同。

If MP3Count isn’t a sanctioned duplicate of MP3Sugar, it could face trouble on two fronts — from the RIAA and other recording industry groups on one side, and from irate Russian web site owners on the other.



